Does a nebulizer not put out enough power after a time?

Posted by lp8 @lp8, Jun 5, 2024

I use Phillips Resperonics Innospire essence nebulizer for my 7% saline. All of a sudden the nebulizer is working but I don't feel the medication coming out strongly enough. Do I need a new machine? Has anyone had this problem?
Also I neb with the Aerobica. I have not been able to find the medication cup to attach to the aerobika with reusable tubing. Does anyone have any info on these questions? Thanks.

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@lp8 - Most compressor nebulizer have a replaceable filter. Last winter my daughter called me from 1500 miles away to listen to theirs, and I could tell it wasn't sounding like mine. When I asked about the filter, she was totally surprised - had been using it frequently for over a year for herself & 2kids. Replaced and its good to go. And she's been an RN for 20 years!

So, have you replaced your filter? 2 or more spares usually come in the kit.

The final answer is that the compressors do wear out, but in my experience the good ones last at least 3-5 years.


Thanks, Sue. I'll check the filter. When I called medical supply today they told me I was not supposed to use aerobika / medicine cup with the phillips nebulizer. I don't know, I told him I'd used it for months but now was not emitting enough saline smoke. He said the Phillips was not strong enough a motor. I'll look for the filter.


The medication cup that attaches to the Aerobika is called AeroEclipse XL. I bought mine online from I like it very much and it is recommended to be replaced every 6 months. It has 2 settings- either breath activated or continuous mode. It is $14.99 at Save Rite, with a 5% discount on first order. The manufacturer, Monaghan recommends that their compressor, the Ombra, be used with the AeroEclipse XL.


Thank you to both of you. I finally got a new filter. You were absolutely correct. The one I was using was black. It works much better now. And I did order an Ombra compressor from saverite medical. I'm waiting to receive that.
Thanks again,


Thank you to both of you. I finally got a new filter. You were absolutely correct. The one I was using was black. It works much better now. And I did order an Ombra compressor from saverite medical. I'm waiting to receive that.
Thanks again,

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Black? wow you might need to use a whole home air purifier. My filters never look dirty when I replace them in the compressors.

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