Hair loss after transplant, probably Tacrolimus: Anyone change meds?

Posted by hello1234 @hello1234, Mar 26, 2022

In the beginning, my hair loss seemed minimal and I took Biotin supplements. Now, approaching my 2nd anniversary for my kidney transplant, my hair is coming out in gobs. I believe it's probably the Tacronlimis. If you had this problem, what did you do to solve it? Rogaine for Women, Hairmax laser comb, change your medication, or something else? Please let me know your experience (I think I am going bald).
Many thanks!

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@texastxp, Welcome to Connect and Congratulations on your liver transplant. You have certainly had a busy couple of months and I hope that you are healing and will be soon returning to some of your normal/pre liver failure/transplant activities!
My transplant was in 2009 when I received a liver and kidney at Mayo Rochester. Unlike you, I had one surgery for both organs. And like you I have a white head of hair. It was mostly white before my surgery because I have vitiligo which also causes nonpigmented areas of skin that don't tan. This has been active since I was in 5th grade. (I'm mid 70's now) Mom and Grandpa also had white hair, My dad, however, and his dad were bald, as are a couple of my brothers, and now one of my sons. None of them have had a transplant, and are not taking immunosuppressant meds. My hair did get wirey during my liver failure, and it thinned after my transplant surgery. but it was temporary. I was I wish that I had some hair ideas that I could share with you.

How is your recovery coming along? Are you at home now?

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I’ve been home for 2 weeks. Besides the lack of strength in my legs; which I’m working on, I’m having some stomach pain. They believe I’m backed up and we’ve made some changes to my meds yesterday during my follow up. Hopefully that gets resolved here soon.


Anyone since the last post found anything that may help men with hair loss? I’m new and had my first liver TX 2 months ago and then my second 1 month ago. I noticed since my first that my hair started thinning. My hair already had gone prematurely gray when I had a bad immune disorder flare up that caused me to almost go sceptic 12 years ago. I was in my mid-30’s and was grayer than my parents lol.

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@texastxp, Welcome to Connect and Congratulations on your liver transplant. You have certainly had a busy couple of months and I hope that you are healing and will be soon returning to some of your normal/pre liver failure/transplant activities!
My transplant was in 2009 when I received a liver and kidney at Mayo Rochester. Unlike you, I had one surgery for both organs. And like you I have a white head of hair. It was mostly white before my surgery because I have vitiligo which also causes nonpigmented areas of skin that don't tan. This has been active since I was in 5th grade. (I'm mid 70's now) Mom and Grandpa also had white hair, My dad, however, and his dad were bald, as are a couple of my brothers, and now one of my sons. None of them have had a transplant, and are not taking immunosuppressant meds. My hair did get wirey during my liver failure, and it thinned after my transplant surgery. but it was temporary. I was I wish that I had some hair ideas that I could share with you.

How is your recovery coming along? Are you at home now?


There was another conversation regarding this. However, I also tried Biotin with no postive results. I switched over to BioSil and this has helped a lot. I still have a couple of spots that are not as thick and I am trying The Ordinary multi-peptide serum for hair density (my salon recommended this to me), but still taking the BioSil. The BioSil is also good for your nails and skin. I cleared it with my transplant team prior to taking though.


Anyone since the last post found anything that may help men with hair loss? I’m new and had my first liver TX 2 months ago and then my second 1 month ago. I noticed since my first that my hair started thinning. My hair already had gone prematurely gray when I had a bad immune disorder flare up that caused me to almost go sceptic 12 years ago. I was in my mid-30’s and was grayer than my parents lol.

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Biotin for the win! Talk to your team first but that is what I take. My team actually recommended it. It took about two months to start seeing a difference for me. I also use a volumizing shampoo by Joico.


Anyone since the last post found anything that may help men with hair loss? I’m new and had my first liver TX 2 months ago and then my second 1 month ago. I noticed since my first that my hair started thinning. My hair already had gone prematurely gray when I had a bad immune disorder flare up that caused me to almost go sceptic 12 years ago. I was in my mid-30’s and was grayer than my parents lol.


I am in my first year of kidney transplant. I have lost a lot of hair, it actually started while I was on dialysis. The right side of my head is thinner than my left. I am still dealing with the hair loss issue. Since I have curly hair, it doesn't look the same anymore. I have already purchased some wigs to wear on days that I don't want to do anything to my natural hair. I am using biotin haven't seen any improvement yet but I am hopeful. I just don't like seeing my scalp on a daily basis and with this heat here in SC it's too hot for a wig.

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Congratulations on your transplant.
I had lost half of my hair due to COVID, then I lost half of what was left after the transplant. I tried Biotin for the first six-eight months with no help, my hair continued to fall out. Then I started on BioSil, which my transplant team ok'd (I check everything out with them first). Then my hair started the turn around. My hair is now thick again. However, the texture has changed some. I still have one spot (about the size of a nickel) that you can see my scalp, which I am going to try something topical, which the salon I go to recommended, and see how that works. I will let you know though if it works.
I have been going to the salon (or having them come to my house for the first few months) to have my hair colored since 3 months after my transplant. However, they use a very gentle product (Redken's chromatics) that has no ammonia (no fumes). Since, I am a double lung transplant recipient, I am very careful of my lungs and keep my mask on the whole time.


I am in my first year of kidney transplant. I have lost a lot of hair, it actually started while I was on dialysis. The right side of my head is thinner than my left. I am still dealing with the hair loss issue. Since I have curly hair, it doesn't look the same anymore. I have already purchased some wigs to wear on days that I don't want to do anything to my natural hair. I am using biotin haven't seen any improvement yet but I am hopeful. I just don't like seeing my scalp on a daily basis and with this heat here in SC it's too hot for a wig.

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Hi, @brendag60. It is really disappointing, isn't it, when we begin to feel so good after our transplant...until we look into the mirror! I remember that my hair was dull, wirey and thinning. I also remember that I didn't really care until My recovery was well underway. I also had problem fingernails that were dark and brittle. so at my 4/5 month check up I asked the transplant dermatologist what to do. He told me that some patients have good results by taking biotin, and suggested the amount which I don't remember. He said it could take a while, and it "might" work for me, but he also assured me that my labs were good and I was eating healthy foods, and that in time, my hair and nails would be normal again.
As for my hair., my beautician/cosmetologist who specialized in working with cancer patients had me use gentle shampoo and conditioner. I did not get any hair perms or get my hair colored. If you have a cosmetologist in your area, you might want to consult with them. Be patient because your hair will come back.
I remember going hiking at 9 months post transplant and while my hair was continuing to shed, my nails were coming loose and snagging on my clothing, so I actually wrapped each fingertip in surgical tape and wore gloves to protect them. Sounds yucky as I write this. I even figured out how to cut a fake nail covering out of clear surgical tape to cover my nails. I did n ot want to use any chemical products on m y nails. It worked for me and if anyone benefits from this idea, you/they are welcome to try it!

Brendag60, Congratulations on your recent kidney transplant! Other than your concern about hair loss, How is your recovery coming along? Have you been able to return to any of your normal activitites yet?


I am in my first year of kidney transplant. I have lost a lot of hair, it actually started while I was on dialysis. The right side of my head is thinner than my left. I am still dealing with the hair loss issue. Since I have curly hair, it doesn't look the same anymore. I have already purchased some wigs to wear on days that I don't want to do anything to my natural hair. I am using biotin haven't seen any improvement yet but I am hopeful. I just don't like seeing my scalp on a daily basis and with this heat here in SC it's too hot for a wig.


I have been taking BioSil for almost a year. My hair has come back to almost its original thickness. I had double checked with my transplant doctor and he said it was ok to take. I have still been taking it so that it helps my skin that has gone very thin and my nails. My nails are now stronger than they have ever been.


Good to hear from you! I am on Envarsus XR 0.75 times 3 tablets. I still have tremors but much less. Do we just resign ourselves to living with these shakes, being unable to type easily on the computer, trying to lessen tremors by taking anxiety meds? Dr, Peddi told me if Envarsus XR does not work for me he would help me find a med that would work. I am getting to that point maybe. Anyone else change off Envarsus XR? Side Effects of new med? I may be trading one bad experience for another. Ideas? Not an easy journey. And grateful for new kidney too. Blessings, BB

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Hi @blbird33 😊
I am a three year post kidney transplant patient that takes Envarsus XR too. Which meds and dosages do you take in addition to Envarsus XR?

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