Anyone have discomfort or pain when tapering off prednisone?

Posted by monami @monami, Apr 7, 2022

I am currently on a 3 dose of prednisone. I have some shoulder discomfort that goes down my back on either side. The left side is worse than the right. Anyone else experience back issues? It tends to go away by 3 or 4 pm. Thanks to all! We will get over this thing!

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Let me send you a clip from Dadcue on this site. He is a true survivor and understands better than me. Most of my longer term experience comes from my wife who I am the caretaker.

Corticosteroids have the effect of suppressing the anterior portion of the Pituitary gland with resultant cessation/disruption of the Pituitary gland in secreting that hormone ACTH. ACTH is the hormone that communicates with the adrenal glands via a negative feedback loop in regulating the production of cortisol. Cortisol is a life essential hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Cortisol is necessary at a cellular level for every cell in the body for basic physiological functioning. Cortisol is also the body’s primary anti-inflammatory reagent.

Prednisone is never discontinued abruptly when (dosage of 5 mg or greater for 2 weeks or longer) for the reason of steroid induced Pituitary suppression. A slow and gradual taper is necessitated to ensure that the Pituitary gland can be coaxed back into function. Not all Pituitary glands are able to successfully “re-boot.” Some Pituitary glands will remain forever suppressed and at a physiological standstill. The longer the duration of continued use of prednisone the higher the risk of acquired secondary AI(Adrenal Insufficiency). Likewise, the higher the dose of prednisone over time the higher the risk of acquiring secondary AI.

Each step down titration in dose is done with the purpose of lowering the blood serum level of circulating cortisol to an uncomfortable level (eliciting symptoms of low cortisol - nausea, severe muscle/joint pain, diarrhea, low blood pressure, low appetite, chills/sweats). Each step down titration in dose is meant to coax the Pituitary gland to “awaken” from its suppressed/retired state. The longer you have been on prednisone would be a negative prognosticator for a successful Pituitary reboot. Most likely, you will need to remain on a replacement level of corticosteroid (hydrocortisone is preferred) for life. You will need to take daily medication to provide for corticosteroid normally produced by the adrenal glands.

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Thanks for info


If I understand you correctly your taking 4mg Dexamethasone(DEX)

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You should be very careful at 4mg. That's an equivalent of close to 24mg of Prednisone. Unless you have GCA. Might be reasons. About 1mg-2mg you will hit the taper wall. Good luck.


Yes I am also going through strange new pains in left arm as I taper off Prednisone and I have furiously been trying to research the cause.
I finally had X-ray done this week waiting for results but I suspect I will need MRI in order to see the muscle/tendons. . I did not do anything physical to cause this.
My gut tells me it’s a steroid damage side effect but I can’t find anything online confirming this.
It would be great if someone knew something about this
I am seeing a lot of similar posts from other steroid users.

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I developed a right frozen shoulder, as they call it, after I went off prednisone. It added to the stiffness as per the excellent overview of withdrawal by @tuckerp below. I read many posts about not tolerating pain and stiffness but I think you have to, as long as it is manageable and not at all debilitating like full on PMR, if you want to avoid permanent damage from the drug. Six months after I am still improving. My right shoulder has been getting more open and usable from Pilates and swimming. The stiffness is variable. Some days very good legs and other days stiff and vice versa for arms and shoulders. Never good together! But it is a slow improvement. The dreadful fatigue seems to have almost fully lifted so my body must be getting better. I have emerged with an intolerance of eggs though.


I developed a right frozen shoulder, as they call it, after I went off prednisone. It added to the stiffness as per the excellent overview of withdrawal by @tuckerp below. I read many posts about not tolerating pain and stiffness but I think you have to, as long as it is manageable and not at all debilitating like full on PMR, if you want to avoid permanent damage from the drug. Six months after I am still improving. My right shoulder has been getting more open and usable from Pilates and swimming. The stiffness is variable. Some days very good legs and other days stiff and vice versa for arms and shoulders. Never good together! But it is a slow improvement. The dreadful fatigue seems to have almost fully lifted so my body must be getting better. I have emerged with an intolerance of eggs though.

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Thank you. This provides hope. You are confirming my current plan to just push through this ‘mild’ shoulder pain as I am assuming it is not PMR and instead a side effect from steroids which I will either just have to live with or it may improve. In your case it sounds like it is improving. best to you!


Yes. I was originally at 60 mgs of Prednisone last September for possible GCA along with PMR. Test results came back less likely to have it so they immediately stated to taper me off the meds and now I'm down to 3 mgs. Unfortunately, some of my symptoms are returning:
Fatigue at times
Persistent cough and clearing of throat (a lot)
Out of Breath a few times which I haven't had since last September
Feeling that I cannot take in enough air almost like a gasp
Some inflammation again throughout my body - swelling in legs, arms, internally, etc. but nothing so drastic that would raise alarm. Just causes stiffness and pressure.
Pain in my shoulders and neck
(Dry Eyes and mouth which never went away)
Light Sensitivity sometimes
My blood work came back and my IGG4, Complement C3, and ACE levels are above the range (higher than they should be), but my Sedimentation Rate is right smack in the middle of the scale which is good; it was high before. I've been diagnosed with PMR, however, now I wonder if this could possibly be Schogren's or IGG4 disease, etc. I'm not the type of person to worry but I'm definitely questioning if this is PMR or if this is something else in addition to PMR. What are your thoughts? Also, my doctor wants to put me on Kevzara and I'll be seeing her next Wednesday. Anyone on that med let me know how you're doing with it!


If you're in pain, you shouldn't be tapering. The objective is not a relentless drive to zero prednisone though we'd all like to be off the stuff. The objective is to find the lowest dose where you get the same relief you initially got when you started prednisone. Your body dictates the taper, not an artificial schedule. We try to reduce slowly , but if the pain increases you've gone too low. Inflammation will just continue to accumulate and you'll have a flare. 12.5 may be too low for you right now. If you go back to where you last felt good, you can stabilize and then try again with a slower reduction.

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I couldn’t get below 7.5 continued to taper from 5 to 1 overv10 months then finally after almost 2 yrs stopped . My pelvic girdle issue resolved but still have pain myalgia, tendinitis, and arthralgia could just be adrenals slow to wake up . Trying Tylenol. Morning is the worst


Yes. I was originally at 60 mgs of Prednisone last September for possible GCA along with PMR. Test results came back less likely to have it so they immediately stated to taper me off the meds and now I'm down to 3 mgs. Unfortunately, some of my symptoms are returning:
Fatigue at times
Persistent cough and clearing of throat (a lot)
Out of Breath a few times which I haven't had since last September
Feeling that I cannot take in enough air almost like a gasp
Some inflammation again throughout my body - swelling in legs, arms, internally, etc. but nothing so drastic that would raise alarm. Just causes stiffness and pressure.
Pain in my shoulders and neck
(Dry Eyes and mouth which never went away)
Light Sensitivity sometimes
My blood work came back and my IGG4, Complement C3, and ACE levels are above the range (higher than they should be), but my Sedimentation Rate is right smack in the middle of the scale which is good; it was high before. I've been diagnosed with PMR, however, now I wonder if this could possibly be Schogren's or IGG4 disease, etc. I'm not the type of person to worry but I'm definitely questioning if this is PMR or if this is something else in addition to PMR. What are your thoughts? Also, my doctor wants to put me on Kevzara and I'll be seeing her next Wednesday. Anyone on that med let me know how you're doing with it!

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My dr. wants to put me on kevzara also. I asked about it the other day on this site and received no responses. I hope you get some answers.


I couldn’t get below 7.5 continued to taper from 5 to 1 overv10 months then finally after almost 2 yrs stopped . My pelvic girdle issue resolved but still have pain myalgia, tendinitis, and arthralgia could just be adrenals slow to wake up . Trying Tylenol. Morning is the worst

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Hi. What do you mean by after 2 years you stopped? Stopped what? Are you still on Prednisone?


I couldn’t get below 7.5 continued to taper from 5 to 1 overv10 months then finally after almost 2 yrs stopped . My pelvic girdle issue resolved but still have pain myalgia, tendinitis, and arthralgia could just be adrenals slow to wake up . Trying Tylenol. Morning is the worst

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I haven’t weighed in for a while. I am over a year with PMR and tapering slowly from 30mg at the start to 1mg per day now. So far I have been fortunate and not had any discomfort until recently. I have noticed some muscle/joint acing in my hip, but not even close to what I was experiencing with full on PMR. My layman’s research tells me that this is normal as my adrenal system is trying to right itself. I am wondering if this actually is normal and how long will I have joint “discomfort”? I am continuing to walk 3-4 miles 5 days a week, yoga 2x per week and personal training 2x per week, plus golf when I can fit it in. At 77 could some of my achiness also be due to aging 😩? This week I begin 1mg prednisone every other day for two weeks then discontinue the prednisone! Any info from my PMR tribe would be welcome. I will keep you posted on my progress, as it were. Carpe Diem, Liz Ward (PMR since February, 2023)


I haven't heard of dexamethason but I will google it. I know I have to get off prednisone because of my osteoporosis. I think my dr doesn't really care that I'm in pain. I will still keep taking my Tylenol arthritis and using a heating pad.

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I am interested in what u find out

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