Endometrial Biopsy: I’m terrified, what can I expect?
Hi there, I have no bleeding but my endometrial thickness is a 6 and I have an endometrial biopsy scheduled in 30 days and I'm terrified. I made the mistake of reading all the horror stories on the internet. My doctor said it is painful and is preparing me by asking me to take VagiFem 10 for the next month and also to take advil before arriving. I've had pap smears all my life and they never hurt but my last one did. But I think that's because the doctor ( mine retired ) used a large instrument which hurt but then switched to a smaller one which was fine. It's a different doctor who will do the biopsy. I've had 2 transvaginal ultrasounds which didn't hurt and one hysterscopy which didn't hurt at all. But I'm terrified of the biopsy. My ultrasound showed a thickness of 6, nothing else, and my CT scan showed nothing. I wish my doctor hadn't told me it would hurt - when I said my last pap smear hurt, he said this would hurt more. He wasn't trying to be mean, just preparing me. I'm hoping I can do it. Any thoughts? And thanks for listening.
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Oh, Lucky, thanks for letting us know how it went. I'm sooooo glad it went well with little pain. Excellent. 10 seconds - wow! That's fast. And you also got the ultrasound results! I can imagine how nervous you are waiting now for the results. You're in my thoughts and prayers. I see the gynecologist for the first time on Friday and I'm super nervous too. I don't know if he's going to attempt a biopsy but I'm going to take advil, just in case. I'm wishing you all the best results for your biopsy.
Ahhhh you’ve got this! I know it must have been difficult not being able to get it done that day. Keep us posted on how you make out.
Thanks, Lucky. I'm so glad yours went well and was over fast. Did they say how long the results would take? I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all is well. Wishing you all the best.
They said usually within a couple of weeks. Hopefully they come sooner 🙂
@lucky0115 Yes, I'm hoping too that your results will arrive sooner.
I wish men wouldn't comment on things they know absolutely nothing about. I had a biopsy
end of February and diagnosed with cervical and uterine cancer. I'm going for surgery for port to get chemo on Wednesday. The biopsy, while unpleasant, was done by a female gynecological surgeon. This male doctor sounds like he's going in there as if fixing a piece of machinery. I'd love for you to get a female to do it. I've actually had 2. The first one I had was done by my gynecologist, a male, and he didn't get enough tissue. I then saw the female because CT scan showed suspected mass. She would tell me before she did each thing. I playfully told my family it felt like she was after my tonsils. I even yelled out the word........fff***cccckkkkk....then said sorry about that. It was over in a very short time. If you've had children then that hurt worse than the biopsy. Routine paps should not hurt if they are done right. She had to go way up in my cervix to get tissue and even farther for uterine tissue and that's why it hurt but it hurt for less than 5 seconds. I believe the scraping to get cells hurt worse than the swabbing did but like I said, it only hurt for less that 5 seconds. Good luck and remember to just breathe.....it will be ok.
Hi Carol - how did the surgery and chemo go? I hope you're feeling okay. It must be so overwhelming - to get your diagnosis and first treatment so fast. How are you doing?
I haven't even gotten the port for the chemo. I go wednesday for that. I've been battling this since December so nothing is going fast enough for me.