Enough - This is going to be fixed!

Posted by kartwk @kartwk, Dec 16, 2024

Forgive me for posting a bit. Today I talked to a elder law attorney, I have set up an apt. tomorrow for H with his primary doc. who I talked to about situation earlier AND I arranged for H's oldest daughter, a nurse, to be able to join us at that apt. via cell.

The hacking, coughing, etc. and the paranoid behavior about EVERYTHING bothers his lungs, even unopened bottles of cleaning vinegar, etc. have to be addressed. This is not normal IMHO and can't continue.

I included his oldest daughter because he respects her and she is a nurse who can, well, is kind of a third party in dealing with explanations.

I realized yesterday I was living in a soap opera and didn't like it, it IS dragging me down, as I have posted. I have my list ready, and the Doc has also agreed on some issues but if H won't take the meds, inhalers, etc. it can be difficult. Kind of an intervention.

It is happening more quicky than I expected, tomorrow, but that is better.
Pray for me.

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Forgive me for posting this about stepdaughter but she is part, a big part of trying to deal with things.

After weeks of not hearing from her and her being too busy to help out, she calls and sweet talks him about how she keeps forgetting to call. Her true colors soon showed when she asked if her son, who just bought a house, could have our lawnmower AND gas grill as we probably have no need for them anymore!!! After all, we should probably hire someone to cut our grass, she said. AND, get ready for this, they would be over on Saturday to pick them up!!

Today, H has the sense to tell her NO, no way, no how. It was funny because when we saw her name on the cell phone, I quipped that she probably wanted something like the lawnmower and grill, just off the top of my head. She is not happy with his response. Too bad.

As I have said before, she only bothers when there is something in it for her. It is really quite sad.

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The above nonsense is difficult to deal with because one, mainly me, gets the feeling she is just watching and waiting for opportunity. Thank heaven the wills are secure.

IMHO, she can't get to them, but she can try to get what she wants bit by bit. Last year H bought a 0-turn lawnmower (and they are pricey) and whether he ever uses it again or not it is his pride and joy. We still grill, in fact, I did it today since it was so nice outside.


Oh, one more thing. If she continues to push for the mower, grill or anything else I will let my Doctor know as he instructed me to.

For any of those that think she is going to stop by Saturday even though she isn't getting the mower etc., forget it. As she said, she has a lot of things she has to do and "was going to just squeeze picking up the mower etc. in." In other words, grab and run.

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