Do you meditate? And does it help?

Posted by cedarfirefly @cedarfirefly, Mar 9, 2018

Good morning my fellow chronic pain warriors. So I want to know how many people meditate, use creative visualization, or taped hypnosis to help with your pain. Or any other methods like these.
Personally I have found guided meditation and hypnosis helpful when I’m having moderate pain. It helps me focus less on my pain and helps me relax as well. IV been hearing a lot about mindfulness lately and the theory behind it sounds good. Have anyone used this method as well?

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Practice practice practice like anything we have to deal with in life. After years of practice I love where I am with my life. There are many forms of meditation ideas. I have learned the best for me is Vipassana “insight”. No magic just good consistent practice.


Meditation has helped me SO much with my chronic pain and symptoms! I highly recommend the Insight Timer app. It's totally free and has every possible type of guided meditation available - pain management, stress, sleep, relaxation, mindfulness, etc. Or, if you like to meditate on your own, it offers a timer and background music/noise if you like. The breathe app that @jamienolson mentioned above is also great. I use it throughout my day. Diaphragmatic breathing is one of the key components taught at Mayo's Pain Rehabilitation Clinic and it sincerely, truly has made a difference for me.

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