Did PAXLOVID also relieve your arthritis and autoimmune symptoms?

Posted by annewoodmayo @annewoodmayo, Jul 15, 2023

Hi, everyone

I have been diagnosed with autoimmune diseases.
The diagnoses have changed over time (lupus, not lupus, spondyloarthropathy, akylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, Raynaud's, Sjorgren and maybe others that I have forgotten... sorry about the spelling).

When I took Paxlovid for Covid, many of my symptoms disappeared or were significantly reduced.

Has this happened to anyone else?

I'm thinking that perhaps my autoimmune disease is somehow based on a VIRUS, since paxlovid is an anti-viral and it was like a miracle cure for my symptoms.

I told my rheumatologist about it, but I couldn't get her to focus on the logical connection between the anti-viral (paxlovid) and the reduction in my symptoms. It was very frustrating. I actually cried in my car after the appointment.

I think this could be a game-changing piece of evidence in my medical treatment and diagnosis. And maybe for other autoimmune disease sufferers, too! But I don't know where to turn with this evidence.

What do you think I should do? What doctor should I go to?
My primary care doctor probably won't offer anything; he never intervenes in my rheumatological care.

Please let me know if you had the same experience: an anti-viral medication (paxlovid or another one) reduced your autoimmune/arthritis symptoms.

I searched around online, and it was hard to find and hard to understand information there. In the CDC's PubMed, I found one source that indicates the possibility that immune suppressing medications can reactivate the Epstein Barr virus in some patients. Epstein Barr causes fatigue, among other symptoms, but fatigue is one of my worst symptoms.


Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.


My wife and I took the ferry to boston, this was the first time out with other numerous people, to manual hall food
court with hundreds of others from around th e he world. 2 days later we came down with covid with also having 3 shots. I took plaxovid and all my covid and r.a. issues disappeared. Recently I had a r a fair up and wonder if I could take placovid again.

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Do you mean you’re having a flare-up of RA or Long COVID?

Most providers are pretty reluctant to prescribe Paxlovid “off label,” because it’s only indicated for acute COVID within 5 days of showing symptoms, but I suppose if you could find someone willing to prescribe it, then in theory you could? I’ve only heard of a scant few people in the Long COVID support group on Connect that have mentioned being able to obtain Paxlovid again and for a longer course.

I got selected to participate in the NIH Long COVID/Paxlovid clinical trial and honestly one of the reasons I checked to see if I could qualify is because I felt great on Paxlovid and am curious if it would help my inflammatory arthritis. But I also have a Long COVID diagnosis and of course I might get the placebo…


I have recently had a similar experience. I couldn't put weight on my right leg due to knee and hip pain. Once I was on paxlovid for 2 days I realized I was walking normally. Now that I'm off the pain is returning.


Yes I am currently taking Paxlovid for Covid and my arthritis pain and stiffness is gone. Feeling better than I have for some time ( apart from the current Covid symptoms which are improving) .

I also had Covid 2 years ago and took Paxlovid back then and noticed the same thing with the arthritis reduced.
It would be wonderful if some research could be done about this as it seems that this arthritis improvement has definitely been observed in some people and if there is some insight gained into relieving peoples arthritis overall that would be so welcomed.


I had first time Covid on June 1, 2024 and have been diagnosed with autoimmune issues. I was also diagnosed with arthritis in my knees, shoulders, feet and hip. For months now my left knee has been in pain and every night I would have to sleep with a pillow under my knee and put voltaren and/or bio-freeze on the knee. After being on Paxlovid 3 days, I no longer have knee pain. I mentioned this to my orthopedic at Mayo Clinic with no response. I agree that I must have had a viral infection in my knee and the Paxlovid helped. I don't have an appointment with my Rheumatologist until August. So you are no alone because it happened to me too.


I had a reactiontothe vovid 19 vaccine that cauaed neuropathy and I had covid 19. I also had a reaction to paxloviid and it did nothing for neuropathy


I have a type of dermatitis and I experienced IMMEDIATE AND DRASTIC improvement in my symptoms upon taking Paxlovid for covid. It lasted for around two years, my symptoms are gradually coming back this past year. I am searching without success for info on any clinical trial for my type of (relatively mild) dermatitis. Good luck to you!


I found your post because I was searching to see if anyone else noticed that their symptoms improved while taking Paxlovid. I am on my second day of taking it and I noticed that my joint pain and neuropathy actually feels better than I have in a long time. I wondered if taking an antiviral was actually treating the root cause of my autoimmune diseases. I have psoriatic arthritis, presumed sjogrens, and small fiber neuropathy. I am seronegative except for ANA of 1:320. I think an antiviral could be a potential key player.


Anne Wood - I am wondering if you are still monitoring your post re Paxlovid and autoimmune disease. I am on Paxlovid right now and amazingly the swelling and inflammation has gone down across my body, my mind is clearer. What happened to you after you stopped? Or anyone else?



I had the exact same experience as you - word for word. I found relief from all my health issues while taking Pax in 2021 during my first bout with Covid, and the same thing happened in 2024 during my second bout. I'm curious to know how your journey has been since then. Have you found any doctors or solutions or any answers? Thanks!


Anne Wood - I am wondering if you are still monitoring your post re Paxlovid and autoimmune disease. I am on Paxlovid right now and amazingly the swelling and inflammation has gone down across my body, my mind is clearer. What happened to you after you stopped? Or anyone else?

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Hi mitochondria! and anyone else who's reading!

The Paxlovid effect wore off.

I am too discouraged to monitor this thread closely. Lots of people are getting relief, but none of us can get any "official" help from doctors, organizations, or Pfizer. I guess relieving our pain won't make anyone enough money or fame to make it worth their while to pursue it.

Sorry to bring you down.
-Anne Wood

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