Do you use Mucinex? At what dosage?

Posted by cate123456 @cate123456, Feb 11, 2023

I have tried Mucinex occasionally over the years at the 600 mg with no results.
But having read Sue and other’s success using it, I recently tried the extra strength 1,200 mg dosage, and found it really did work to thin mucus and calm down my lungs. I started taking it twice a day and it really helped, but am concerned whether it’s safe to take the high dose long term.

I have a doc appointment in two weeks that I will ask, but I also wanted to get feedback first from anyone here using Mucinex, especially long term.
And if so, can you get it via prescription to lower the cost?

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@cate123456 I'm glad you found something to help. I too am curious as to whether the higher dose is safe long-term (I have taken it for up to a month when needed but always go back to 600mg) The 600 mg has proven safe long-term, and I have taken it for over 35 years.
As for the cost, no, once the decision was made to go OTC, it was no longer available by prescription. One thing I do is buy the 600 mg strength on line through Amazon in 500 count bottles - it really cuts the cost.


@cate123456 I'm glad you found something to help. I too am curious as to whether the higher dose is safe long-term (I have taken it for up to a month when needed but always go back to 600mg) The 600 mg has proven safe long-term, and I have taken it for over 35 years.
As for the cost, no, once the decision was made to go OTC, it was no longer available by prescription. One thing I do is buy the 600 mg strength on line through Amazon in 500 count bottles - it really cuts the cost.

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Thanks, I’ll try buying it that way.
I’m noticing after about an hour or two after taking it, good airway clearance happens by itself. So I’m wondering if I even need the saline while I’m taking Mucinex. I can’t do 7% saline, only 3% these days since having that horrible Acinetobacter Baumanni experience and bad Bronchospasming I’m more sensitive to saline now, but the 1200 mg Mucinex seems to work like the saline without irritating my lungs.


I find that I need both. But right now I'm battling a virus and can't tolerate the 7% saline, so I'm all the way down to .9% and even that only once a day.


I also tried Mucinex about 4 years ago when first diagnosed with Bronchiectasis with no luck, even with 1200mg. I have never produced sputum either except when sick with pseudonyms or exacerbation. Since I have MAC now, should I try again? Has anyone who DOESNT produce sputum found it effective??


I had not taken Mucinex since Dx of MAC and Pseudomonas five years ago. I was hospitalized in September for 8 days for COVID. Cough was awful. The doctor (not pulmonary) prescribed Mucinex and it did well to get relief. My next visit with my MAC doc I asked if I should be using it regularly. He said no but he was OK to use it occasionally. Some of these posts are very favorable for Mucinex so I plan on asking him about it again during my appt. tomorrow. Appreciating this group so much.


I also tried Mucinex about 4 years ago when first diagnosed with Bronchiectasis with no luck, even with 1200mg. I have never produced sputum either except when sick with pseudonyms or exacerbation. Since I have MAC now, should I try again? Has anyone who DOESNT produce sputum found it effective??

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That's an interesting question. I don't think a mucus thinner would be of much help if your body isn't producing any. Perhaps it would be useful during an exacerbation to thin the mucus when you are producing it.
Do you do routine airway clearance exercises? Or use saline to help keep your lungs as clear as possible?


I had not taken Mucinex since Dx of MAC and Pseudomonas five years ago. I was hospitalized in September for 8 days for COVID. Cough was awful. The doctor (not pulmonary) prescribed Mucinex and it did well to get relief. My next visit with my MAC doc I asked if I should be using it regularly. He said no but he was OK to use it occasionally. Some of these posts are very favorable for Mucinex so I plan on asking him about it again during my appt. tomorrow. Appreciating this group so much.

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Good morning Faye, I am a great proponent of using the least amount of medication and supplements to support my health. For me, the Mucinex is an absolute because without it my lung and sinus mucus are the consistency of rubber cement, and have been since childhood. Due to the "sticky" nature, I was tested for Cystic Fibrosis, but fortunately I do not have it.

Do you have trouble with thick or sticky mucus when you are not ill? Or are you able to get good airway clearance most days?


I had not taken Mucinex since Dx of MAC and Pseudomonas five years ago. I was hospitalized in September for 8 days for COVID. Cough was awful. The doctor (not pulmonary) prescribed Mucinex and it did well to get relief. My next visit with my MAC doc I asked if I should be using it regularly. He said no but he was OK to use it occasionally. Some of these posts are very favorable for Mucinex so I plan on asking him about it again during my appt. tomorrow. Appreciating this group so much.

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Fdixon — would you mind asking your doctor tomorrow “why” exactly it is not good for us to take regularly?


I was on 1200 mg per day but could not produce sputum despite it until I was taught to do proper airway clearance at NJH and now use 7 % saline instead. The saline also seems to help with stuffiness in your nose. The doctor at NJH took me off the Musinex as for me it did not seem to do much.
Bought it at Sams in a bigger package - quite a savings.


Fdixon — would you mind asking your doctor tomorrow “why” exactly it is not good for us to take regularly?

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@cate123456 I'm adding that question to my "list" of questions for tomorrow. Sometimes you have to push a little to get it all figured out. Thanks.

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