Emergency Medical Transportation Assistance (EA+)
I recently learned about a company that provides emergency medical transportation for people who become ill while traveling. It's called EA+ (Emergency Assistance +). It is not travel insurance. Instead it works with travel insurance in case of a medical emergency and provides medical transportation (flights, medical personnel if needed, arrangements, hospital transfers). It provides coverage for unlimited trips for 1 year for $209 (individual price, family plans are also available) and covers both domestic and international travel. No pre-existing conditions apply. Is anyone familiar with this company or something similar to it? I have a 4.2cm ascending aorta aneurysm and need to travel to London to see my 98 year-old aunt who is ill (I'm next of kin and have PoA). The EA+ service seems like an excellent option for the peace of mind it brings when traveling, but I would love to hear experiences and/or recommendations for something similar.
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At 4.2 you are still ways from being in the critical zone (closer to 5.0) but in my opinion, in the event of an emergency (disection/rupture) being transported by air wouldn't be feasible. In those emergency cases you need to be minutes from a qualified surgeon, especially ascending where you would need open heart surgery. There is nothing or not much that can be done to stabilize a patient with a disecting aneurysm long enough to delay surgery beyond minutes. I had surgery at 5.2, mine was found after a biking accident, and 3 months after leg surgery I had the open heart aneurysm repair. During my conversations with the surgeon as he was recommending having surgery ASAP he made it clear, the survivability of a sudden disection/rupture is very low, you literally need to be within minutes of an OR. You can read in this forum several accounts of folks that survived disections, @moonboy has posted seeral times his own experience, you can search for those comments, he made it from begining of disection to being in the OR in 40 min (if I remeber correctly) and almost didn't live to tell, he was fortunate. You are fortunate you know you have one and can start preparing yourself for the future.
Hope that helps, all the best to you and your aunt
Definitely agree with @houston13 , but if anyone does have info on this service, it would be great. I have 2 grandsons that will be out of the country (one in Spain one in Canada ) beginning this summer to play soccer. This might be a great addition to travel insurance for both boys.
Thank you
Check out Global Rescue and MediJet. My daughter travels globally, so I get it for her (and me - peace of mind).