do healthy people have sticky sputum too if they nebulize?

Posted by healthybon @healthybon, Oct 15, 2023

Is it normal for everyone to have clear, thick, sticky sputum? If anyone should nebulize with saline, would they also cough it up? I would really like to know. Tks. Bon

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Help! I cannot bring up any sputum. None at all! How am I going to check the progress of the disease without a sputum sample?I’ll either be taking the antibiotics too long or not long enough. I nebulize and huff every day but no joy. A bronchoscopy will do it but that’s an extreme test for checking sputum. I produced a sample when I was very sick with MAC and pseudonymous but after 3 1/2 months on the Big 3 I’m dry. That’s good but I need to know how I am progressing. Would appreciate any ideas.

Mary Jane

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Hi Mary Jane,
I would like to share my short lived (one year) experience with you, in hopes maybe it will help you.
When I used the Aerobika by itself to nebulize the saline, it didn't give me a throat tickle that usually precedes coughing up sputum. I switched to using the ECLIPSE XL (google it). When I use this, I set it on the actuator mode (if you read the directions, you will understand what I mean by this). I also use the mouthpiece that has the hole on the underneath comes with it......., and the stream of steam and saline causes a stronger tickle in my throat, which in turn, encourages a good huff effect.
This is my experience......maybe you could try it. I do not connect the eclipse to the Aerobika. Some people do.
I use the Aerobika first......then use the Eclipse XL separately. I've been pretty successful getting up a decent amount of sputum every time. I hope this helps you.
I have noticed that some people on this blog are not successful in bringing up sputum. So you are not alone with that...but maybe it's worth a try to get the Eclipse...XL. They are not overly expensive...I use the Ombra machine. I really like it, it's well made and to me, more sturdy than other brands.
I sterilize the equipment (Never the Ombra or the tubing) in a baby bottle sterilizer that uses steam and then dries the items afterwards. I use a new tubing once a month.....and I leave the machine on for a few minutes, after nebulizing, and after removing the that any moisture in the tubing comes out and doesnt create built up molt and dirt).
The name of the sterilizer is BOLOLO BABY BOTTLE STERILIZER. It uses a small amount of water (I used bottled, distilled). I sterilize in the evening, that days items from two nebulizing sessions. It saves so much time, and the items are always nice and dry and sterilized. Sometimes I will run the dryer alone for 60 minutes, after the steam and drying session is over, just to make sure no residual moisture is left on the items. Bon


Hi Mary Jane,
I would like to share my short lived (one year) experience with you, in hopes maybe it will help you.
When I used the Aerobika by itself to nebulize the saline, it didn't give me a throat tickle that usually precedes coughing up sputum. I switched to using the ECLIPSE XL (google it). When I use this, I set it on the actuator mode (if you read the directions, you will understand what I mean by this). I also use the mouthpiece that has the hole on the underneath comes with it......., and the stream of steam and saline causes a stronger tickle in my throat, which in turn, encourages a good huff effect.
This is my experience......maybe you could try it. I do not connect the eclipse to the Aerobika. Some people do.
I use the Aerobika first......then use the Eclipse XL separately. I've been pretty successful getting up a decent amount of sputum every time. I hope this helps you.
I have noticed that some people on this blog are not successful in bringing up sputum. So you are not alone with that...but maybe it's worth a try to get the Eclipse...XL. They are not overly expensive...I use the Ombra machine. I really like it, it's well made and to me, more sturdy than other brands.
I sterilize the equipment (Never the Ombra or the tubing) in a baby bottle sterilizer that uses steam and then dries the items afterwards. I use a new tubing once a month.....and I leave the machine on for a few minutes, after nebulizing, and after removing the that any moisture in the tubing comes out and doesnt create built up molt and dirt).
The name of the sterilizer is BOLOLO BABY BOTTLE STERILIZER. It uses a small amount of water (I used bottled, distilled). I sterilize in the evening, that days items from two nebulizing sessions. It saves so much time, and the items are always nice and dry and sterilized. Sometimes I will run the dryer alone for 60 minutes, after the steam and drying session is over, just to make sure no residual moisture is left on the items. Bon

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I forgot to mention that I first soak the items I am steam cleaning in Dawn dishwashing loiquid, and hot water for at least 15 minutes..and then rinse thoroughly and shake the excess water off before placing the items in the baby bottle sterilizer!
this all sounds complicated, but trust's really very easy, and I'm very happy with this method.
If you have any questions, please let me know, I'm happy to help, just as others on this blog have helped me many many times.


I have started walking briskly for 20 minutes daily and it has lowered my bp and i hope is helping my lungs too......where the heck did we get this insidious lung thing anyway? it's so bazaar...never heard of it and I'm 73 years old..then suddenly, I have it. Go figure!
I neb religiously 2 x daily 7 percent matter what, I do it.......I'm lucky I get some up each time......I tried the antibiotics....couldn't handle the side effects. Do you take them?

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I exercise 3 to 4x per week and feel it is partially responsible for the reduction of symptoms (i.e. coughing). I do not and have not taken the antibiotics. I will only consider them only IF my symptoms become unmanageable. Thus far, thank goodness, I am doing well with good energy level, appetite and I keep a very positive attitude. I fear antibiotic side effects, especially the hearing loss. Three people I know have lost part of their hearing from antibiotics and that is enough for me to shy away. I am a musician and hearing is extremely important to me. I too, received this diagnosis late in life. My moto: It is not what happens to you, it is how you handle it.
I am glad to hear you are exercising. It sounds like you are taking good care of yourself.


Hi Mary Jane,
I would like to share my short lived (one year) experience with you, in hopes maybe it will help you.
When I used the Aerobika by itself to nebulize the saline, it didn't give me a throat tickle that usually precedes coughing up sputum. I switched to using the ECLIPSE XL (google it). When I use this, I set it on the actuator mode (if you read the directions, you will understand what I mean by this). I also use the mouthpiece that has the hole on the underneath comes with it......., and the stream of steam and saline causes a stronger tickle in my throat, which in turn, encourages a good huff effect.
This is my experience......maybe you could try it. I do not connect the eclipse to the Aerobika. Some people do.
I use the Aerobika first......then use the Eclipse XL separately. I've been pretty successful getting up a decent amount of sputum every time. I hope this helps you.
I have noticed that some people on this blog are not successful in bringing up sputum. So you are not alone with that...but maybe it's worth a try to get the Eclipse...XL. They are not overly expensive...I use the Ombra machine. I really like it, it's well made and to me, more sturdy than other brands.
I sterilize the equipment (Never the Ombra or the tubing) in a baby bottle sterilizer that uses steam and then dries the items afterwards. I use a new tubing once a month.....and I leave the machine on for a few minutes, after nebulizing, and after removing the that any moisture in the tubing comes out and doesnt create built up molt and dirt).
The name of the sterilizer is BOLOLO BABY BOTTLE STERILIZER. It uses a small amount of water (I used bottled, distilled). I sterilize in the evening, that days items from two nebulizing sessions. It saves so much time, and the items are always nice and dry and sterilized. Sometimes I will run the dryer alone for 60 minutes, after the steam and drying session is over, just to make sure no residual moisture is left on the items. Bon

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Thanks so much Bon. I have been reading about the Aeroeclipse XL . When I called the manufacturer they said I needed a prescription from my doctor. I sent him a message and am waiting to hear back. I’m interested that you do the Aerobika and nebulizing separately. Takes more time but if it increases my chances for success I’ll give it a try. Thanks for taking the time to try to help me.

Mary Jane


Thanks so much Bon. I have been reading about the Aeroeclipse XL . When I called the manufacturer they said I needed a prescription from my doctor. I sent him a message and am waiting to hear back. I’m interested that you do the Aerobika and nebulizing separately. Takes more time but if it increases my chances for success I’ll give it a try. Thanks for taking the time to try to help me.

Mary Jane

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Hi Mary Pleasure. I did not need a script for the Aeroeclipse XL......I think I got it straight from Amazon! I'll check


I don't really know about sputum production in those without broncheictasis in the original question. But, as a possibly relevant anecdote, I have a friend whose child has the genetic markers for cystic fibrosis. His entire childhood, he was treated for CF, including nebulizing daily with saline (and loads of other medicines). Because of advances in CF research, it's now been determined that the child does not have "active CF" - only the genetic markers. Or something like that! So, all medicine and such has been stopped successfully (a miracle for their family). I asked if he ever brought up sputum when he nebulized - for all those years - and he did not.


Thanks so much Bon. I have been reading about the Aeroeclipse XL . When I called the manufacturer they said I needed a prescription from my doctor. I sent him a message and am waiting to hear back. I’m interested that you do the Aerobika and nebulizing separately. Takes more time but if it increases my chances for success I’ll give it a try. Thanks for taking the time to try to help me.

Mary Jane

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hi maryjane- aeroeclipse you can buy it on line without prescription- I purchased it last week and have been using it -it is really helpful. i use it with aerobica and i started getting out some cleat gooy stuff- i also looked at that vibrapep device and may be i will buy it. honestly i would try anything to get some sputum for my sputum samples. so far whatever i bring to the lab they say contaminated with (epithalium ?) cells which means saliva. So yes buy aeroeclipse- worth about 20 dollars with shipment fee.


How is the vibraprep different than the Aerobika?


I have described the viscosity of this sputum we (MAC/Bronchiectasis folks) produce as “ the stuff that covers the bodies in the movie Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers, only inside our lungs!” I think someone here (Cayenne) was on the right track when they mentioned “our bodies immune response enveloping the invasive microorganisms with…“. I can’t completely remember these spcifics or where I saw the great medical presentation/symposium that explained this. But great question!

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