Essential Thrombocytosis symptoms
Having had high platelets since 2017 and doctors could not find a cause I paid to see a haematologist and I was diagnosed with ET in 2019. With a platelet level of 723 I was put on baby Asprin but unfortunately it did not suit me. I was then put on Clopidogrel but had an allergic reaction to it. I have refused to have a biopsy so far but said I will if levels go over 800. The haematologist made it quite clear that I am at a high risk of having a stroke. So I am taking Arnica homeopathy twice a day to thin the blood which helps the headaches which I have suffered with for years and take 2 paracetamol a day, usually when I wake-up as that’s when I get most headaches and sometimes it is like having a massive hangover. I also get tired and lightheaded and since January I am suffering with constant tingling hands and feet which according to the internet is another side affect. But as of two weeks ago I have tingling lips and tongue which is not listed as a side affect and I am wondering if anyone else also has these symptoms tingling symptoms. Having tried to see a doctor the surgery have said I can have a routine appointment which is weeks away. My doctor has agreed that I have a blood test every 3 months to monitor, at the moment it ranges from 750 to 800. Any advice gratefully received.
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Just as an addendum, my platelets have consistently been over a million and did not respond to hydrea. I also have had low red blood cells and at times, slightly elevated white blood cells.
Thank you for your reply.
I would like to receive a second opinion; however, I have Kaiser and I would only get another doc in their system who I doubt would challenge the diagnosis I got from the doc I have. I forgot to ask her how many patients she has treated like me for ET. I did have to inform her that Keytruda was recommended for triple negative breast cancer my sister had and she was my sister’s oncologist. She get get it approved and added to her treatment along with other chemo infusions. That was over three years ago and my sister has no evidence of disease now and is in remission but she is always fearful of recurrence. I just changed to Kaiser recently when I became 65 as I had no diagnosis on my right ring finger joint enlargement using my husband’s work insurance he paid quite a bit monthly for me to have. I though maybe I would get an answer since it has a large pool of docs. Instead, I got no answer on it and a diagnosis I of ET and hypertension too! I am just very concerned and confused at this point.
You need a hematologist who specializes in myeloproliferative disorders. Maybe you can find one in network?
Many of the research hospitals have specialists in this area: Mayo, MD Anderson, Duke, etc.
If you don’t think you’ll be able to seek a second opinion, I would ask your Dr whether you have a CALR mutation that is causing ET, and if so, whether she has considered ordering a bone marrow biopsy to confirm her diagnosis.
You might also ask her if she can specifically refer you to a specialist.
I sought a second opinion because I was asking questions that my Dr did not seem to be able to answer. It clearly was beyond his expertise.
I'd rather take my chances with HU, then take risk of having a stroke or heart attack from elevated platelets, but that's just my opinion, everyone has different risk tolerance. I'm old and three years ago my platelets were over 800, then 1, like I said I'd rather not take risks
I am so sorry for all you have been through.
Thank you for your extremely helpful advice.
Bloodwork results. Platelets remained around the same from a year ago when I started on the homeopathic Arnica.. Cholesterol is down. Dr just warned me to watch for blood marrow scaring.
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Bloodwork results. Platelets remained around the same from a year ago when I started on the homeopathic Arnica.. Cholesterol is down. Dr just warned me to watch for blood marrow scaring.
Hello and thank you for reaching out, I live in Canada and no my hematologist has not done any tests. I was diagnosed back in 2019 but all he told me was my platelets are high and did I want to take meds for it, he did not tell me the seriousness of it, then my family DR sent me back to him in September 2024, that is when I started looking into what it was, and what hydroxyurea was, I do not want to take it. I live within 8 miles of a nucurlar plant. My platelets where 807 in September and with diet I got them down to 749 in early November, all I eat is oatmeal, brown rice, fish, dark chocolate, ginger, mushrooms, onion, garlic, berrys, whine, coffee and rasins. January 15 they where 739, they diden't go down much because i started drinking lactose free milk, creamchees, and cream. I am only 95 pounds, so i need more food.
A bone marrow biopsy and aspiration should clarify diagnosis, a simple blood test isn't always enough to confirm your diagnosis.
My platelets were over 600 and approached 1000 before being diagnosed with ET /JAK2.
Initial dosing was 500 mg/day of HU. After 6 weeks my count went to 350 and my hematologist lowered the dose to 500 mg four times a week. I’m holding at that number for over 6 months. All other blood counts, RBC, WBC are normal. No side effects except for two squamous cell eruptions on the top of both hands. Not sure if this is HU related as I’ve had issues with skin cancers in the past. Not sure how my immune system will respond if I get a URI or any other type of infection.
I was informed by my GP that this years flu shot is the wrong one for the current virus, so wearing a mask in public places is a good idea,