Endometrial Biopsy: I’m terrified, what can I expect?

Posted by suesam @suesam, Dec 21, 2024

Hi there, I have no bleeding but my endometrial thickness is a 6 and I have an endometrial biopsy scheduled in 30 days and I'm terrified. I made the mistake of reading all the horror stories on the internet. My doctor said it is painful and is preparing me by asking me to take VagiFem 10 for the next month and also to take advil before arriving. I've had pap smears all my life and they never hurt but my last one did. But I think that's because the doctor ( mine retired ) used a large instrument which hurt but then switched to a smaller one which was fine. It's a different doctor who will do the biopsy. I've had 2 transvaginal ultrasounds which didn't hurt and one hysterscopy which didn't hurt at all. But I'm terrified of the biopsy. My ultrasound showed a thickness of 6, nothing else, and my CT scan showed nothing. I wish my doctor hadn't told me it would hurt - when I said my last pap smear hurt, he said this would hurt more. He wasn't trying to be mean, just preparing me. I'm hoping I can do it. Any thoughts? And thanks for listening.

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I will be undergoing an endometrial biopsy next Monday. I am so nervous about the procedure and of course the results! My ob/gyn did say that he would freeze my cervix with an injection that should help some. He also suggested pain killers. Wondering what everyone else took? And how long it took for biopsy results to come back?

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Hi- I took 2 200mg ibuprofen (Advil) 1 hour before the appointment for the biopsy. The results came back in about 6 days. I did not have an injection. The procedure was not very painful it was more pinching. Good Luck!


I will be undergoing an endometrial biopsy next Monday. I am so nervous about the procedure and of course the results! My ob/gyn did say that he would freeze my cervix with an injection that should help some. He also suggested pain killers. Wondering what everyone else took? And how long it took for biopsy results to come back?

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Hi Lucky,

I wish you all the best on Monday. I was supposed to have one in office, but my doctor couldn't complete it due to the opening of my cervix being to narrow. But I did get the freezing and was being prepared for it. None of it hurt. Even the freezing didn't hurt but it wasn't completed. I took advil when I woke up that morning ( my appt. was in the afternoon ) and then again, (4 hours later) one hour before my appt. I was super scared, did a lot of deep breathing, but it wasn't able to be completed. I see a gynecologist next week. Good luck. I told my doctor how scared I was and he was super gentle. Sending you all sorts of good thoughts.


I’ll be getting mine done on Feb.24th and am so nervous! I’m 45, have had a Mirena IUD in for 3 years. My periods have started being irregular for the past 6 months or so (lasting 8-9 days) and this past month, it lasted for two weeks! My gyn will be freezing my cervix first, so I am really hoping that takes some of the pain away

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I've had lots of endometrial biopsies in the past and my recommendation is to take up to 4 Advil at least an hour ahead and ask for a heating or warming pad to place on your abdomen during the procedure. It really helped me during the last one. Definitely not a fun procedure but it is pretty quick and only really hurts while they're in there. It's important to get it done. My last one showed endometrial adenocarcinoma and I had a full hysterectomy 5 weeks ago. Don't delay any investigation of unusual symptoms! Best wishes and hugs to you


I've had lots of endometrial biopsies in the past and my recommendation is to take up to 4 Advil at least an hour ahead and ask for a heating or warming pad to place on your abdomen during the procedure. It really helped me during the last one. Definitely not a fun procedure but it is pretty quick and only really hurts while they're in there. It's important to get it done. My last one showed endometrial adenocarcinoma and I had a full hysterectomy 5 weeks ago. Don't delay any investigation of unusual symptoms! Best wishes and hugs to you

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Great advice, Lisa Marie. Thank you.


I’ll be getting mine done on Feb.24th and am so nervous! I’m 45, have had a Mirena IUD in for 3 years. My periods have started being irregular for the past 6 months or so (lasting 8-9 days) and this past month, it lasted for two weeks! My gyn will be freezing my cervix first, so I am really hoping that takes some of the pain away

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Hey Lucky - wishing you all the best for tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you and sending you all sorts of good vibes. You're in my thoughts and prayers.


Hey Lucky - wishing you all the best for tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you and sending you all sorts of good vibes. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

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Thank you so much 😊 I have been pretty nervous all day too! My family doc did prescribe me something stronger for pain, so I may take that. I also had my ultrasound 11 days ago and still haven’t received the results, so that’s on my mind too! Wish I would have known them before the biopsy 🤷‍♀️


Thank you so much 😊 I have been pretty nervous all day too! My family doc did prescribe me something stronger for pain, so I may take that. I also had my ultrasound 11 days ago and still haven’t received the results, so that’s on my mind too! Wish I would have known them before the biopsy 🤷‍♀️

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Good luck tomorrow. I don't blame you for being nervous. Sending you all sorts of good vibes. The big thing I keep telling myself is that at least it's fast. Wishing you all the best!


Take your pills prescribed…about 30 mins before the procedure. Yes, it does hurt, it’s miserable, but the procedure is relatively fast. With no down time. You can get through it. Best of luck. You can do this!!


Thank you so much 😊 I have been pretty nervous all day too! My family doc did prescribe me something stronger for pain, so I may take that. I also had my ultrasound 11 days ago and still haven’t received the results, so that’s on my mind too! Wish I would have known them before the biopsy 🤷‍♀️

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@lucky0115, I moved your question about biopsy to this related discussion:

- Endometrial Biopsy: I’m terrified, what can I expect https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/endometrial-biopsy/

How did the biopsy go? What do you wish you had known and would advise someone else who may be nervous about going in for an endometrial biopsy?


@lucky0115, I moved your question about biopsy to this related discussion:

- Endometrial Biopsy: I’m terrified, what can I expect https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/endometrial-biopsy/

How did the biopsy go? What do you wish you had known and would advise someone else who may be nervous about going in for an endometrial biopsy?

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Thanks! The biopsy went better than I thought! I took 2 extra strength Advil and an Ativan about an hour before and I also had a paracervical block. First, the gyn removed my iud, then did the biopsy. It was 10 seconds of being pretty uncomfortable, but tolerable! Now the waiting game starts! My ultrasound results showed some focal thickening of the endometrium approx. 1.5 x1.5cm with vascularity. They mention polyp, hyperplasia, or carcinoma? And one of my ovaries had a volume of 24 ml and showed an area measuring approx. 4x3cmwith no vascularity. They say it could be a possible endometrioma or cyst. The radiologist recommended another scan in a month and possible hysteroscope. Of course I am very nervous waiting for the biopsy results!

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