Hands fingers tingly, numb, constant pressure felt in nails

Posted by kuro @kuro, Jun 26, 2023

hi there,

im a 39yo male, height 174cm and current weight at 60kg.

was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome a month+ ago. onset was terribly painful with waves of pain shooting down the fingers, tingling and numbness in my hands and fingers, but i notice a sensation like constant pressure in my fingers (esp the fingertips and the fingernails within)... im seeing ridges of redness right beneath the fingernail part as well

did a blood test to test for diabetes (negative) but somehow doc found that i am b12 deficient. was put on lyrica, daneuron (b1/6/12) and mecobalamin.

doc referred me to the specialist (hand & recon department) and i waited for a month (today) to visit that specialist. had a brief consultation, of which she's going to put me on vit b12 for another 2 months. today i also did a nerve conduction test, the readings are already out, but i won't get to know what they mean until i visit this specialist 2 months later, which only then she would put me to a "cervical spine x-ray, AP and Lat"

i asked this specialist what does she make of the pressure in my fingernails but she said its possibly liver disease but not under her purview.

last week, i did go to another private gp to do a yearly healthcheck and the comprehensive blood test results were okay. nothing too abnormal.

thus, im not sure if what im experiencing now is carpal tunnel related, or something more underlying (like disease of an organ).

the original waves of pain has since subsided, but i still get constant tingly-ness and also this bugging pressure esp. within the finger nails. some other symptoms that have cropped up within the one month of waiting:
• my legs get numb very easily after sitting down for even a short while, with my left butt cheek in constant pull
• my feet can get numb too if i stand up a little too long
• im getting constantly dizziness after i woke up, and the dizziness can plague me throughout the whole day
• there was an anal skin tag growth which kind of grew larger but has since subsided
• i lost about 2kg of weight (dropped from 62 to 60) and while all my life i never quite put on weight easily, i don't lose them too

could anyone possibly help me with an alternative opinion?

i really need to get myself back in good shape so i can work harder, longer to support my family (only son). any comments will be greatly appreciated. ty.

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i have noted ive only got worse since i had my gut internal examination this never happened before i know we have less gut acid so it could be that as some food that are coming out out my body are undigested i tend to think its bad enough suddenly losing two stone in weight in a short space of time even though i intended to only loss maybe 1 stone, i almost look like my brother is about 8 stone but he suffers from alcohol addiction most of his life

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Thanks for sharing. I hope you are feeling better since then

May i know with the gut issue detected, did that also cause your body to absorb certain nutrients less?


Thanks for sharing. I hope you are feeling better since then

May i know with the gut issue detected, did that also cause your body to absorb certain nutrients less?

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nothing major from the the internal diverticulitis and hemorrhoids the last one is wear and tear which can be dealt with by a Chinese cream somewhat expensive though the first one need more fibre so i am told still waiting on the bloods

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