Does Stomach Acid Kill MAC?

Posted by mch (Marycarol) @mch, Feb 22, 2023

So far, only seeing mixed messages as to whether stomach acid kills MAC (as it does other bacteria). I have switched to using LifeStraw bottle and pitcher to filter the majority of water I consume/use. But as I'm one of those who produce very little sputum when trying to do airway clearance or during occasional coughing, and wind up swallowing most of it, I'm concerned the benefit of all my filtering efforts is being degraded. I also have GERD, take Pantoprazole 40mg/day and Pepcid as needed; and I use a mattress elevator for sleeping on incline. I realize the PPI medication reduces acid, but I would not consider modifying my GERD treatment unless I knew for sure the stomach acid would help reduce MAC in the stomach.

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Good Morning Mary Carol - The short answer to the question is No, Mycobacteria are not killed by stomach acid. Is that a concern? Again, the short answer is also No. The contents of the stomach move on through and out quickly, not giving biofilm a chance to establish, nor mycobacteria to hide there. The exception is people who are very immunocompromised - such as those with HIV or AIDS.

The few available studies show that normal stomach Ph is about 3.0, and and mycobacteria survive Ph as low as 2.0 - 2.2. So stopping GERD medications is neither helpful nor advisable.

If swallowing sputum concerns you, I have developed a technique I use to avoid swallowing it when doing airway clearance - I stand and bend forward at about a 30-45 degree angle when huff coughing and it comes out easily.



Good Morning Mary Carol - The short answer to the question is No, Mycobacteria are not killed by stomach acid. Is that a concern? Again, the short answer is also No. The contents of the stomach move on through and out quickly, not giving biofilm a chance to establish, nor mycobacteria to hide there. The exception is people who are very immunocompromised - such as those with HIV or AIDS.

The few available studies show that normal stomach Ph is about 3.0, and and mycobacteria survive Ph as low as 2.0 - 2.2. So stopping GERD medications is neither helpful nor advisable.

If swallowing sputum concerns you, I have developed a technique I use to avoid swallowing it when doing airway clearance - I stand and bend forward at about a 30-45 degree angle when huff coughing and it comes out easily.


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Sue - thanks so much for the info and your advise.


My Mayo doc recommended raising the head of my bed up 6". It is an adjustment to get use to everything sliding down (even my but it has really helped since I have GERDS. Also, Sue's recommendation to bend forward is great! Works every time. Take care! Carolyn


To @mch

If you have GERD, the MAC in the reflux might be aspirated and move into the airways, so limiting possible MAC intake (by filtering, for instance) is useful.


My Mayo doc recommended raising the head of my bed up 6". It is an adjustment to get use to everything sliding down (even my but it has really helped since I have GERDS. Also, Sue's recommendation to bend forward is great! Works every time. Take care! Carolyn

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@bluesplashgirl. Hi. I know what you mean about things sliding toward the foot of the bed. Last year we invested in a split king bed. I can raise my head up without interfering with my husband's side. (I have noticed he has started raising his up a little bit.) Anyway, what I do is raise the foot of the bed some so sliding down doesn't happen. It kinda looks like I sleeping in the fork of a tree but the mattress is so comfortable it doesn't feel awkward at all. We spent a lot of time deciding of this type bed but so glad we were able to get one--they're pricey. Good luck.


@bluesplashgirl. Hi. I know what you mean about things sliding toward the foot of the bed. Last year we invested in a split king bed. I can raise my head up without interfering with my husband's side. (I have noticed he has started raising his up a little bit.) Anyway, what I do is raise the foot of the bed some so sliding down doesn't happen. It kinda looks like I sleeping in the fork of a tree but the mattress is so comfortable it doesn't feel awkward at all. We spent a lot of time deciding of this type bed but so glad we were able to get one--they're pricey. Good luck.

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My husband and I have been contemplating getting a split King bed. Please share the brand of your bed. There are zillion brands out there, and it’s hard to narrow the field! Thanks


@vonniefollies. I'm happy to get that info to you but can't look it up tonight. A tip that might be helpful. I chose the hybrid which is more flexible in getting what you want by raising both the head and foot. My husband's side is firm and it does not work as well. I'm in the southeast and I know the factory is here also so don't know where you are but you would need to go to a show room to try them out.


Hi Mary Carol, I have had MAC for a year and on the 3 big antibiotics. I also have acid reflux and am on Pantoprazole. I have terrible stomach acid and it hasn't done anything to my MAC yet and I have not heard that it would. Wish it was true as I would no longer have MAC.


My respirologist was adamant that I not take Pantoprazole, which my gastroenterologist was going to prescribe to me.

Has this happened to anyone else?


My husband and I have been contemplating getting a split King bed. Please share the brand of your bed. There are zillion brands out there, and it’s hard to narrow the field! Thanks

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The best rated mattress for over 20 yrs for flat or mechanical beds is having sale now for next couple of days. Expensive but worth every penny for many yrs. We have had ours 13 yrs already, still like new.

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