Exercise the New Connect

Posted by MGMolly @Erinmfs, Apr 3, 2021


send me a message, I'll send one back, let's test this new Connect! 🙂

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I have memory problems and brain fog. Can I be helped?

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Hi @roberteastman, Have you seen a neurologist about the memory problems and brain fog you are experiencing? Do you have a diagnosis?


Hi @roberteastman, Have you seen a neurologist about the memory problems and brain fog you are experiencing? Do you have a diagnosis?

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No, I haven't seen neurologist. I just recently joined Hospice and found are so much better than my medical needs. I'll check with them as for seeing a neurologist.. I didn't know where to go...Thanxx


No, I haven't seen neurologist. I just recently joined Hospice and found are so much better than my medical needs. I'll check with them as for seeing a neurologist.. I didn't know where to go...Thanxx

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Hi Robert, hospice care is such a great care approach. May I ask what led to your seeking hospice care at this time?


I just posted a discussion for Myasthenia Gravis, that is both an Autoimmune Disease, and a Brain and Nervous System group item. I can only select Autoimmune Disease. I received a message that said I can't post twice the same message, as that is what I as attempting to do, post in both of those groups. Can we autoimmune disease sufferers post in more than 1 group?


@colleenyoung I miss getting emails in groups that I see so I can tell if I want to like or read more or whatever. Having to figure out how to handle that since its frustrating me terribly. Only see emails in groups after I open them or in notifications. Another way??? If not, I'll get there.....blessings. missed you last couple days. better now elizabeth


@Erinmfs I am happy to help you. I have included Brain and Nervous System to the groups that your discussion will appear. Have a great night!


@ess77 I would like to share with you the resources found here about the update site and how you can set your notifications to suit you best.

About Connect:

I have to say that at first, it seemed odd not to get an email for every post in groups I follow, however, I have fallen in love with the Connect home page and on-site notifications (the bell at the upper right on your screen when viewing on your PC). I will be anxious to hear if these resources helped. Will you let me know?


@ess77 I would like to share with you the resources found here about the update site and how you can set your notifications to suit you best.

About Connect:

I have to say that at first, it seemed odd not to get an email for every post in groups I follow, however, I have fallen in love with the Connect home page and on-site notifications (the bell at the upper right on your screen when viewing on your PC). I will be anxious to hear if these resources helped. Will you let me know?

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I get my notifications via email after following Colleen’s directions. I cannot get my “bell” to work at all, thus far, given any suggestions from people. Good luck!


@ess77 I would like to share with you the resources found here about the update site and how you can set your notifications to suit you best.

About Connect:

I have to say that at first, it seemed odd not to get an email for every post in groups I follow, however, I have fallen in love with the Connect home page and on-site notifications (the bell at the upper right on your screen when viewing on your PC). I will be anxious to hear if these resources helped. Will you let me know?

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@amandajro Hello, Amanda. Thanks for the suggestion and link.

I've enjoyed the new site and think the changes have improved the site. I don't want to get and have to go through all the emails in the past, but currently going through the notifications isn't working for me. I have used the home page and on-site notifications since the first day. I'm still searching for the solution for me.
I'll hit the blog again, for the 3rd time to see what I can do to improve my experience.
Thanks. blessings, elizabeth


I’m on my iPhone, making a reply in gestational diabetes discussion thread. My phone rang. I talked briefly. When I returned to Connect to finish my reply, the screen went white, and a red donut progress thing appeared. Several moments passed, but I was able to complete the reply.

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