Ears are main post Covid complaint

Posted by dloos @dloos, Sep 12, 2023

Anybody else with ears being your main post Covid complaint?

I’m sixteen plus months of feeling underwater with ear pressure. My symptoms started after I thought I was fully recovered from a moderate case of Covid. Six weeks after Covid infection we went to Hawaii. The plane flight seemed to trigger these ear issues.

It started just as the ear pressure thing, but over these last many months it has cascaded into, tinnitus, hyperacusis, dizziness, blurry vision, and just as a bonus I get intermittent swollen nasal passages. It’s as if my whole head is closing up on me. Not surprisingly I’m now pretty anxious because I’m not stable, and the ear pressure and other symptoms continue to worsen.

I see reference to ear issues now and then, but with most people it seems to be their lesser issue. Believe me I count my blessings that I have had very little pain, but my symptoms have me going nuts.
I’d love to hear from any others out there who might be similar to me.
I’ve been to a couple dozen different doctors, and really no one has a clue. I have seen multiple ENTs, Neurologist, Endocrinologist, Audiologist, Optometrist, Ophthalmologist, Naturopath, Acupuncturist, Chiropractors, Vascular Specialist, and of course my PCP. Trust me, I am not an hypochondriac, though it does look like I might be. Until this, many times a few years would go by without my seeing a doctor.
I now know I sure took my good health for granted.
So, if you’re out there, I ‘d like to hear how you’re coping, and if you have found any answers.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.


Although some say no, I cut the 7 mg patch in half. I know another person who did the same and it worked for her ; ended her tinnitus! She used the patch for about 8 weeks. I'm at a loss as to what to recommend to you since I never felt worse from wearing the patch. My dilemma is that my issues return a little when I remove the patch, so I've pretty much worn one during the day consistently. I do see where MANY others feel much worse before they feel better. It is such a strange thing - sort of like a crapshoot. I definitely see your point of dreading the adverse reactions from the patch. From what I've read from others, I would say try your best to stick it out on a low dose and see if you have any positive results. I definitely would not increase. I use the SEFUDUN brand that I ordered on Amazon. It was less expensive, and I understand that brand is less potent. Wish I had the answers for you and hope you feel better soon.

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Hi Koliver and all,
Just a quick update. I started on low dose Habitrol nicotine patch. I don’t cut it, but just remove half of the backing, so only one half touches my skin. I also moved the patch lower on my body to a bit of remaining fat on my stomach. I’ve lost so much weight I don’t have much fat, but I read that fat can slow absorption and make it a little more tolerable.
Anyway....this is my third day. I can’t say I’ve had huge improvement, but I am tolerating it pretty well, and I think I’ve had a slight improvement in mood.
So, I will continue. I’m hoping for some relief of pressure in my ears, and head....
Fingers crossed I can still stick with this, and get some relief.


I currently have Covid for the first time. My husband and I are experiencing it very different. He is in bed, extreme body pain. I am not bed ridden but have the absolute worst head cold, sinus issues of my life. Yesterday the pressure in my ears was so awful I've now lost hearing in left ear (assuming temporary) and lost most of my voice. Unlike on a plane, I can't pop my ears which is odd (like with a yawn) but for what it's worth thought I'd post my current symptoms and yes, my ears seem to be majorly affected but will see once I am through this illness. Please keep pursuing answers. You have to be your own advocate. The Healthcare community needs to wake up and open their eyes and minds to things they don't know and start investigating this stuff and take patients seriously. Best of luck to you.


I currently have Covid for the first time. My husband and I are experiencing it very different. He is in bed, extreme body pain. I am not bed ridden but have the absolute worst head cold, sinus issues of my life. Yesterday the pressure in my ears was so awful I've now lost hearing in left ear (assuming temporary) and lost most of my voice. Unlike on a plane, I can't pop my ears which is odd (like with a yawn) but for what it's worth thought I'd post my current symptoms and yes, my ears seem to be majorly affected but will see once I am through this illness. Please keep pursuing answers. You have to be your own advocate. The Healthcare community needs to wake up and open their eyes and minds to things they don't know and start investigating this stuff and take patients seriously. Best of luck to you.

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I hope your ear issue passes as you get through Covid. Mine didn’t present until I was recovered from the initial infection. I believe that is classic for long Covid. You think you are recovered....but no.
I have gotten worse since I last posted.
I’m not sure where I’m headed. It seems I just can’t shake this monster.
Good luck to you.


Hi Koliver and all,
Just a quick update. I started on low dose Habitrol nicotine patch. I don’t cut it, but just remove half of the backing, so only one half touches my skin. I also moved the patch lower on my body to a bit of remaining fat on my stomach. I’ve lost so much weight I don’t have much fat, but I read that fat can slow absorption and make it a little more tolerable.
Anyway....this is my third day. I can’t say I’ve had huge improvement, but I am tolerating it pretty well, and I think I’ve had a slight improvement in mood.
So, I will continue. I’m hoping for some relief of pressure in my ears, and head....
Fingers crossed I can still stick with this, and get some relief.

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Still hoping you have success with the patches. Honestly, it is the only relief I have received. I am currently trying to not wear a patch. It's been about a week, and so far, so good. The one lingering symptom seems to be slight light-headedness when I am going about my day. It is no where near as bad as it was before I started using the patches. Although I'm not 100%, it's a HUGE improvement! I had an appointment with a Long Covid doctor recently and honestly did not learn much more than I already knew. He said the main culprit of LC is the full body inflammation that it causes. I also learned unless they can write a "prescription" for it, they will not recommend or comment on anything else. He referred me to a physician led support group made up of LC patients which I plan on participating in. I hope you see improvement with the patches; it does take some time.


Still hoping you have success with the patches. Honestly, it is the only relief I have received. I am currently trying to not wear a patch. It's been about a week, and so far, so good. The one lingering symptom seems to be slight light-headedness when I am going about my day. It is no where near as bad as it was before I started using the patches. Although I'm not 100%, it's a HUGE improvement! I had an appointment with a Long Covid doctor recently and honestly did not learn much more than I already knew. He said the main culprit of LC is the full body inflammation that it causes. I also learned unless they can write a "prescription" for it, they will not recommend or comment on anything else. He referred me to a physician led support group made up of LC patients which I plan on participating in. I hope you see improvement with the patches; it does take some time.

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I wish I could say the patches were going along as I’d hoped. Yesterday (third day), I got very sick. I’m willing to have some negative reaction, but it doesn’t feel like I should continue when I feel poisoned. Yesterday I had roaring head from increased tinnitus, dizziness and nausea. Maybe I am just hyper sensitive to nicotine? Or maybe my dose is still too high. I haven’t been able to eat and I am so weak today.
I might consider trying every other day? I just don’t know.
I have an appointment at a long Covid Clinic next Friday.
Your experience doesn't sound very encouraging. The way I feel now, I hope I can even get there!
I actually think I should be in the hospital....but no one would know what to do anyway.
Thanks for staying in touch.


@dloos, @laja I think you and others in this thread may find it interesting to watch Dr. Sletten's video explaining Central Sensitization Syndrome:

It may offer insight to why and how sensitivities can come about and how to calm them. I was diagnosed with CSS and prior to that I lived a period where I didn't understand odd symptoms such as sensitivities to light sound touch and pain in general from stimuli that normally should not cause pain. Dr. Sletten helped validate so much and helped me realize I wasn't going crazy. Many doctors aren't educated on or aware of CSS. Do you think you may have CSS? Are you being told by doctors that no one understands what might be wrong with you and why?


I have tinnitus mainly at night or no background noise. Audiologist recommended a neurologist. Another internist believes it is caused by TMJ and/or teeth grinding.
This is my first post in this group and I have so many post Covid questions. Thanks!


I wish you luck, but I had all those diagnosis too.
Nope! I guess the good news is, most of us do get used to it (ignore it). And for most people the level changes, so it is not ALWAYS at it’s loudest, worst.
Like you, I notice mine most at night. I keep an air purifier going and the sound of the fan is helpful to mask enough to help me go to sleep. All types of “white, pink, brown, green noise” can help. If you aren’t familiar, explore the “colors” to find what masks yours best.
Welcome and good luck.


I have had Çovid twice, first in November 2020, prior to vaccinations, as well as in June 2022 when I was treated with Paxlovid. I developed long Çovid several months after my first infection mainly experiencing fatigue, brain fog and word finding issues. PT, speech therapy and acupuncture were beneficial. This past January I had my first vertigo episode. Within a few months I developed tinnitus, ear pressure and noise sensitivity. It is unknown if this is part of my long covid, but a number of practitioners have mentioned that they have seen similar symptoms in other patients with long covid. Both acupuncture and cranial sacral therapy have been beneficial. I have had severe headaches with the ear pressure, which seems related to the barometric pressure. I'm waiting to see an ENT with expertise in this area to assess for Meniere's, eustachian tube dysfunction, possible vascular migraines, etc. My PCP has prescribed Betahistine to help address the vertigo; I am having difficulty tolerating it. I also am starting Flonase to hopefully help with the ear fullness. It's frustrating and at times demoralizing. Dealing with the constant tinnitus requires a lot of my (already compromised) energy as well as impacting the quality of my sleep. I've tried lots of different noise; they help inconsistently. After my recent Covid vaccine the volume and intensity of my tinnitus increased greatly. I barely slept for about a week, and was relieved when it finally calmed.
I appreciate reading about others' experiences, knowledge, helpful treatments, etc , as what is known if often quite fragmented.


I have had Çovid twice, first in November 2020, prior to vaccinations, as well as in June 2022 when I was treated with Paxlovid. I developed long Çovid several months after my first infection mainly experiencing fatigue, brain fog and word finding issues. PT, speech therapy and acupuncture were beneficial. This past January I had my first vertigo episode. Within a few months I developed tinnitus, ear pressure and noise sensitivity. It is unknown if this is part of my long covid, but a number of practitioners have mentioned that they have seen similar symptoms in other patients with long covid. Both acupuncture and cranial sacral therapy have been beneficial. I have had severe headaches with the ear pressure, which seems related to the barometric pressure. I'm waiting to see an ENT with expertise in this area to assess for Meniere's, eustachian tube dysfunction, possible vascular migraines, etc. My PCP has prescribed Betahistine to help address the vertigo; I am having difficulty tolerating it. I also am starting Flonase to hopefully help with the ear fullness. It's frustrating and at times demoralizing. Dealing with the constant tinnitus requires a lot of my (already compromised) energy as well as impacting the quality of my sleep. I've tried lots of different noise; they help inconsistently. After my recent Covid vaccine the volume and intensity of my tinnitus increased greatly. I barely slept for about a week, and was relieved when it finally calmed.
I appreciate reading about others' experiences, knowledge, helpful treatments, etc , as what is known if often quite fragmented.

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The tinnitus can be caused by blocked ears and mine are still clogged but I am seeing an Ent trying to address
the problem.

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