Ghosting eye sight

Posted by sjeanne @sjeanne, Jan 24 6:29pm

I developed ghosting in my vision following light adjusting lens cataract surgery. Is this something anyone has experienced. I’ve been told that it will take a year to get better. It gets worse as the day goes on, especially when I’m active. It’s very difficult to deal with.

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@sjeanne can you please describe ghosting.


I really isn't double vision where the object I am looking at would be 2 seperate objects. It is a ghost of it off to the side a bit and slightly higher. It does become more pronounced when I exert myself, with say walking, hiking, or working out. It is very disorienting. My eye doctor called it ghosting.


I have that and is still considered diplopia or double vision. Mine is from Strabismus (decompensation of surgery as a toddler) and recently had eye muscle surgery again a few weeks ago.

The only other option I had was to wear eye patch. Vision therapy wouldn't help me. It has had
some improvement, but it takes months for final result.

Hope you get some improvement soon.


I sure hope the ghosting is better by now. You have so much invested in this lens. Is the ophthalmologist able to say why this is happening? Did your adjustments work out okay? I am scheduled to have the Light Adjustable Lens implanted and just came across this website.


My ghosting is officially called diplopia, or double vision. I wish I could say that it is better, it is not. My ophthalmologist is not giving me any answers as to how this happened. I’m scheduled to see a neuro-ophthalmologist next week. As far as the vision from the light adjusting lens went, it is pretty good. There is scar tissue behind my right eye and affects that vision, that can be fixed, so overall I am pleased with those lenses. I don’t know if the diplopia happened because of the adjustments, so I would not tell anyone not to get this kind of lens.

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