Found Flurazepam

Posted by sleepatlast @sleepatlast, May 18 10:14am

I have severe insomnia and took Flurazepam for over 35 years until it was discontinued. Nothing else has worked. After some research I talked with the new distributor and the new manufacturer, was given order numbers, contacted the Walgreens I use in Montgomery, AL, they found it in their system and ordered it. After picking up my doctor's paper prescription I filled the prescription on Monday, May 6, 2024 and started taking it that night. Now I'm slowly recovering from two years of only 3 or less hours of sleep a night. So there is hope, keep trying, it is out there on the market now! 🤟

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Wow, what a nice comeback, for you and for the supplier! Nice!


Hooray!! I too took Flurazepam and it worked great! Then it got discontinued!! And I tried many other sleep meds... Temazepam, Estazolam, Lunesta, Trazodone and Ambien.... none worked!! Ambien was a nightmare.... sure it put me to sleep..but I would wake up 3 or 4 hours later and need more.....ended up with horrible anxiety from it!! I am currently taking Lorazepam which is good for both sleep and anxiety. But happy to hear Flurazepam is back out there again and you have found it! It really is THE BEST sleep medication!!

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