Gratitude Discussion Group

Posted by Debbra Williams, Alumna Mentor @debbraw, Nov 24, 2018

Hi everyone! Just before Thanksgiving @michellegraffradford posted a blog called Gratitude Changes Everything. She suggested three techniques to help incorporate gratitude into our daily lives:

  • Start the Day with Gratitude (before getting up think of three people you are grateful for)

  • Maintain a Gratitude Journal to record times when you are grateful

  • Count Blessings – not sheep! (Review the day and remember moments of gratitude)

Her blogpost was so inspiring that a lot of us decided we wanted to form a Gratitude Group to keep the attitude of gratitude going. The blogpost area is not an ideal space for a big discussion group so I am moving the discussion over here to the “Just Want to Talk” Group. Let’s use this space to share and discuss our Gratitude Journey. I’m going to suggest that we each try to take a minute from the day and post here what has made us feel thankful today. It can be as small as a stranger’s smile on the bus or as large as fulfilling a major life dream – or anywhere in between. We can also discuss how we are doing with the three techniques. Sometimes it is easier to form new habits with support from others.

Michelle's full blogpost is at the link below. You may want to review it or print it out to help get started!

I look forward to hearing from others in the Gratitude Group and to having others join us here! Thanks to those who already shared great stories. If you haven't yet, what gratitude will you share today?!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


@ jakeduck
Oh yikes....I know people with kidney stones...gotta be one of the most painful things to endure. My son use to drink too much ice tea and developed oxalate crystals in his kidneys. I remember him doubling up with pain. He required medication and had to eliminate ice tea problems now but it took a long time. He only drinks a warm cup of a sleepy time tea at bedtime.
I mean, he was always guzzling this stuff.
Anyways...whew!....all gone now....bye bye stone. Did you take it home as a souvenir? Could use as a paper weight or name it ....something like a pet rock. People do take home their kidney and gall bladder stones.

Enjoy all your newly purchased food....and candy...hmmmm

FL Mary

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Hahaha, believe me it definitely has a name alright, several in fact, but none of which that can be repeated. I’ve talked to some women who gave birth and had a kidney stone, some said they would rather give birth. Although I find that hard to believe. When I get a stone, especially as big as this last one, what comes spewing out of my mouth would make a sailor or truck driver blush.
Didn’t bring any of it home, I don’t want any reminder of it all.
I’m sorry your son had to suffer so unmercifully. Did he have surgery. There is some evidence that green tea may prevent stone formation although I wouldn’t chance it even I liked tea.
As far as the “Food” goes, I wish it was just that but it’s just a bunch of ingredients, there in lies the problem.
Candy on the other hand is the perfect food, just unwrap and enjoy and I enjoy it immensely although not often enough. Chocolate is loaded with oxalates.
Take care,


Hahaha, believe me it definitely has a name alright, several in fact, but none of which that can be repeated. I’ve talked to some women who gave birth and had a kidney stone, some said they would rather give birth. Although I find that hard to believe. When I get a stone, especially as big as this last one, what comes spewing out of my mouth would make a sailor or truck driver blush.
Didn’t bring any of it home, I don’t want any reminder of it all.
I’m sorry your son had to suffer so unmercifully. Did he have surgery. There is some evidence that green tea may prevent stone formation although I wouldn’t chance it even I liked tea.
As far as the “Food” goes, I wish it was just that but it’s just a bunch of ingredients, there in lies the problem.
Candy on the other hand is the perfect food, just unwrap and enjoy and I enjoy it immensely although not often enough. Chocolate is loaded with oxalates.
Take care,

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No my son did not need surgery. He’s an excellent cook and they eat well. It was just ice tea overload which medication and time helped.
Was wondering if you are going to contact Meals on Wheels when your food starts to run out. Bite the bulletin and start cooking don’t want to waste any of the food. Too bad you don’t enjoy the prep and’s a nice feeling when you cook and it turns out so well and you truly enjoy it and can say...yup I did that. With practice you get very intuitive about spices, cooking, and how you think certain ingredients will go together and then you can think out of the box.

But I can understand the reluctance. My son in law can open the fridge and order out like nobody’s business so my daughter does the cooking. But he does the laundry, yard work, vacuuming, handy man stuff. He will shop anywhere with her at the drop of a hat...just don’t send him to the supermarket without pictures and a detailed list He has zero interest in that although I did see him heat up a prepared meal once. I remember once he brought over a pot and a bag of boil in the bag rice and said..What do I do with this? I said boil the water and dump the bag in for however long it says on the package. He looked at me so perplexed and sad I grabbed the stuff out of his and said...Gimme that ..I’ll do it. My son thoroughly enjoys the whole prepping and cooking process and he does most of the cooking even though my daughter in law cooks. He loves to shop at all the supermarkets and Trader Joe’s etc. He’s a frequent flyer at our Publix supermarkets here in Florida.

Don’t think we can change your outlook so just eat healthy and see if you can con someone to cook for you.

Regards from FL Mary


@imallears , you just made my day! I get to where cooking is a pain, but we all have to eat. So, I try new recipes and get the teen to cook with me. We make it a family affair and it's fun. Then again nothing but Bojangles chicken will do. At times.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Mamacita Jane


@imallears , you just made my day! I get to where cooking is a pain, but we all have to eat. So, I try new recipes and get the teen to cook with me. We make it a family affair and it's fun. Then again nothing but Bojangles chicken will do. At times.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Mamacita Jane

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Hey, @jakedduck1 , isn't it a shame that we all can't live closer together. If we did, we could take turns cooking and have each other over. That way we would get a really decent meal every now and again.

I dunno. But it feels good knowing we aren't the only ones.

Thanks for your comments.
Mamacita Jane


Hey, @jakedduck1 , isn't it a shame that we all can't live closer together. If we did, we could take turns cooking and have each other over. That way we would get a really decent meal every now and again.

I dunno. But it feels good knowing we aren't the only ones.

Thanks for your comments.
Mamacita Jane

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lol, you wouldn’t get a good meal when my turn rolled around. Unless we ate candy, my favorite meal. I’d have to take everyone out to eat but no weird food like Hurricane Mary eats, only normal stuff. The stuff she orders would make me lose my appetite or worse.
I think we should move close to Mary and we could go to her house to eat. Think of all the joy she would get from cooking for us.
I wonder if Mary likes doing dishes as much as cooking.


lol, you wouldn’t get a good meal when my turn rolled around. Unless we ate candy, my favorite meal. I’d have to take everyone out to eat but no weird food like Hurricane Mary eats, only normal stuff. The stuff she orders would make me lose my appetite or worse.
I think we should move close to Mary and we could go to her house to eat. Think of all the joy she would get from cooking for us.
I wonder if Mary likes doing dishes as much as cooking.

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I would get loads of joy while busting your chops. I have a dishwasher but don’t wash pots, pans or my good knives in it. And, like all good cooks, I clean up as I go along or do stretches while waiting for something to cook. Also wine yoga. Assume a yoga position while holding a glass of wine in one hand...nary a drop spilled.

Story...found a $5 bill in a parking lot Thursday. No one was around so ...finders keepers. Went into Fresh Market and lo and behold it was $5 whole roasted chicken day. Went home and had the wings and drumsticks for lunch and a couple pieces of white meat. Today I made chicken salad for lunch. Just now I sautéed onion, carrots and zucchini in toasted sesame oil....when they started to brown, threw in the rest of the white meat, added a little chicken broth added hoisin sauce, a little PF Chang sauce.
Defrosted some brown rice. Tasted it dinner and using up all my veggies. Dinner around 6:30 or time now.....Toasted sesame oil is the bomb

These posts should really be in Healthy Living but I’m thankful for my health

FL Mary


What a group we would be!!!! Love it.

Mamacita Jane


Hey, @jakedduck1 , isn't it a shame that we all can't live closer together. If we did, we could take turns cooking and have each other over. That way we would get a really decent meal every now and again.

I dunno. But it feels good knowing we aren't the only ones.

Thanks for your comments.
Mamacita Jane

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@mamacita Several decades ago, I rented a room in another single lady's house. She had a couple of very good friends who lived in the same neighborhood, and we all held down full-time jobs. This was in the days before instant cooking devices, but crock pots were a new thing on the market. A couple of times a week one would cook enough for everyone, so we didn't have to cook. Sometimes we would do a potluck on a weekend and gather at one place. It was fun and we got to try different things. I think those of us who could do it, should consider starting something like that in our neighborhood or complex. Thank you for reminding me of simpler times. There, back to gratitude!


@mamacita Several decades ago, I rented a room in another single lady's house. She had a couple of very good friends who lived in the same neighborhood, and we all held down full-time jobs. This was in the days before instant cooking devices, but crock pots were a new thing on the market. A couple of times a week one would cook enough for everyone, so we didn't have to cook. Sometimes we would do a potluck on a weekend and gather at one place. It was fun and we got to try different things. I think those of us who could do it, should consider starting something like that in our neighborhood or complex. Thank you for reminding me of simpler times. There, back to gratitude!

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Oh, my dear sweet @Gingerfriend, it's always about gratitude, isn't it?

It's always about the most important things. The plain and the simple.

We try to over think it. Especially those of us who have been gifted with sensitivity.

Back to the basics. Love and light to you, sweet lady

Mamacita Jane


Thanks you Becky for your obvious caring for others then doing for them “ volunteering “. I’m GRATEFUL for people like you who invest your time helping other who may struggle.
Am I correct that volunteering is like its own reward and therefore a form of gratitude?

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@stuckonu I love to volunteer! Communities would not work if they didn’t have volunteers. I think that when you have much, it’s only right to give to those who don’t. Since I’ve been ill, I haven’t been able to volunteer like I did before, but now I come on MayoClinicConnect and volunteer my knowledge of healthcare and hospitals. And I’m very grateful that I can!

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