Esophageal cancer treatment: Anyone have good experiences to share?

Posted by earnest @earnest, May 28 9:28am

Hello troops. Does anyone have any good news about their treatments? All I've been reading are horror stories. Not very encouraging at all. I'm on my second week of radiation and chemo, and the first chemo didn't go well. Not meaning to add to the horror stories, but it made my stomach ache really bad. They stopped and gave me steroids, I think. Now I'm hearing these stories about leaking chemo causing pain, makes me apprehensive. So if anyone has had a GOOD experience, PLEASE share it!

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This reminds me so much of what my husband has gone through. He started in June 2023 with stage 1 cancer of the cardia—no chemo or radiation but removal of 10-15% of the esophagus and ¼ of the stomach. Cancer was confined and no lymph nodes were involved.

His journey with the j-tube lasted a year and it was replete with problems—not tolerating various brands of enteral formula, tube falling out, getting clogged, leaking bile around the outside of the tube and excoriating his skin.

About one-year post surgery, the j-tube was removed and he was put on TPN (IV nutrition), which also has its own issues: he was hospitalized three times with gallbladder problems, which are common because of the body’s failure to use its digestive system; he had three ERCP procedures to remove sludge and stones from the gallbladder; and, finally, a bloodstream bacterial and fungal infection.

And, so, after six months, he was taken off TPN and had another j-tube placed. That’s where he’s at today—released from the hospital the day before yesterday and on enteral feeding 24-hours per day, at a very reduced delivery rate. It has been my intention to reduce the enteral feeding while increasing real food, Nausea and vomiting have been an issue with him right from the start so eating will have to be attempted while he is not hooked up to the formula and I want to follow what you’ve done. I hope that this will work and wish you good luck with what you’re doing.

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My husband did OK with Chocolate Mighty Shake. It come frozen, in 6 or 4 oz cartons. (He did not like the reduced sugar) I was adding 2-3 tablespoon of heavy cream in his 4 oz. 3 times a day serving. Some time he could also eat pureed food. It is difficult since their favorite food does not temp them anymore.
If you husband can get about 1000 calories extra, he could cut the day feeding, it may make a big difference in his outlook and may even help his appetite.


Thank you for the suggestions...he really needs to gain weight; he lost about 85-lbs. He is weak and malnourished but if can start eating, everything will start to fall into place.


May all work out you you guys

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