Will estrogen supplements increase my risk of cancer?

Posted by kathleenpayne1 @kathleenpayne1, Aug 19, 2023

Will estrogen supplements raise my risk of cancer?

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At 83 y/o I still use small dose estrogen. My family history is high in strokes and heart attacks. I had to be referred to a gynecologist who would prescribe it b/c after my move to a new state, my new primary care doctor would not write my prescription. I take it b/c of what I consider its miraculous skin effects. Those effects improve my mood and thus my quality of life. I have 2 daughters who have reached midlife and they refuse to take it. It is a personal decision each woman must make on her own.


My primary care Dr took me off of estrogen and would not write me a new prescription. I had to go to Mayo Women’s clinic to be able to get a new prescription. I understand the risks as I am 65 years old, however, the hot flashes were making life very difficult. We should be able to decide with our primary care Dr.


At 83 y/o I still use small dose estrogen. My family history is high in strokes and heart attacks. I had to be referred to a gynecologist who would prescribe it b/c after my move to a new state, my new primary care doctor would not write my prescription. I take it b/c of what I consider its miraculous skin effects. Those effects improve my mood and thus my quality of life. I have 2 daughters who have reached midlife and they refuse to take it. It is a personal decision each woman must make on her own.

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Is there a scientific down side to taking late in life?


I believe estrogen (I take estradiol) is no longer given after hot flashes end due to medical advice that it increases the risks of breast cancer and vascular disease. I am not a medical person but I know my doctors have advised against it.


I took 1 mg of estradiol and 100 mg of progesterone from the age of 52 to 72 with no problem. At the ripe old age of 72 I had a period...just like the awful periods I had premenopause. Naturally, you immediately think cancer.
I stopped the estradiol and quickly got a gyn appt. They did an exam, ultrasound, internal and external and told me if it happened again they would do a biopsy. It didn't happen again, so it was determined they had no idea and sometimes our bodies do strange things. (That's what I was told)
Since I stopped the estrogen, I feel like I have aged 20 years in the last 4 years. Loss of muscle tone, saggy skin, arthritis and an abundance of new aches and pains , and now I've developed peripheral neuropathy in my feet. I've always been reasonably healthy, and now I feel like a hypochondriac because I just don't feel good.
I've done an enormous amount of research on reliable sites that says HRT doesn't cause an increase in cancer. Of course, there are exceptions...family history etc. Everybody is different.
I'm really tired of hearing " you're getting old" like I'm not acutely aware of that!!
So if you can continue using HRT, do it. Your body, your choice. It's about quality of life. Do the research. Stick to reliable websites and if it says "a slight increase in cancer" find out what that means. Print out the info you find and show it to your doctor. They are all so busy, I'm not sure they have the time to dig into all this info. Things seem to change on a daily basis. We have a increase in risks of disease by just being alive and surviving to our age. Who knows what's in our water, food and air?
Of course, all of this is my opinion. I am not in the medical field.
I'm sorry this is so long, I been thinking about this for quite a while.


I loved your thoughtful comment @suzva. I am so sorry you had that bleeding scare. Were you still taking progesterone at that time? Couldn’t that have been the cause? I take just .5mg Estradiol alone and it has wonderful skin effects plus I forgot to mention, strong bones…no osteoporosis or osteopenia. But I must say, I still have arthritis, aches and pains and neuropathy. So I see those as separate issues. Best of luck to you.


I loved your thoughtful comment @suzva. I am so sorry you had that bleeding scare. Were you still taking progesterone at that time? Couldn’t that have been the cause? I take just .5mg Estradiol alone and it has wonderful skin effects plus I forgot to mention, strong bones…no osteoporosis or osteopenia. But I must say, I still have arthritis, aches and pains and neuropathy. So I see those as separate issues. Best of luck to you.

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Thanks gaylerenee...I was still taking the progesterone and continued it for several more months. I was told progesterone has a protective effect on the uterus.
You're right...estradiol/estrogen has lots benefits. Bones, heart health etc. But I think hormones have a great effect on many of the systems in our bodies. I certainly know that getting older is not for sissies, but I sometimes I think our doctors have the tendancy to lump us all together. Everyone is different and we need to advocate for ourselves.
Good health and Happiness : ))


Thanks gaylerenee...I was still taking the progesterone and continued it for several more months. I was told progesterone has a protective effect on the uterus.
You're right...estradiol/estrogen has lots benefits. Bones, heart health etc. But I think hormones have a great effect on many of the systems in our bodies. I certainly know that getting older is not for sissies, but I sometimes I think our doctors have the tendancy to lump us all together. Everyone is different and we need to advocate for ourselves.
Good health and Happiness : ))

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I had a complete hysterectomy when I was 50 so no uterine cancer worries plus no breast cancer in family. I take estradiol 3X per week. I had been taking Premarin 7 then 4 times per week until insurance wouldn’t cover its so switched to estradiol. Estrogen has a very positive effect on my quality of life, so I’ll stay on it. I’m 76 and if I get cancer, I’ll deal with it.


Yes, "your body, your choice".
But I apparently made the wrong choice by taking estrogen, starting in my sixties, until my uterine cancer diagnosis.
I hoped the topical progesterone would protect me, but the hysterectomy pathology showed a 22m uterine lining.
I loved being on estrogen, and my body (and mind ) miss it. But were those years of feeling "youthful" worth it??


Yes, "your body, your choice".
But I apparently made the wrong choice by taking estrogen, starting in my sixties, until my uterine cancer diagnosis.
I hoped the topical progesterone would protect me, but the hysterectomy pathology showed a 22m uterine lining.
I loved being on estrogen, and my body (and mind ) miss it. But were those years of feeling "youthful" worth it??

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I am so sorry you had to deal with cancer and I hope you have recovered. That's why I said everyone is different. I would never insist anyone think like I do. When I saw this discussion, I wanted to tell my personal story. We all need to advocate for ourselves . Quality of life is important, and I agree with the fact that our bodies and minds miss that essential hormone. Seems like everything in our life holds some risks. We all have to decide what risks we are willing to take.
I wish you good health and happiness.

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