Feeling lonely and crying

Posted by rusty3104 @rusty3104, Mar 20, 2023

Why do I feel sad and lonely then cry?

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Hi @rusty3104, I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling so lonely. I'm here. I'm listening. Tell me a bit more about what is going on so that I can connect with other people here.


Loneliness is a difficult place to be. Do you have family or friends to talk to? Are you house bound? I moved to be near family and it has not been how I imagined it would be. I rarely see my family, what is left of it, and am accused of being 'needy' when I try for more contact. Now I just take what I can get. I have no friends here. I miss the friends I have left back in my former state. We used to call each other often after I moved and now it has been nearly 2 years and I am the only one hanging on, continue to call, but they have moved on. I am not a religious person but have found church is a friendly place to meet good people. I moved from the southwest to the south and have had culture shock. Is that happening for you as well?


Hi Rusty!
I'm sorry to hear you are feeling sad and lonely. It's normal to cry but obviously something is really bothering you. You need to figure out what that is and try and fix it, if you can. If it's the death of a loved one, it will take a few years before it's easier to deal with. I remember it took me a good 3 years when my mom died before I could watch the soap we always watched together without crying. (Young and the Restless. Mom loved Victor!) But it did eventually get better.

This forum is a good place to start straightening out your life and feelings. They are very friendly on this forum and especially knowledgable and have a lot to offer. Just give a brief explanation of what is bothering you and you will get a lot of good suggestions that might help you a lot.

Another helpful thing is prayer. Just talk to God as if he were your very best friend and he is! You don't need to pray any formal prayer. Even if you just say, "God, please help me! Amen." that will be enough and he will answer your prayer and get you the help you need. God made you and he can help you. It states somewhere in the Bible, (I can't remember where at the moment.) "God knows of all your needs." and he does.

I hope things get better for you. I'll say a prayer for you.


Hi Rusty!
I'm sorry to hear you are feeling sad and lonely. It's normal to cry but obviously something is really bothering you. You need to figure out what that is and try and fix it, if you can. If it's the death of a loved one, it will take a few years before it's easier to deal with. I remember it took me a good 3 years when my mom died before I could watch the soap we always watched together without crying. (Young and the Restless. Mom loved Victor!) But it did eventually get better.

This forum is a good place to start straightening out your life and feelings. They are very friendly on this forum and especially knowledgable and have a lot to offer. Just give a brief explanation of what is bothering you and you will get a lot of good suggestions that might help you a lot.

Another helpful thing is prayer. Just talk to God as if he were your very best friend and he is! You don't need to pray any formal prayer. Even if you just say, "God, please help me! Amen." that will be enough and he will answer your prayer and get you the help you need. God made you and he can help you. It states somewhere in the Bible, (I can't remember where at the moment.) "God knows of all your needs." and he does.

I hope things get better for you. I'll say a prayer for you.

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Hi, PML. It has been 8 years and my hubs and I still can't bring ourselves to watch the Young and the Restless (lol)! And my mom was a fan of Victor as well! I think I will watch it today! Seriously, I would talk to her about the show to check her cognition. Now I need someone to check mine. Grief is the hardest emotion for me to live with day after day. I don't grief my loss anymore, but I think about mom nearly every day. I miss her but have 'taken her to heart' and she is with me all the time.


I am sorry about how you are feeling. Have you tried listening to music that you like? I have found this to be helpful to me. In fact, there was a recent study that showed that listening to some of one's favorite songs can take you back in time to when you felt better or the song reminded you of a positive experience. I play music all the time while doing my art work or any other project or task. A gratitude journal helps as well. Finally, this patient portal has made all the difference in my world, as it has connected me to people who have similar issues and can offer suggestions to you that might work. Best of luck. You are not as alone as you think you might be.


Hi, PML. It has been 8 years and my hubs and I still can't bring ourselves to watch the Young and the Restless (lol)! And my mom was a fan of Victor as well! I think I will watch it today! Seriously, I would talk to her about the show to check her cognition. Now I need someone to check mine. Grief is the hardest emotion for me to live with day after day. I don't grief my loss anymore, but I think about mom nearly every day. I miss her but have 'taken her to heart' and she is with me all the time.

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Hi Linda!
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom! It is so hard when you have had such a good mom as it seems yours and mine were and then they are gone; albeit up in Heaven where we'll see them again but still not here with us! My cousin in NY also watches Young and the Restless because her mom watched it. Her mom died a few years ago. She feels closer to her mom by watching it everyday. Her mom liked Victor also! (Maybe we should start a club!) My mom died in 1991; 32 years ago! I still think about her daily. However, now I have a new husband, well, 28 years of marriage. We watched Young and the Restless together also. My husband liked Victor also and so did I ! We don't watch it anymore now. It's too time consuming! We just weren't getting anything else accomplished. Soaps like Young and the Restless are good for when you are grieving or feeling lonely or sad. It takes your mind off your problems and in many ways, the characters almost become like family or friends. Plus they are always there for you while in many cases your real family and friends often aren't there when you need them. My mom always said that, "You can choose your friends but you are stuck with your family!"


Hi Linda!
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom! It is so hard when you have had such a good mom as it seems yours and mine were and then they are gone; albeit up in Heaven where we'll see them again but still not here with us! My cousin in NY also watches Young and the Restless because her mom watched it. Her mom died a few years ago. She feels closer to her mom by watching it everyday. Her mom liked Victor also! (Maybe we should start a club!) My mom died in 1991; 32 years ago! I still think about her daily. However, now I have a new husband, well, 28 years of marriage. We watched Young and the Restless together also. My husband liked Victor also and so did I ! We don't watch it anymore now. It's too time consuming! We just weren't getting anything else accomplished. Soaps like Young and the Restless are good for when you are grieving or feeling lonely or sad. It takes your mind off your problems and in many ways, the characters almost become like family or friends. Plus they are always there for you while in many cases your real family and friends often aren't there when you need them. My mom always said that, "You can choose your friends but you are stuck with your family!"

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I thought of something after I posted my initial comment. I subscribe to this free online publication and have for years. It does not cost anything, but donations are appreciated, I give $5 per month. The "newsletter" is quite beautiful and is full of literature, poetry, art and things of that nature. Many of the readings are uplifting and somewhat philosophical. I think you might enjoy taking a look at it. It is self-published by a woman in New York.


I thought of something after I posted my initial comment. I subscribe to this free online publication and have for years. It does not cost anything, but donations are appreciated, I give $5 per month. The "newsletter" is quite beautiful and is full of literature, poetry, art and things of that nature. Many of the readings are uplifting and somewhat philosophical. I think you might enjoy taking a look at it. It is self-published by a woman in New York.


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Hi Frances!
Your comments for Rusty are very helpful! I especially liked the one about listening to music. Music can be so good for your mood! Your newsletter sounded so interesting! I tried to click on the link but it didn't work. It stated that it wasn't available. So I tried to copy the link myself but still no luck. Could you just send me the title? I'll look it up that way.
Thank you!


Hi there,
The name of the publication is called The Margolian. It used to be called Brain Pickings, but the editor changed the name. I like it so much that I have saved nearly all of the ones I get each week.

I hope you enjoy it.


I thought of something after I posted my initial comment. I subscribe to this free online publication and have for years. It does not cost anything, but donations are appreciated, I give $5 per month. The "newsletter" is quite beautiful and is full of literature, poetry, art and things of that nature. Many of the readings are uplifting and somewhat philosophical. I think you might enjoy taking a look at it. It is self-published by a woman in New York.


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I just had another thought as a result of a magazine I get called Brain and Life, another free magazine that featured Rita Moreno in the Feb/March issue. What a woman!

In her article she talked about her bouts with depression and some of the things that helped her overcome it. She also talks about challenging your brain by using your imagination. For example, because of her age and all the dancing she did her entire life, she can no longer do so. Now she pretends she is a conductor, and while the music is playing she "pretends" she is conducting the music. She is also teaching herself to write with her left hand, which I am now doing as well. I tried conducting myself and it was really quite fun. Moving around, kind of dancing with the music; it brings great joy and self entertainment. I recommend that you go online and submit an application for this free magazine. The content is fantastic and very informative.

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