Did anyone with Long COVID, take Paxlovid ?

Posted by autumn1917 @autumn1917, Jul 8, 2023

Just wondering, if anyone with Long COVID took Paxlovid?

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Paxlovid was not widely available when I had active Covid. I wish I could have taken it then. I have been sick for almost two years now. I did manage to get a short dose (regular 5 day dosage) after having Long Covid for over a year. It did nothing for me. I also took Acyclovir for a few weeks because I already had some left from a shingles outbreak. I have read that some people do get help from anti-virals late in the game. It has not worked out for me OR, I didn’t have enough to continue long enough.
I am now with an Integrative doctor group, which does have therapies for LC. So far, none of the therapy has helped me. Discouraging to say the least!

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From what I know, There aren’t any treatments that have been proven effective for long covid- yet. There are medications to ease some symptoms. I take a pile of meds that enables me to have a semblance of a life…which was better than no life before the pills.
Trials are showing HIV antivirals may help.


Yeah me too. But the vitamins and supplements feel pretty weak against what we are fighting. I keep trying.
I’m now with an Integrative medical group that has some success with long Covid patients. So far my results are not dramatic.
I have often compared what we are going through to the Aids crisis. I just hope the treatments are available in time to help so many of us.


NAC two capsules before breakfast has antiviral properties and helps with inflammation. Nattokinase Seraptase helps with micro lots since there isn’t a test for that. I also take two of those on an empty stomach in the morning. They bring some relief of body aches I wake up with in the morning.

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