Does lack of exercise and prolong sitting make blood pressure lower?

Posted by happybears2525 @happybears2525, Jul 2, 2023

Hi there!

I’m a 29 year old female and have been experiencing low blood pressure (according to my stress watch) and symptoms like slight dizziness, shortness of breath, pale skin, tingly legs and hands, shakiness especially when I sit for a long time at night (especially for the past two weeks) when watching a show or something.

I usually feel better when I get up and walk around to get my blood pressure above 60.
I also don’t have any problems when I climb stairs or move a lot.

Also, a little background, I have been going through a lot of stress and anxiety (possibly depression too?) these past 2 years and haven’t been moving my body much (not getting enough sunlight too probably) and during these years, I started breathing shallow (which felt better sometimes when I would stretch my tensed up neck).

Last October, I had a panic attack and was sent to the hospital by ambulance. The doctor there said I had also experienced Tetany and a nurse asked if I had anemia when checking my oxygen levels or something, which I replied yes. I also have a history of low vitamin d, zinc, and a sluggish thyroid.
Oh! I also have terrible posture (neck is always tensed and sore).

I am planning on going to the doctor soon to see what’s wrong, but if anyone has any idea what could be happening and if there’s any advice, I’d greatly appreciate it.

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Welcome @happybears2525, I think the fact that you mentioned you feel better when you get up and walk around is a good sign. I'm not a doctor but I think the answer to your question - Does lack of exercise and prolong sitting make blood pressure lower? is no according to this article:

--- Sitting Less and Moving More:

I think it's a really good plan to see a doctor and discuss your concerns and possible things you can do that might help. Major stress and anxiety along with a history of anemia, low vitamin D and other factors are definitely something to be concerned about. Do you already have an appointment setup?


Welcome @happybears2525, I think the fact that you mentioned you feel better when you get up and walk around is a good sign. I'm not a doctor but I think the answer to your question - Does lack of exercise and prolong sitting make blood pressure lower? is no according to this article:

--- Sitting Less and Moving More:

I think it's a really good plan to see a doctor and discuss your concerns and possible things you can do that might help. Major stress and anxiety along with a history of anemia, low vitamin D and other factors are definitely something to be concerned about. Do you already have an appointment setup?

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The statement you made about going to the doctor is Correct. There are any number of conditions that might be causing your problem, but I have one suggestion until you see the doctor. The next time you think your blood pressure is low, dampen your finger and place it in some salt. Then put that amount of salt on your tongue and swallow. This is frequently enough to raise your blood pressure and avoid the fainting. Good luck

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