Depression and Anxiety at an older age

Posted by pjss48 @pjss48, Sep 14, 2018

I am a 70 year old woman who has had depression and anxiety for a long time. It got worse 3 years ago when my husband lost one of his jobs. I panicked and my anxiety increased. I was afraid to do things. like driving. I have arthritis pretty bad and foot problems. I'm a Christian and my faith has helped me. My husband was a pastor and our church closed 3 months ago. We've had continual stress. Sometimes I don't know what to do with myself during the day. I've gotten help from several doctors, including a psychiatrist. I also have IBS. I am better. I'm taking trazadone duloxetine, remeron and xanax. Also on osteo biflex, probiotic , bentyl and celebrex. I want to get on Sam e but it may interact with one of my meds. Thanks for listening.

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I am 63 years old with depression, anxiety, panic and agoraphobia. I have had a difficult time finding a medicine or meds that help! This has been going on since 2007. The right combo of meds has not been found! I am miserable. It starts hard and fast as soon as I wake up as the day goes on it doesn’t let up until late afternoon and afternoon esp when my husband comes home! I have just changed therapists and go to see her after 1st of year. I pray we can find some relief for me! I can’t even drive myself places and appts. My husband takes me. I’d love to find a magic pill but know that is just not realistic! Thank you for this site where people can help each other. A blessing!


I am 63 years old with depression, anxiety, panic and agoraphobia. I have had a difficult time finding a medicine or meds that help! This has been going on since 2007. The right combo of meds has not been found! I am miserable. It starts hard and fast as soon as I wake up as the day goes on it doesn’t let up until late afternoon and afternoon esp when my husband comes home! I have just changed therapists and go to see her after 1st of year. I pray we can find some relief for me! I can’t even drive myself places and appts. My husband takes me. I’d love to find a magic pill but know that is just not realistic! Thank you for this site where people can help each other. A blessing!

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@csimpson55, I so empathize with you! I’m older also, and it’s tough feeling so miserable. My anxiety came out of the blue about 3 years ago. I’ve come to believe it’s been a cumulative lifetime of Type A personality, a few traumatic life experiences, and a dose of heredity. After trying to go “natural” in the treatment process, but with no success, I opted for quality of life and started on Escitalapram (Lexapro) - 10 mg. It’s reduced my feelings of nausea, nervousness and doom somewhat, but it’s certainly not a cure. My doctors are now looking into vagus nerve damage as the culprit, but who knows! I’m grateful to be going back to Mayo in March. If they shed any further light on this anxiety, I’ll pass it on in this forum. In the meantime, if you just want to “talk”, I’ve got a lousy vagus nerve but 2 healthy and sympathetic ears!


I am 63 years old with depression, anxiety, panic and agoraphobia. I have had a difficult time finding a medicine or meds that help! This has been going on since 2007. The right combo of meds has not been found! I am miserable. It starts hard and fast as soon as I wake up as the day goes on it doesn’t let up until late afternoon and afternoon esp when my husband comes home! I have just changed therapists and go to see her after 1st of year. I pray we can find some relief for me! I can’t even drive myself places and appts. My husband takes me. I’d love to find a magic pill but know that is just not realistic! Thank you for this site where people can help each other. A blessing!

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@csimpson55 I can. Only imagine how you must feel. I had terrible anxiety and depression when this illness first hit me. I even had to call for an ambulance once because I was sure I was having a heart attack! But a full workup by a cardiologist said it wasn’t a heart attack but anxiety. I’d never had such a thing before. It sure turned my life upside down! I’ve had to learn different techniques to control and prevent the attacks.
I wish you luck with your new therapist and hope you find good medicine. I’m glad you found this site and group—we’re all in the same boat of finding answers


Hi I read your response and I am curious as to what techniques you utilize to control and prevent attacks I have both OCD and a good deal of anxiety as well@@@


@herbnj well I’m not sure if these will help you, but try. One is to concentrate and slow my breathing because faster breathing will only make the situation worse. Then, while I’m doing that, I should look around and see 5 things I really like, then 4 things/people that I love, 3 sounds I enjoy, 2things I enjoy doing, and 1 person I really like being with. If I concentrate and do it right, I can banish anxious/panicked feelings. Another is the “ tapping method” by Nick Ortner. He has you tap yourself in a systematic way while you say “ I want to get rid of anxiety” with each tap. Then you do a round of tapping saying “ I deserve to get rid of anxiety “ , then “ I give myself permission to get rid of anxiety “, then “ I will get rid of .......”, and, finally, “ I am getting rid of anxiety “ it seems kind of silly, but it works for me. I’ve used it during an MRI and after I got bad news at the doctors. If you have a therapist, they can help you learn more. Google Nick Ortner to see if the website talks about the method I mentioned. Hope I’ve helped a little. Best of luck


I am 63 years old with depression, anxiety, panic and agoraphobia. I have had a difficult time finding a medicine or meds that help! This has been going on since 2007. The right combo of meds has not been found! I am miserable. It starts hard and fast as soon as I wake up as the day goes on it doesn’t let up until late afternoon and afternoon esp when my husband comes home! I have just changed therapists and go to see her after 1st of year. I pray we can find some relief for me! I can’t even drive myself places and appts. My husband takes me. I’d love to find a magic pill but know that is just not realistic! Thank you for this site where people can help each other. A blessing!

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@csimpson55 I think we all wish for that “magic” pill at times. Connect is a healthy place to be and share.


@Parus Hi I still have days that Im depressed over Christmas it was bad but everyone on here helped me get through it Im grateful for our connect family.I take St.John,s Wort for the downsies new word lol It has helped me but you need to check with your Dr to see if its going to interact with your meds . Im not depressed all the time so don't need med for it. Beautiful day here but chilly.

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@lioness St. John’s Wort does not help. Mine is cognitive and it oft takes me time to pull myself back out. I try to not go too deeply into that darkness. Just me. It does help to come here. I am thankful to be able to do some art. My grandson is my healthiest antidote.


@parus you have your beautiful grandkids remember them and activities you did with them

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@parus,@ginger @suecreader Yesterday I had a fibromyalgia flare nothing helped me but I discovered that while I got emails and answered them I forget about my pain for a little while so big thanks to everyone


@parus,@ginger @suecreader Yesterday I had a fibromyalgia flare nothing helped me but I discovered that while I got emails and answered them I forget about my pain for a little while so big thanks to everyone

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@lioness Been in one of those on my end too. Any idea what brought yours on? I have not a clue. Distractions help. Would that I could just sleep through it!! Rainy here today. Still playing around with the zentangle type drawing off and on. And you are surely welcome.


@parus,@ginger @suecreader Yesterday I had a fibromyalgia flare nothing helped me but I discovered that while I got emails and answered them I forget about my pain for a little while so big thanks to everyone

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@lioness Glad we could be a "shiny object" for you ;)) I wonder if it has to do with the weather and wind? Today I am headed towards a double dose of CBD due to my flare.

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