Depression help

Posted by dorma @dorma, Dec 14, 2023

My system will not tolerate anti-depressants, and I NEED them. Just wondering if anyone knows how I can help myself...? I get weepy and sad way too often; just feel empty inside.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Depression & Anxiety Support Group.

The First line of intervention for me for almost any health trouble is to go find if I am eating well (whole foods, not ultra processed) -- there is also gut matter from healthy people transplanted to depressed people to treat depression -- yes it has been done, proving how important simple changes can help us shed our depression and other mental health issues.

Next of course is physical activity, often a precursor to good sleep. Manage stresses in life, and if u r like me it has saved me therapies, pills/meds, surgeries, tests for an eight decades old life.

Let's start with what we can do right now, w/o $$. And yes close trusting connections do wonders for depression.


That's how my doctor felt also. I'm not ready to try it yet. Thanks.

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I tried 6 or more meds before I found the one that worked for me, and years later my psychiatrist added a second one to augment it when I was slowly becoming more depressed. Therapists have made a huge difference in my mental health. Some better than others, of course. I have had 2 psychiatric service dogs, who are also a key part of my support system. Having a supportive wife has been life saving. There are lots of things that contribute to our mental health, things that are useful to different people. The support here on Connect can be really helpful, as it has been for me. It's good to know we aren't alone.



My state has regulations on content of CBD products. So, it must have THC content if less than .3. Other states may vary.


The First line of intervention for me for almost any health trouble is to go find if I am eating well (whole foods, not ultra processed) -- there is also gut matter from healthy people transplanted to depressed people to treat depression -- yes it has been done, proving how important simple changes can help us shed our depression and other mental health issues.

Next of course is physical activity, often a precursor to good sleep. Manage stresses in life, and if u r like me it has saved me therapies, pills/meds, surgeries, tests for an eight decades old life.

Let's start with what we can do right now, w/o $$. And yes close trusting connections do wonders for depression.

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I am interested in the brain gut connection. I’ve struggled with IBSC for over a year. Under care of gastroenterologist. Just evaluated by neurologist. I’ve been doing everything I can to increase health….lost weight, tight healthy diet, supplements, work outs 5-6 days a week, talk therapy…..still fighting post covid syndrome, however I feel physically good, even with my multiple symptoms. Idk. Anxiety still a problem and I guess depression too. I score barely on that test, but moderate to severe on anxiety,


I am interested in the brain gut connection. I’ve struggled with IBSC for over a year. Under care of gastroenterologist. Just evaluated by neurologist. I’ve been doing everything I can to increase health….lost weight, tight healthy diet, supplements, work outs 5-6 days a week, talk therapy…..still fighting post covid syndrome, however I feel physically good, even with my multiple symptoms. Idk. Anxiety still a problem and I guess depression too. I score barely on that test, but moderate to severe on anxiety,

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This is helpful. There is definitely a brain-gut connection. Having been a Biology major in college, with an interest in the evolution of species, I can say I understand why there is a brain-gut connection in the evolutionary record: at one time the gut and (precursor to) the evolving brain were linked and part of one central tube. (Current science professionals welcomed to pitch in here!)

But I did want to ask how and where (&/or what kind of doctor, what kind of medical system) did you find that could actually test you? Recently trying - once again - to find legitimate, trustworthy and professional source/s for neurological testing, and have only been referred (unknowingly, apparently, by my therapist/LCSW and new PCP's nurse) to very unreliable and unprofessional places - businesses, really - that want a credit card up front, are - when you look into it further - NOT affiliated with the Better Business Bureau, have multiple seriously bad reviews about overcharging, not providing services, and pretty much being some kind of "mill-like" operation for processing people, and NOT really interested in a personal, confidential, professional approach to a serious, highly private subject.

If I can see about somehow visiting with a professional, a neurologist it seems, in an established reputable medical system, without opening a can of worms into "over-diagnosing" issues, then maybe I can at least set a baseline for ongoing care.

It's dehumanizing to talk with a telemarketer/nonprofessional about what kind of testing you want, and they end up saying you need to provide a credit card, Oh! come in first for a complete medical evaluation, and on and on.

Appreciate any help and direction you can provide from your experience.

Mayo Clinic Connect has been the most helpful partner on this journey that I have ever found. Worth a lot especially these days!


A few fleeting wonders a day keeps my troubles at bay...well I'd like to think so.

In a few days our earth will for those of us in the southern hemisphere the longest day and an opposite for those in the other half.
I wonder sometimes if the earth was not tilted some 23+1/2 degrees but just vertical (or horizontal) won't life on earth for Humans be a lot more same-o same-o...and therefore more depressing?

Even if our earth had a bit too much to drink -- from the wonders that abound all around us -- to stand upright, I'm thankful for its transgressions. Maybe it wants us to fill our hearts and thoughts with what's wonderful around us so that we'd have fewer hours to make life-on-earth miserable for ourselves (and other lives). In short: More Pleasure, Less Pain , less Depression.

P.S. BTW noticed the healthy plate from Harvard Health is half full with veggies and fruit and just a quarter with proteins (of hopefully plant-based)?


Get outside as much as possible the sunshine really helps sitting inside will depress you more feed the animals that makes you feel needed go for a walk


We have NO psychiatrist help in our area; not even an hour away. The "therapist" they sent me to would never get past my BMI! [body mass index] and my prescriptions; never! Needless to say, I stopped seeing her.


A few fleeting wonders a day keeps my troubles at bay...well I'd like to think so.

In a few days our earth will for those of us in the southern hemisphere the longest day and an opposite for those in the other half.
I wonder sometimes if the earth was not tilted some 23+1/2 degrees but just vertical (or horizontal) won't life on earth for Humans be a lot more same-o same-o...and therefore more depressing?

Even if our earth had a bit too much to drink -- from the wonders that abound all around us -- to stand upright, I'm thankful for its transgressions. Maybe it wants us to fill our hearts and thoughts with what's wonderful around us so that we'd have fewer hours to make life-on-earth miserable for ourselves (and other lives). In short: More Pleasure, Less Pain , less Depression.

P.S. BTW noticed the healthy plate from Harvard Health is half full with veggies and fruit and just a quarter with proteins (of hopefully plant-based)?

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Wow, sounds like you went to the same place I did. Lol. They didn’t ask for credit card, since my insurance covered everything and I had met my out of pocket max, so I paid zero for their services. I must say….I’m not sure what to make of my experience there, but it was bizarre.


I tried 6 or more meds before I found the one that worked for me, and years later my psychiatrist added a second one to augment it when I was slowly becoming more depressed. Therapists have made a huge difference in my mental health. Some better than others, of course. I have had 2 psychiatric service dogs, who are also a key part of my support system. Having a supportive wife has been life saving. There are lots of things that contribute to our mental health, things that are useful to different people. The support here on Connect can be really helpful, as it has been for me. It's good to know we aren't alone.


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Hello there, how did you get a psychiatric support dog?

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