Does keeping hot water in a thermos for 8-10 hours breed bacteria?
I recently found out that i also have Mycobacterium Avium and Nocardia farcinica. I now boil my water in my Instant Pot for 11 minutes but then put it in thermoses so I have warm water throughout the day to drin, a big part of my airway clearance regimen. Does having it in a thermos for sometimes eight hours breed bacteria if I am not drinking directly from the thermos? Many thanks for all the guidance here!
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I was thinking the same! Wouldn’t these NTM bacteria be in the pipes and thus what’s the point of cleaning shower head. Also filtering the whole house, was an option but are the NTM still in all the pipes to come through with the filtered water?
I think it is a matter of bacteria growth in the shower head. Meaning it never has a long enough time between usages to possibly have the water dry out of the shower and therefore bacteria builds and grows and grows???? Yes? No?
For myself I have the hot water tank turned up to about 135-140 and try to drain as much water out of the hand held tubing with it's own shower head before using it again. Not sure that is a perfect solution but it's something. With the cheap materials they use for shower heads today one needs to understand what certain chemicals do and don't do to the shower head itself and for cleaning the shower heads. My understanding is that Vinegar is just for clearing out calcium from the shower head??? Wouldn't one need to use something like bleach if concerned with bacteria build up in the lines or shower head????