Gastroenterology visit for long haul abdominal issues

Posted by shimjim24 @shimjim24, 2 days ago

I am having many of typical long haul symptoms but the taste and smell problems. I had 2 CT scans, blood work done twice after visiting my PCP and was referred to an ER Dept. Lots of abnormal values and readings interpreted by both PCP and ER doctor. ER doctor's assessment was that he was not worried and that things should get will get better after my long haul symptoms subside. PCP is more alarmed about bad readings; referring me to surgical doctor consult for abdominal issues and hematology blood work follow-up ( to rule out cancer?). But amidst all this there never was a mention of being referred to a gastroenterologist and for this specialist to actually view the abdominal scans. Plus I have the worst bloating causing me to try force some burps; while I have no food in system or after eating. Real annoying. Is this common to not be referred to such a specialist? I guess as an advocate for myself I ought to ask or insist on this?

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Ask&insist on everything. The worst that can happen is to be turned down. Long covid people like us deserve to find answers and try to recover. Best luck to you!


Can you share what labs were outta whack, how long have you had symptoms and when you had Covid? I had Covid in August 2022 and I’m just now getting help and results after a slew of specialists. I know how it feels. But don’t jump to conclusions on the cancer thing. Labs should have directed doctors that way. I’ve found that often labs show weird stuff that in my case was a temporary response. On the other hand they didn’t always give abnormal values to what was really going on. You definitely need to be persistent.


Seems like if the docs can eliminate by going to specialists, they will do it. Now I’m going to a rheumatologist, ent and a neurologist. Gotta find something, right?

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