Full body Loss of sensation(numbness) and tingling

Posted by anon25user @anon25user, Sep 29, 2022

Anyone have numbness and tingling through entire body? Doctor has no idea what could be causing it.

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I do not through entire body, but do in specific areas....are you being treated for any conditions?? Or on any medications?? Some medications can cause some of these symptoms, or nerve disorder or injury...or lack of circulation to an area....have you seen anyone for it?


I do not through entire body, but do in specific areas....are you being treated for any conditions?? Or on any medications?? Some medications can cause some of these symptoms, or nerve disorder or injury...or lack of circulation to an area....have you seen anyone for it?

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No I am not being treated for anything. I’m seeing my pc who’s sending me for an mri. Just hoping someone else has experienced this as well..


Hello @anon25user, Welcome to Connect. I know how scary it can be when the doctors are not able to figure out what is causing your symptoms and you feel all alone. I'm tagging @potta54321, @franksgirl210 and @terlato who have discussed similar symptoms in other discussions to see if they may have some thoughts or experiences to share with you.

Have you thought about seeking help at a teaching hospital or major health facility?


Non length dependent small fiber neuropathy can cause numbness and tingling, throughout the body. I have it in feet, legs, hands, arms, and face. A skin biopsy can diagnose this. See a neurologist.


I highly suggest you see a good neurologist who will diagnose your symptoms. Need mri and nerve conduction test and possibly genetic testing. I have hereditary nerve pressure palsy and not knowing I developed Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and not one doctor tested me for that! They even sent me to UCLA with no results. I went to an infectious disease doctor who was fantastic and he was the one that diagnosed me with CLL. Not knowing the CLL was making my neurological condition worse. Just don’t give up and if you have to jump from doctor to doctor to get answers, DO IT! Be your own advocate and don’t give up! Because a lot of doctors don’t have answers or are not familiar with Rare Neurological Diseases or look further for certain types of cancer. Good luck and hopefully you will get answers.


I presume your PCP did an in office full neuro history of bodily functions (hx of incontinence, vision change etc), tested all your reflexes + checked your circulation. Your symptoms require imaging and blood testing following. You can read everyone else's similar cases but that will not get you YOUR diagnosis here, IMHO. I hope you were advised for safety measures. For example, don't use a heating pad when you can't discern temperature correctly etc. Take care.


April 27,2022 my right foot slipped on me a couple of times. The very next day I couldn’t walk right. It was like I had to tell my leg to move. I just happened to have a reg check up with my Dr on that day. She got me in to see a neurologist but it was 3 weeks out. Exactly a week later I started having numbness/tingling on the right side of my face. Went to ER for I was afraid I was having a stroke. I had two Ct scans and a MRI and was admitted to the hospital for observation. Everything came back normal. Went to my Neurologist appt and had a nerve study. It was normal too. The numbness/tingling then started to go throughout my entire body. My walking at this point was completely off. I couldn’t walk my normal pace. But I could function. Then July 1 I started feeling really weird. I was so tired, short of breath and was just not myself. Next day I was like a zombie. No energy, tingling/numbness very intense. Went back to ER had another Ct scan and more blood work. Everything coming back normal. Saw Neurologist again few weeks later. He ran every test possible. All coming back normal. He told me to get a second opinion for a higher study cause there was no more he could do. I see another one in Dallas in October (I live 6 hours from there) In a nutshell month of July I spent most the time in bed for I was so exhausted and the numbness/tingling was consuming me. August got a little better but still struggling. In the meantime I had to go on an anti depressant for my anxiety was through the roof. Never in my life did I think I would have to do that. First week of September I was still struggling. The last three weeks were actually pretty good. I could go all day without having to take a nap and the tingling was only mild. I work full time and couldn’t make it through the day without taking a nap on my lunch hour. Then last night my numbness/tingling started again and actually hitting new spots on my body. I had a very mild Covid in November. My reg Dr believes I am having long Covid. And all the reading I have been doing I believe so too. My neurologist would not diagnose me with that. I hope you find answers!


No I am not being treated for anything. I’m seeing my pc who’s sending me for an mri. Just hoping someone else has experienced this as well..

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This has been going on for 4 years now. It normally happens when laying down or sitting. I always just figured it was a pinched nerve but pc said it’s not possible since it’s not just one area. So far I’ve had labs ran and they’re normal. Mri in two weeks. Not sure where he’ll go after that. Starting to convince myself I’m imagining it


This has been going on for 4 years now. It normally happens when laying down or sitting. I always just figured it was a pinched nerve but pc said it’s not possible since it’s not just one area. So far I’ve had labs ran and they’re normal. Mri in two weeks. Not sure where he’ll go after that. Starting to convince myself I’m imagining it

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Is your MRI of the brain AND your cervical spine? With contrast? If this was me, that would be my standard. Positional symptoms are an important observation for the Dr to note. A Doctor may even be able to reproduce it in the office or lab. I feel certain you can have a diagnosis and care plan determined. Advocate for yourself without hesitancy bc it's important that you get an intervention for your problem.
Keep us posted. We're with you.

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