Do you have an inspiring or favorite quote to share?

Posted by Zebra @californiazebra, Jun 21, 2023

I'll start with three quotes from the very inspiring Helen Keller as noted in "Your Year of Healing" book by Amit Sood, MD:

"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it."

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched -- they must be felt with the heart."

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

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"Human being cannot live in a condition of emptiness for very long: if he is not growing Toward something, he does not merely stagnate; the pent-up potentialities turn into morbidity and despair and eventually into destructive activities." Rollo May, Existential Psychologist, authored many books including this written in his 5 decade old book, Man's Search for Himself, I think it explains a lot our problems of the day especially overdose drug abuse deaths and 'deaths of despair'


“Simple pleasures for a simple man.”


This is not from anyone famous, I just came across it and thought "how true " .
A healthy person ,is one who has not been properly screened.
I do have another one, but, it remains hidden , however ,when I do find it ,I will let you know


From Texas:
“That dawg won’t hunt!”

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hey there captboat!
Could you explain the meaning of "That dawg won't hunt!" for us non-Texans? Seems like it could be really funny! and your contributions are always worthwhile.


hey there captboat!
Could you explain the meaning of "That dawg won't hunt!" for us non-Texans? Seems like it could be really funny! and your contributions are always worthwhile.

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I’m honored and flattered.
“That dawg won’t hunt” means your initial proposal is woefully inadequate, you didn’t bring your “A” game, you are obviously out of your league, or maybe you didn’t know you are now playing in the “big leagues”.
Chose one…hope this helps the non-Texans.
(btw, I am not an official Texan, even though I have lived here for a while)


I’m honored and flattered.
“That dawg won’t hunt” means your initial proposal is woefully inadequate, you didn’t bring your “A” game, you are obviously out of your league, or maybe you didn’t know you are now playing in the “big leagues”.
Chose one…hope this helps the non-Texans.
(btw, I am not an official Texan, even though I have lived here for a while)

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& @annewoodmayo - sometimes I wish we had a 🤣 button! I am a transplant to Texas, but my Grandad was from Iowa, so I have heard this my whole life!


& @annewoodmayo - sometimes I wish we had a 🤣 button! I am a transplant to Texas, but my Grandad was from Iowa, so I have heard this my whole life!

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Awesome 👍🏾


I’m honored and flattered.
“That dawg won’t hunt” means your initial proposal is woefully inadequate, you didn’t bring your “A” game, you are obviously out of your league, or maybe you didn’t know you are now playing in the “big leagues”.
Chose one…hope this helps the non-Texans.
(btw, I am not an official Texan, even though I have lived here for a while)

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"dawg won't hunt"
Very interesting!
Here in the Philly ex-burbs, that phrase might be interpreted as referring to a very liberal person, since our young people often refer to each other as "dawg."
Another sterling example of "a common people separated by a common language," I think.

Our local police "hunted" a young black bear that had strayed into our area with a glazed donut from Dunkin'. And it worked. Lured the poor little lost bear right into their trap. Haha They took him away to some forest away from the burbs.


Words from song:
“Who am I to deny what the LORD can do…anything is possible…YOU ARE MORE THAN ABLE”!!!


I’m honored and flattered.
“That dawg won’t hunt” means your initial proposal is woefully inadequate, you didn’t bring your “A” game, you are obviously out of your league, or maybe you didn’t know you are now playing in the “big leagues”.
Chose one…hope this helps the non-Texans.
(btw, I am not an official Texan, even though I have lived here for a while)

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From a "former Texan" (for a seminal 10 years, in Dallas):
Have you heard this one?...

"Slicker than deer guts on a door knob..."

(Has to be said quickly...! Kind of quirky, but works in some situations...meaning (as I understood it in the 90s...) "smmmoooooth...."

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