Does anyone with AFIB NOT take blood thinners?

Posted by yorlik @yorlik, Feb 14, 2019

cow aorta valve replacement 11/2018. Afib started 2 days after; stayed 1 month then gone - until now. day 4 of off an on afib now. I do NOT want to be put back on blood thinner! Heading to ER now but will watch for replies here... thanks.

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I only went on it full time 2 or 3 months ago. I did it after an episode in May and then Oct. and then again in Nov and then again Dec. I decided that if I went into A-fib when asleep I could be taking a chance on clotting before I awoke. I always was awake when I went into A-fib. But when they started to recur so often I didn't want to take the chance. If they do a successful 2nd ablation on me I'll come off the eliquis. It took awhile to get them to believe me that I know when I am out of rhythm. Most people do not know if and when they are having A-fib. Many of them are in A-fib full time. Do you know when you are out of rhythm? Do you when you go back in? The docs treat everybody with the same odds. Never mind those of us who know what we are dealing with.

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I defintely know when I have afib- symptoms are dramatic- and end up in ambulance, ER, even ICU because my heart rate goes up to 190 or so and I have low blood pressure, so meds to bring heart rate down are tricky. I can easily feel it convert.

I have worn monitors and they confirm that afib only happens when I feel it. No asymptomatic afib.

I have never been given short term anticoagulation though one hospital did an echo to check for clots when I had an episode that lasted 7 hours.


Ah that heart rate is a key issue that should to be ignored. 190 is a very high HR that can be dangerous. I failed to mention that my HR when in A-fib is always be in the 80's and my blood pressure is normal which is quite safe. I didn't make that clear. I am uncomfortable even in the 80's but my normal resting rate is in the mid-upper 40's.


Ah that heart rate is a key issue that should to be ignored. 190 is a very high HR that can be dangerous. I failed to mention that my HR when in A-fib is always be in the 80's and my blood pressure is normal which is quite safe. I didn't make that clear. I am uncomfortable even in the 80's but my normal resting rate is in the mid-upper 40's.

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@harveywj the low blood pressure is also an issue because beta blockers and diltiazem lower it further. Paramedics gave me a bolus of diltiazem despite my telling them not to and my systolic blood pressure went down to 60. The ICU was to monitor my blood pressure while doing a slow diltiazem drip.

The fast heart rate ("atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response" means I always feel it, at least! Wishing you good luck !


I only went on it full time 2 or 3 months ago. I did it after an episode in May and then Oct. and then again in Nov and then again Dec. I decided that if I went into A-fib when asleep I could be taking a chance on clotting before I awoke. I always was awake when I went into A-fib. But when they started to recur so often I didn't want to take the chance. If they do a successful 2nd ablation on me I'll come off the eliquis. It took awhile to get them to believe me that I know when I am out of rhythm. Most people do not know if and when they are having A-fib. Many of them are in A-fib full time. Do you know when you are out of rhythm? Do you when you go back in? The docs treat everybody with the same odds. Never mind those of us who know what we are dealing with.

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I am 77 yo man, fit and otherwise healthy, diagnosed with AF couple years ago, though no doubt had episodes for much longer. My episodes before Flecainide twice lasted about 6 hours. Since meds, just some palpitations and very rare runs of AFib just seconds long and two episodes 1.5 year apart lasting 2 hours, all converted unassisted. I do not take anticoagulant, but since last more recent 2hr episode, I filled a prescription and carry with me in the event I have an episode lasting more than, say, 30 minutes. Then, will begin taking the anticoagulant and decide what to do with future doses from there. I can ALWAYS tell when I’m AFib, and know will awaken me if asleep, so not worried about something silent getting past me.


I only went on it full time 2 or 3 months ago. I did it after an episode in May and then Oct. and then again in Nov and then again Dec. I decided that if I went into A-fib when asleep I could be taking a chance on clotting before I awoke. I always was awake when I went into A-fib. But when they started to recur so often I didn't want to take the chance. If they do a successful 2nd ablation on me I'll come off the eliquis. It took awhile to get them to believe me that I know when I am out of rhythm. Most people do not know if and when they are having A-fib. Many of them are in A-fib full time. Do you know when you are out of rhythm? Do you when you go back in? The docs treat everybody with the same odds. Never mind those of us who know what we are dealing with.

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I always know when I am out of rhythm. Have not had Afib occurrence in a year but Doctor keeps me on Eliquis. I think they don’t believe you when you tell them you know?


John- - My young adult son had the Watchman procedure yesterday. Just curious- if you don't mind- what was the protocol for you to get off the blood thinners after the procedure? I'm just trying to learn as much as I can about it in general. We have the protocol - but just wondered different Drs. and protocols?

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I had a watchman installed on 1/25/2023. I received a TEE echo and clearance the beginning of April to stop warfarin and have not taken it since. I also have a CRT pacemaker (Cardio Recyncronization Therapy). The Phoenix heart hospital ordered a followup in Jan 2024.
I moved to Virginia in October and the cardiologists here no longer require the yearly follow!


Many docs will prescribe anticoagulants when not needed yet. My feeling is that they have no liability if they prescribe them, but do have liability if they don't. My doc wanted to put me on anticoagulants in 2015 and I declined. Since then I have afib once a year and also they removed gender from the CHADS score doc uses, so after years of pressuring me he finally told me I was right and they were overmedicating people.

I am happy to hear that some of you are doing anticoagulant short term and even "in the pocket." I will bring that up with my new cardiologist in April.


I don't like blood thinners either. I use fresh garlic daily. But I think Eliquis is a blood thinner. Not sure. However it is making me tired all day and have no energy. I want something else. Any ideas?


I don't like blood thinners either. I use fresh garlic daily. But I think Eliquis is a blood thinner. Not sure. However it is making me tired all day and have no energy. I want something else. Any ideas?

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Welcome @t87c, I also have been taking Eliquis for the past 4 months and have noticed more fatigue. It is a side effect of Eliquis (apixaban) and other similar medications.

"Tiredness and lack of energy
If you're tired and lack energy, feel like you're short of breath, have noticeable heartbeats (heart palpitations) and paler than usual skin, these can be signs of anaemia. Talk to your doctor, who may arrange a blood test."
--- Side effects of apixaban:

Have you discussed the fatigue with your doctor to see if you might have iron deficiency anemia?

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