Does anyone know what the typical recovery is for a living liver donor

Posted by makitwins @makitwins, Nov 22, 2017

Living liver donation-my daughter is being tested to see if she can donate part of her liver to a family friend who has PSC. Does anyone have any experience with this and the risks and recovery involved?Thanks

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Hi @makitwins - I'm sharing a link to our living donor toolkit page which provides some of the information you're looking for. The page covers both living donor kidney and liver transplant, so just ignore the kidney information 🙂 Hope it helps!


@makitwins, Hi and welcome. Thanks for bringing up this excellent question. We are here to share from our experiences, to learn together, and especially to support and encourage each other. I am an organ recipient due to PSC in 2009 due to a heroic deceased donor. I want t o commend your daughter for her loving intentions to be a living donor for her friend.

I would like to bring to your attention a discussion on PSC where @sandyblair has shared her experience about living liver donation.
When you click on this link, you will be taken directly to the conversation that has occurred.
I hope this helps, also.


@makitwins, Hi and welcome. Thanks for bringing up this excellent question. We are here to share from our experiences, to learn together, and especially to support and encourage each other. I am an organ recipient due to PSC in 2009 due to a heroic deceased donor. I want t o commend your daughter for her loving intentions to be a living donor for her friend.

I would like to bring to your attention a discussion on PSC where @sandyblair has shared her experience about living liver donation.
When you click on this link, you will be taken directly to the conversation that has occurred.
I hope this helps, also.

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I would also like to share the following article from the Mayo Transplant Pages Newsfeed: Meet Maikki: A New Way of Looking at the World. It is an amazing story of living liver donation - for PSC. I think it would be a benefit for your daughter to view. And, as a 'plus' there is a link to Maikki's blog referenced at the end.


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