Experiences of going to Mayo Arizona for migraine
Hi y'all!!
I just got an appt with Mayo Clinic Arizona's neurology department. I have chronic intractable/refractory migraines- i have had one everyday for 2-3 years.
I have tried many meds, botox, nerve blocks, trigger points, etc all with no help.
I was wondering if there is anyone here with a similar case who would be willing to share what it was like going to Mayo Arizona for this condition.
Thanks so much!!
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I have no experience with headaches or migraines (had several really nasty headaches between the ages of 9-12, but none since then). But I did see a video by a doctor just today talking about magnesium deficiency and some of the symptoms. One was migraine and headaches. You might wish to ask your doctor for an RBC magnesium test to determine if you could stand to be topped up.
Hi, @happilyeverafter71 - I'm tagging a few members who have talked about migraine and/or may possibly have experience at Mayo Clinic in Arizona or have researched it previously: @mercuryrose @briarrose @pb50 @jenniferhunter @erin38 @2young460 @dmmeyers62 @frobvt @nancykamitchis @cgypsy @danab.
Hi there! I actually have had multiple magnesium infusions, but thank you for mentioning it!!
Thank you!
Hi @happilyeverafter71 I can't help with Migraines but have spent many hours at Mayo Phoenix, as a matter of fact Ill be there this coming Wednesday for some tests. I can help a bit with the location and surrounding area.
I don't have experience with Mayo Clinic, yet, for my migraines. I would love to hear what they say or suggest to you. I have had migraines (refractory/intractable for 30 years) they have been worse the past three-five years, lasting longer and stronger. I have dealt with daily headaches for 40 years. I have tried everything you listed as well, and so many different meds I can't even remember them all. othing has helped. I take Relpax with a severe migraine and it usually calms it down, never gone completely. I would love to wake up headache free someday. I hope you find relief.
Wow, congratulations on getting an appt! I need to know how you did that! I have chronic refractory migraine and probable cluster headache and just got denied this week, as well as a couple years ago too.
Hi happilyeverafter, Yes, I have had a headache for the last 5 yrs/7 mos every day/all day along with dizziness. It is debilitating! I hope Mayo can help you because Jefferson Headache Center and Penn in Philadelphia have tried everything for me. Good luck!