Do you meditate? And does it help?
Good morning my fellow chronic pain warriors. So I want to know how many people meditate, use creative visualization, or taped hypnosis to help with your pain. Or any other methods like these.
Personally I have found guided meditation and hypnosis helpful when I’m having moderate pain. It helps me focus less on my pain and helps me relax as well. IV been hearing a lot about mindfulness lately and the theory behind it sounds good. Have anyone used this method as well?
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I have been reading a book "Mindfulness: Finding peace in a Frantic World" (I think) and it has links to guided meditations and is basically an eight week trainer. What I have covered to this point has been great for my anxiety. I am glad it helps with your pain and likely would mine as well. I would definitely recommend others give it a try for either condition or both.
My morning ritual begins with gentle yoga, mindfulness and guided meditation after a hot shower in preparation. My yoga instructor created a special set of yoga strength and flexibility poses for me last April. At that time I committed to making my practice a daily ritual. The results after a year are quite amazing.
Mindfulness with mettas can reduce anxiety which leads to increased pain which results in more anxiety, etc, etc, etc. Mindfulness practice has increased my compassion for friends, family and support folks who try to help. Loving kindness for others increases well being for yourself.
Just one more note on Mindfulness. There are just 4 stages of mindfulness....1st Be aware....2nd Notice....3rd Observe.....4th Allow.
And the only other element I add is Pain Release Massage very Friday.
That's wonderful I do meditate and use Tapping as you say after a bit shower to relax the muscles
I forgot to say I do stretching exercises in chair also
I don’t know how to meditate can you guide me. My depression anxiety is killing me
I use mindfulness meditation, and find it very helpful. It helps to observe the pain, and NOT push it away (pushing it away increases the pain), rather acknowledge it gently and observe it with some curiosity --notice the ebb and flow. I go (in my imagination) to the center of the pain and quietly breathe there. It does help. At night, if the pain wakes me, it helps me quieten down and fall asleep again.
You might start with looking at Dr Jon Kabat-Zin materials at . There are also live MBSR (Mindfulness-based stress reduction) workshops many places, and this might be the best way to start. Also, though it may be good to consult your doctor about your depression-anxiety --see if medication might help you pursue other forms of treatment such as meditation. best wishes!
Hello @cdcc. I use an ap called Breathe. It taught me how to meditate. Have patience, start will small amounts of time and work your way up. I love it. good luck!