My Experience on Evenity for Treating Osteoporosis

Posted by arlene7 @arlene7, Jul 7, 2020

Thought I would share for those considering or on Evenity for osteoporosis:
Afer much research and discussions with my GP and Cardiologist, I have decided to start my treatment with Evenity injections. As with all drugs, there are many side effects. My biggest concerns were stroke and heart attack. However, considering that I do no have any history for either, for me personally, the benefits outweigh the risks. As my GP said to me, "if everyone only thought about the side effects of the drugs, no one would be taking them".

I had my first injections (subcutaneously in the back of each arm) on June 30th. The nurse that administered the injections discussed the drug in depth, along with all the possibilities that may occur. She also mentioned that for all the patients that she has seen, none has had any side effects.

The injections are once a month for only one year, so I'm hoping that this works well for me and I can improve my bone density, especially in my spine, where I need it the most.

My endocronologist has also prescribed Hydrochlorthiazide for my idiopathic hypocalcemia. I have an appointment with an allergist this month to confirm whether I still have an allergy to sulfa drugs, since this drug contains sulfa. Apart from this I take D3 orally and try to obtain additional calcium through foods not supplements. Trying to walk 3-4 times a week and will begin with a few weight bearing exercises.

My journey began September, 2019 when I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis. After waiting to see three doctors, receiving three denials from insurance company for Evenity, which took several months, I am hopefully on my way for a favorful outcome.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


I never heard of Tymlos til seeing I this site last night (I had signed up but somehow never accessed it) So far I am trying to do this drug-free but I know that may be dreaming - my ex sister in law just had her first Reclast the other week, she is in her mid 50s and she pointed out to me that if weight bearing exercises even prevented osteoporosis much less reversed it she never would have gotten it, she's worked out w a trainer for years , plays tennis, fences, skis, runs. It's like the perfect athlete and there she was with a bad bone density test. And yet the side effects so scary - I get dizzy from more than 3 days of anything, otc non-steriodals, Tylenol, so when people mention tinnitus i worry that these drugs affect ears and even if they don't cause the jaw necrosis I'll be dizzy.

It is interesting that you mention Forteo tho. My aunt did that for years - expensive, put her in the donut hole - but a couple months ago I was having a tooth (that had a graft, exactly what you shouldn't do while taking the drugs) being checked by a new guy in my periodontist's practice . Told him my problem. He said you can take Forteo, it doesn't do that. My regular dentist at one point said do none of the new drugs, their half life is longer, just do Fosomax so you can stop taking it if you need a treatment.

I will look up Tymlos.

I am right now feeling dumb because I realized I got my dx at 62, that was only 5 years from menopause for me, I should have done HRT , I would have had a few years to build up bone density before it was too dangerous (although got BC at 66, would have of course blamed self even more if I'd done the HRT the prior 3 years ha ha).

THANKS for response. It is such a dilemma. And now I see a Margaret Martin video that says the way I've been doing squats - holding my 4 pound dumbbells in front as I squat - -is all wrong, that I'm putting a fracture causing load on my vertebrae. You could spend your life trying to find the answers to this.

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Sal462- Do not be dismayed, have you done any serious investigation as to your potential root causes of your osteoporosis?? There are many, and if you figure them out and can address them you could potentially improve your status. Check out Bone Coach , Kevin Ellis and his team, another person to try to get hooked up with is Margie Bissinger, she does a lot of podcasts related to just these very things. Earlier this year , late March into April , Margie Bissinger offered a free week long, and I mean week-7days- of experts in the field of osteoporosis from their own specialized vantage point. The symposium was titled -“More natural approaches to bone health and osteoporosis.” There were ~9 half hour to hour lectures offered each day . I learned so much and through it got acquainted with many of their names. They all gave their websites, offered resources for free information , etc. Just wonderful. So glad I tripped over that. It’s been a god send it terms of understanding and having a different perspective. Keep your eyes peeled because it was her 2nd symposium she had done for osteoporosis and I anticipate she’ll do a 3rd annual one next year!! Actually , some of her podcasts are from the same professionals that presented at the symposium. Keep working to figure this out!!! There’s still hope. But do realize that it’s so much easier to maintain density than to build it once it’s low especially the older you get.
Good luck to you and all on this site!!!!


I never heard of Tymlos til seeing I this site last night (I had signed up but somehow never accessed it) So far I am trying to do this drug-free but I know that may be dreaming - my ex sister in law just had her first Reclast the other week, she is in her mid 50s and she pointed out to me that if weight bearing exercises even prevented osteoporosis much less reversed it she never would have gotten it, she's worked out w a trainer for years , plays tennis, fences, skis, runs. It's like the perfect athlete and there she was with a bad bone density test. And yet the side effects so scary - I get dizzy from more than 3 days of anything, otc non-steriodals, Tylenol, so when people mention tinnitus i worry that these drugs affect ears and even if they don't cause the jaw necrosis I'll be dizzy.

It is interesting that you mention Forteo tho. My aunt did that for years - expensive, put her in the donut hole - but a couple months ago I was having a tooth (that had a graft, exactly what you shouldn't do while taking the drugs) being checked by a new guy in my periodontist's practice . Told him my problem. He said you can take Forteo, it doesn't do that. My regular dentist at one point said do none of the new drugs, their half life is longer, just do Fosomax so you can stop taking it if you need a treatment.

I will look up Tymlos.

I am right now feeling dumb because I realized I got my dx at 62, that was only 5 years from menopause for me, I should have done HRT , I would have had a few years to build up bone density before it was too dangerous (although got BC at 66, would have of course blamed self even more if I'd done the HRT the prior 3 years ha ha).

THANKS for response. It is such a dilemma. And now I see a Margaret Martin video that says the way I've been doing squats - holding my 4 pound dumbbells in front as I squat - -is all wrong, that I'm putting a fracture causing load on my vertebrae. You could spend your life trying to find the answers to this.

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@sal462 Tymlos and Forteo are similar, and both work through the parathyroid. I was able to tolerate Tymlos because, unlike Forteo, the dose is adjustable. The pen has "clicks" and I did two and worked up to 7 for my 18 months and am now doing a few months at full dose of 8 clicks.

I am sensitive to meds and this worked for me since it gave my body time to adjust. The side effects are worth it versus fractures, which I already have, and with ramping up, the side effects have been very tolerable.

Doing Reclast or Prolia before Forteo or Tymlos affects the effectiveness of the bone builders. Sequencing properly is important but insurance companies need to catch up with the science!

Margaret Martin is wonderful and yes lifting weights in front of you really strains the spine! I say that from hard experience 🙂


@sal462 Tymlos and Forteo are similar, and both work through the parathyroid. I was able to tolerate Tymlos because, unlike Forteo, the dose is adjustable. The pen has "clicks" and I did two and worked up to 7 for my 18 months and am now doing a few months at full dose of 8 clicks.

I am sensitive to meds and this worked for me since it gave my body time to adjust. The side effects are worth it versus fractures, which I already have, and with ramping up, the side effects have been very tolerable.

Doing Reclast or Prolia before Forteo or Tymlos affects the effectiveness of the bone builders. Sequencing properly is important but insurance companies need to catch up with the science!

Margaret Martin is wonderful and yes lifting weights in front of you really strains the spine! I say that from hard experience 🙂

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Hi Thanks for response.

I can't believe all the years I've spent lifting - I guess luckily only 4 lb -- dumbbells in front of me per a PT instructions from 1990. And yet the more recent PT, KNOWING my exercises, knowing I had osteoporosis never said to change the way I do it.

Thanks for more specifics on that Tymlos. I think because I had breast cancer those parathyroid ones might be out for me, not sure.

Someone here I think mentioned that Bone Coach guy. I just listened to the video, I am so suspicious of these things, but wonder if anyone has done his program. A lot of it make sense, those are all the things I'm doing anyway but I have really investigated the absorption issue except for the usual celiac test.

I just look at my dental future and cannot imagine the osteoporosis drugs being a part of it. Get so depressed.


Hi Thanks for response.

I can't believe all the years I've spent lifting - I guess luckily only 4 lb -- dumbbells in front of me per a PT instructions from 1990. And yet the more recent PT, KNOWING my exercises, knowing I had osteoporosis never said to change the way I do it.

Thanks for more specifics on that Tymlos. I think because I had breast cancer those parathyroid ones might be out for me, not sure.

Someone here I think mentioned that Bone Coach guy. I just listened to the video, I am so suspicious of these things, but wonder if anyone has done his program. A lot of it make sense, those are all the things I'm doing anyway but I have really investigated the absorption issue except for the usual celiac test.

I just look at my dental future and cannot imagine the osteoporosis drugs being a part of it. Get so depressed.

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@sal462 I also had breast cancer. These meds can be a problem if you have metastasis or radiation to bone, but otherwise okay I believe. Lots of us breast cancer patients are taking them. I was more concerned about Prolia and cancer, which is probably unfounded, but it affects the immune system and I need a strong immune system if cancer comes back.


I never heard of Tymlos til seeing I this site last night (I had signed up but somehow never accessed it) So far I am trying to do this drug-free but I know that may be dreaming - my ex sister in law just had her first Reclast the other week, she is in her mid 50s and she pointed out to me that if weight bearing exercises even prevented osteoporosis much less reversed it she never would have gotten it, she's worked out w a trainer for years , plays tennis, fences, skis, runs. It's like the perfect athlete and there she was with a bad bone density test. And yet the side effects so scary - I get dizzy from more than 3 days of anything, otc non-steriodals, Tylenol, so when people mention tinnitus i worry that these drugs affect ears and even if they don't cause the jaw necrosis I'll be dizzy.

It is interesting that you mention Forteo tho. My aunt did that for years - expensive, put her in the donut hole - but a couple months ago I was having a tooth (that had a graft, exactly what you shouldn't do while taking the drugs) being checked by a new guy in my periodontist's practice . Told him my problem. He said you can take Forteo, it doesn't do that. My regular dentist at one point said do none of the new drugs, their half life is longer, just do Fosomax so you can stop taking it if you need a treatment.

I will look up Tymlos.

I am right now feeling dumb because I realized I got my dx at 62, that was only 5 years from menopause for me, I should have done HRT , I would have had a few years to build up bone density before it was too dangerous (although got BC at 66, would have of course blamed self even more if I'd done the HRT the prior 3 years ha ha).

THANKS for response. It is such a dilemma. And now I see a Margaret Martin video that says the way I've been doing squats - holding my 4 pound dumbbells in front as I squat - -is all wrong, that I'm putting a fracture causing load on my vertebrae. You could spend your life trying to find the answers to this.

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Don't beat yourself up! We all our doing our best and it is so hard with all of the options available and not knowing what is right for your body? I did HRT and ended up with breast cancer and advanced osteoporosis. I also have dental issues so I can't take hardly any meds for osteo except Forteo. My parathyroid levels were high so I can't take Forteo until the PTH is normal. I had parathyroid surgery and my levels are still high. Really tough. Not sure what to do?


Don't beat yourself up! We all our doing our best and it is so hard with all of the options available and not knowing what is right for your body? I did HRT and ended up with breast cancer and advanced osteoporosis. I also have dental issues so I can't take hardly any meds for osteo except Forteo. My parathyroid levels were high so I can't take Forteo until the PTH is normal. I had parathyroid surgery and my levels are still high. Really tough. Not sure what to do?

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Tymlos is also okay for dental issues but works through the parathyroid like Forteo.


Hi Thanks for response.

I can't believe all the years I've spent lifting - I guess luckily only 4 lb -- dumbbells in front of me per a PT instructions from 1990. And yet the more recent PT, KNOWING my exercises, knowing I had osteoporosis never said to change the way I do it.

Thanks for more specifics on that Tymlos. I think because I had breast cancer those parathyroid ones might be out for me, not sure.

Someone here I think mentioned that Bone Coach guy. I just listened to the video, I am so suspicious of these things, but wonder if anyone has done his program. A lot of it make sense, those are all the things I'm doing anyway but I have really investigated the absorption issue except for the usual celiac test.

I just look at my dental future and cannot imagine the osteoporosis drugs being a part of it. Get so depressed.

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It was me that mentioned Bone Coach and his team. I have not signed up for his program at this point, but I will tell you that he was a speaker at Margie Bissingers 2nd Symposium for “More Natural Approaches for Bone Health and Osteoporosis” , where for a week long she had on experts in the field. Because I participated in that program and learned sooo much and have done a lot of my own research as a result of that program is why I haven’t yet signed up. However, because I was a participant, Kevin Ellis , who is the Bone Coach has been sending me emails just about everyday since with good recipes and other tips on ideas to improve your situation. Yes, there’s always a little reminder at the end that he has a program to join, but you don’t have to.BUT all along the way I’ve learned from him for FREE!! He also has a presence on YouTube as I’ve seen him on with the PT that works on his team. She’s very good. I am an OT , Registered Occupational Therapist, and feel like I can say that. We have a similar background to PT’s, (muscle , neuro , exercise training as it relates to human conditions) and work closely with them. I have also personally reached out to him, Kevin Ellis, and have been impressed with his responses. I may do some of his program at some point , but because I’m invested in other programs at this point feel I don’t have the time and may be overlapping in reviewing same information I’ve already gathered. I will say though , he is an excellent teacher in his simple direct way of communicating concepts by using analogies any lay person can identify with. It’s fair to be skeptical, so do your own research. Good luck!!!


I hope that weights work for you. I am still trying to avoid Evenity altogether ( much to my doctor’s dismay) because I can’t see a future free of various dental procedures & the jaw necrosis risk plus the black box about the heart attacks just freaked me out. So I most of the time do some weights, maybe not enough but I am good about wearing a weighted vest while walking or other exercises. I think mine is the NYK one. It at least gives hope. I hate that they want us to take all these drugs.

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Hello, my rheumatologist started me on Evenity. After the 3rd month of the 2 injections I woke up and my lower jaw was out of place, I couldn’t open my mouth, it sounded like mush or sand in there. My doctor immediately took me off Evenity. He gave me an order to see a Maxillofacial surgeon. Every one of them only take dental insurance and I’m on Medicare. I’ve been told I have developed necrosis of the jaw. I’ve been giving up on finding a surgeon in my area, I don’t know what else to do.


Hi Thanks for response.

I can't believe all the years I've spent lifting - I guess luckily only 4 lb -- dumbbells in front of me per a PT instructions from 1990. And yet the more recent PT, KNOWING my exercises, knowing I had osteoporosis never said to change the way I do it.

Thanks for more specifics on that Tymlos. I think because I had breast cancer those parathyroid ones might be out for me, not sure.

Someone here I think mentioned that Bone Coach guy. I just listened to the video, I am so suspicious of these things, but wonder if anyone has done his program. A lot of it make sense, those are all the things I'm doing anyway but I have really investigated the absorption issue except for the usual celiac test.

I just look at my dental future and cannot imagine the osteoporosis drugs being a part of it. Get so depressed.

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It’s me again, commenting now on PT’s, as an OT who has worked with, and has been worked on by PT’s for a variety of issues over my life. I have come to understand first hand as you have, that probably most PT’s do not know the in’s and out’s of REALLY GOOD, SAFE, EFFECTIVE exercise s for osteopenia/osteoporosis.
Unless they have really taken an interest and dug deeper into the specifics or done extra teaching /training at conferences , they will probably be providing you with general weight bearing exercises, using weights on your hands , having you do machines in their office/gym. That is not good enough and as you’ve realized can sometimes be unsafe or detrimental.


Hello, my rheumatologist started me on Evenity. After the 3rd month of the 2 injections I woke up and my lower jaw was out of place, I couldn’t open my mouth, it sounded like mush or sand in there. My doctor immediately took me off Evenity. He gave me an order to see a Maxillofacial surgeon. Every one of them only take dental insurance and I’m on Medicare. I’ve been told I have developed necrosis of the jaw. I’ve been giving up on finding a surgeon in my area, I don’t know what else to do.

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I am so sorry. Are you close to or can your doctor refer you to a teaching hospital with oral surgeons. I had to do that over a jaw issue following an extraction and my medical insurance took over instead of my dental insurance.

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