Hair loss after transplant, probably Tacrolimus: Anyone change meds?
In the beginning, my hair loss seemed minimal and I took Biotin supplements. Now, approaching my 2nd anniversary for my kidney transplant, my hair is coming out in gobs. I believe it's probably the Tacronlimis. If you had this problem, what did you do to solve it? Rogaine for Women, Hairmax laser comb, change your medication, or something else? Please let me know your experience (I think I am going bald).
Many thanks!
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Liver transplant. On a very small dosage of tacrolimus. It took probably 6 months of faithfully taking the suggested dosage every day. I also use a very wide tooth comb and massage my scalp which may or may not work, just feels good.
Hi @katebw 😊 I am happy to hear that you had such a nice result from taking biotin! About how long did you take biotin before you started to see an improvement? I also take Cellcept and Tacronlimis with significant hair loss. What dosages are you currently taking of Cellcept and Tacronlimis?
Thanks for sharing your story!
@shepn7 my liver transplant was almost 10 months ago. I take tacrolimus and Cellcept. I noticed my hair thinning and feeling straw- like about 2 months ago. It didn’t come out in clumps but I had to call the plumber and get special drain nets. There were long strands of my shoulder length brown hair on my pillow each morning. My transplant team approved use of biotin 1000 mcg each day, with a reduction to 5000 mcg when I could feel a difference. It’s worked like a champ. My hair is still straw like but it’s full and I’m told the texture will get better. I use shampoo every other day where it used to be everyday. If I can get away with it it’s every 3 days. The unintended consequence of biotin is my nails grow like weeds and I’m a short nails person. Good luck to you. It’s very challenging to lose one’s hair like this.
I am about 3 years out and had regrown hair, but am severely thinning again —Dr thinks gvhd? I finally gave in and got wigs. Both Pinkhearrts and e beauty offer free wigs online and there may be local groups In your area that does as well. I know there is in Phoenix. Not the ideal but at least it’s something.
Hi, Jackie-heart and lung transplant April 2021. Also had very thin hair due to Tacro. Eventually I got a wig (I call it my Party Hair) for when I go out to dinner or an event. My naturally baby fine hair got thinner but wasn’t all gone. So around home and such it was ok for me. I actually grew to like the wig because it’s so easy! I’m off Tacro now and on Sirolimus. My stick straight hair has come back curly! For humid Midwest summer days this is all new to me! But I just go with it.
My transplant Drs didn’t want me taking Biotin because of the interference with some of the labs. So that’s why I just went to the wig.
Hi @karen51 😊
Nice to meet you. Are you a kidney transplant on Cellcept and Tacronlimis? Approximately how long did you take biotin before you started to see some difference in your hair?
Thank you!
I did start biotin and it takes awhile to start working but my hair has thickened enough that it is noticeable. Does not work for everyone. Good luck!
Hi @shepn7 😊
I am a two year post kidney transplant patient. I take Cellcept and Tacronlimis. My hair was coming out in handfuls. I decided to change my hair style. Not quite as short as the handsome @scottij buzzcut #2 but I did go shorter. I am pretty sure it's the Tacronlimis. The biotin did not help me. I am curious, why was your Tacronlimis dosage increased?
Thank you for sharing @shepn7
Hi, My transplant was 11 years ago. I lost all the hair on my body with the exception of the hair on my head! ! It became finer but has gotten better with time. The hair on my legs came back eventually but it is very very sparse. Retained my head hair even through interferon treatments. It certainly surprised me that it did not fall out like the rest of my body hair did. What did happened was very severe discoloration of my legs and arms as if every vein had broken It took years to begin to get better, even now there is some discoloration, but I am alive! The most important thing!
Scott Jensen here. Heart transplant in December of 2019. I was voted best hair in high school and in my mid 50s started to lose a little hair but nothing dramatic. However, it really accelerated after the transplant. I am guessing it is mostly due to "Tac". My current dosage is about 60% of the initial prescribed amounts and I have been mostly stable for almost two years. I have embraced the loss and just got back from the barber. #2 buzz with tapering at the ears. It is definitely easier to manage. And as others have stated I don't have much left on my legs and arms. However, I shave those off now as I live in Arizona and sunscreen applies so much easier without hair gunking up the application. I think the new head hair matches the new me. I also have never been overly focused on the past nor do I think I should try to look like I did when I won that hair award. Hair loss was not part of the plan, but neither was heart trouble. In fact, in the hospital when first confronted with a failing heart, I mentioned to my wife that "This was not part of the f'n plan! She calmly held my hand and said, "Then we change the f'n plan."