Posted by Katherine, Alumni Mentor @katemn, Jul 24, 2017

Dear All, the thought just occured to me .. I just remembered that hidden away in my File Cabinet I had a little trick given to me by Colleen that I used frequently that could help those of you that are looking for posts from me that were in my File Cabinet .. I am going to post it below. I am not doing great ... not sure really why .. going to Mayo Clinic 7/26 but frankly do not hold out great hope. Do not feel I should still feel this way after 2 cycles of Tobramycin. But who knows .. one day at a time. Hugs to all. Katherine

Optimizing your MESSAGE search on Connect

TO SEE A LOG OF @katemn PREVIOUS POSTS and to find her File Cabinet Posts: Here's how:
1. Click on @katemn (click her photo in the upper right corner (pull down menu.. and select "view")
2. Scroll down the page until the header "Activity by katemn, Volunteer Mentor @katemn" There you will see all the messages she has posted in reverse chronological order. This is also helpful if you want to cut and paste something that she said before and need to repeat it. (such as File Cabinet)

1. Go to the magnifying glass at the top of Mayo Connect. This is the search bar.

2. Enter your search term. For example "Parkinson" (Note that I use the root of the word, rather than Parkinson's or Parkinsons. Using the root of a word will return results that include variations with s or 's)
3. Click enter. This will return an overwhelming number of messages. So the next step will help you easily scan the results for all mentions of Parkinson's.
4. Press Ctrl + F on your keyboard.
5. Enter the same search term in the field that pops up. Click enter.
This will highlight every mention of your search term in yellow and give you the number of instances that it appears in the search results so you can scan for them quickly.
The red circles show: The search term I put into the field that appears in the top right when I press Ctrl+F 1 of 66 means that the search term appears 66 times on this page. The search term is highlighted in yellow each time it is mentioned.

Sometimes I will use the Ctrl +F to cross reference with a second term. For example, if I want to find discussions related to "Parkinson's and mental health" I first search for Parkinson and then use Ctrl + F to find all mentions of a variety of terms related to mental health, one at a time, like "depression" or "mood" or "sad" or "overwhelmed" etc. You can see how this might be helpful for variations in spelling or different terms. Let us know if you have good search tips to add.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.

Hi Katherine,
I just stumbled across you whilst frantically searching the Web to find the best help and second opinion for my Mac diagnosis which is linked to my bronchiectasis condition.
I am scared and worried about the three anti biopics that the doctors have told me I will need and I am so worried that i will be worse off.
I am 49 and have always lead a healthy life style but about 10years ago had phnumonia and now have this problem to deal with.
I was kind of ok about it but not so good when I was told about this new bacteria!.
I live in the UK and was looking at a second option at the Royal Brompton hospital in London as they have a very good reputation for this condition.
I'm really scared about the anti bionics, has yours gone now?.
Thanks Susie


Hi Katherine,
I'm sorry your not feeling great!, I really hope they can find out why and help you, you seem such a very positive lady.
Good luck,


Hi Katherine,
I'm sorry your not feeling great!, I really hope they can find out why and help you, you seem such a very positive lady.
Good luck,

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Welcome @poppy100, please introduce yourself to the MAC members here:

You will be warmly greeted. I also encourage you to read through past posts. They are incredibly informative.


Hi Katherine,
I just stumbled across you whilst frantically searching the Web to find the best help and second opinion for my Mac diagnosis which is linked to my bronchiectasis condition.
I am scared and worried about the three anti biopics that the doctors have told me I will need and I am so worried that i will be worse off.
I am 49 and have always lead a healthy life style but about 10years ago had phnumonia and now have this problem to deal with.
I was kind of ok about it but not so good when I was told about this new bacteria!.
I live in the UK and was looking at a second option at the Royal Brompton hospital in London as they have a very good reputation for this condition.
I'm really scared about the anti bionics, has yours gone now?.
Thanks Susie

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@poppy100 Hi Suzie. I am wondering if you still check in on us here on Connect? I am also curious as to how you are doing? I would be intetested to learn more about Royal Brompton and how they treat our disrase over there in the UK. I hope that you are on the road to controlling our diseases. Sincerely, Terri Martin

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