Excessive mucus production in the upper respiratory system and throat.
Good Afternoon, I'm looking for some treatment advice for my post covid chronic condition. I had covid Jan 2021, I was put on a respirator twice that year ( first time for 9 days, second time later that year for 5 days). My lungs were scarred and damaged by covid and my capacity has diminished to 46%. I developed a cough due to excessive mucus production that always occurs in the morning and randomly though out the day. The coughing fits will last 5 -10 minutes which can include a sense of drowning or a gag reflex. I am not able to identify a common trigger for these fits with the exception that bending over for a period of time or physical exertion can be a trigger. The mucus produced is clear with bubbles and there is no pain associated with the cough. I been tested for allergies, acid reflex, have had the Clarifix and Rhinaer procedures done (that was a waste) and have been prescribed many nasal sprays . I have seen 3 ENT's, 2 pulmonologist and my Primary so far with no relief. I'm finding the medical community I have encountered are unable to help me manage this chronic condition. I see many on you on this support group have a similar lasting condition. I'm hoping for some insight on a treatment you have received that has relieved your condition so that I can make suggests to my doctors. Thank you in advance for you information, John Porter
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landrover90, Bless you John. You really had a bad case of COVID and I am so sorry.
I had double pneumonia with COVID the first time in 2022. I know this is different that the severity of what you had but, it left me with so much mucous in the back of my throat that I would get choked on it at night. It also made my saliva mucusy and I had to scrape my tongue daily to get it off. It was thick. I went to 5 different doctors and they all didn't know what it was. I also had a lot of thrush with this due to antibiotics & steroids for asthmatic bronchitis, sinus infection along with COVID pneumonia. I had to use the Nystatin mouthwash for the thrush. I begged one of the doctors to swab my throat and mouth and it came back as normal mouth bacteria. It was anything but normal to be honest. I used coconut oil pulling, salt water rinses, Colgate peroxdyl, etc.,,,,it barely touched this thick stuff. Yes, I have acid reflux, but, this was not acid reflux causing this thick mucus.
Please ask your doctor about you trying either NAC (supplement) which helps with inflammation and dries up mucus or Guafenesin (Mucinex without "D" in it) a mucus thinner. If you do too much of the NAC it can dry you out too much. It took 2 years before I finally got results and this went away. IF I get a sinus infection it starts all over again and once the sinus infection is cleared up, it goes away. I believe COVID attacked my salivary glands and ramped up the mucus in the back of my throat. COVID can do some strange things to us.
Have you been diagnosed with Long Covid by chance? I was and I am on a lot of supplements.
Praying for you John to get better. I am so sorry you are still battling this since 2021.