Depression and Anxiety at an older age

Posted by pjss48 @pjss48, Sep 14, 2018

I am a 70 year old woman who has had depression and anxiety for a long time. It got worse 3 years ago when my husband lost one of his jobs. I panicked and my anxiety increased. I was afraid to do things. like driving. I have arthritis pretty bad and foot problems. I'm a Christian and my faith has helped me. My husband was a pastor and our church closed 3 months ago. We've had continual stress. Sometimes I don't know what to do with myself during the day. I've gotten help from several doctors, including a psychiatrist. I also have IBS. I am better. I'm taking trazadone duloxetine, remeron and xanax. Also on osteo biflex, probiotic , bentyl and celebrex. I want to get on Sam e but it may interact with one of my meds. Thanks for listening.

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@parus I have learned that my chiropractor can do wonders for me. When I come home I am able to take a nap and feel so much better when I wake up. He uses a pro-adjuster and knows bout BMS.

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@lauren123 What is BMS??


@parus, BMS is burning mouth syndrome. Also known as atypical or classic trigeminal neuralgia. I have posted numerous explanations and experiences if you are interested.


I'm new too. I have depression and anxiety problems, as wrl as serious arthritis in my knees back and bone spur in my shoulder. It's frustrating to know what medicine is the best. Today I'm feeling like I don't have much reason for living, not knowing what to do. I haven't done much. I'm trying to work up to taking a shower.

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Boy do I get trying to work up to taking a shower. I’m trying to make myself get on the treadmill first. All I want to do is curl up in a ball and let the world go on without me. I’m so full of depression and anxiety.


Boy do I get trying to work up to taking a shower. I’m trying to make myself get on the treadmill first. All I want to do is curl up in a ball and let the world go on without me. I’m so full of depression and anxiety.

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I feel the same way. What seems to help me is having go get motivated for part time job or volunteering. I dont know if this helps


I feel the same way. What seems to help me is having go get motivated for part time job or volunteering. I dont know if this helps

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@pigletpmd Hi I've been there where you are with depression but I did beat it and you can too Don't let the uglies ruin and run your life get out , volunteer if you have a hobby get into it again allot of us on here do art this is something you can throw yourself into Get out doors if you are an outdoor person you can be a warrior over these uglies


@pigletpmd Hi I've been there where you are with depression but I did beat it and you can too Don't let the uglies ruin and run your life get out , volunteer if you have a hobby get into it again allot of us on here do art this is something you can throw yourself into Get out doors if you are an outdoor person you can be a warrior over these uglies

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Excellent suggestion Linda. It definitely helped me. Just being around other people is beneficial. Helping others is very rewarding. I volunteered at numerous places but for me the police department was the most rewarding.


Excellent suggestion Linda. It definitely helped me. Just being around other people is beneficial. Helping others is very rewarding. I volunteered at numerous places but for me the police department was the most rewarding.

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@jakedduck1 Glad my suggestion found it to be true for you.Where you in the dept?


@parus, BMS is burning mouth syndrome. Also known as atypical or classic trigeminal neuralgia. I have posted numerous explanations and experiences if you are interested.

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@lauren123 Thank you.


Hi, I am a 70 year old male, I have been struggling with OCD, Depression, and anxiety off and on for many years. The tough thing with my issues is that OCD and Depression seem to be like kissing cousins. they seem to have an effect on each other. I have seen quite a few CBT therapists as well as Psychiatrists. The meds I have been include Prozac, cymbalta, Zoloft, Paxil, and Xanax. I also suffer from various fears as well. It seems as I get older, these issues have become more intense at times.I would be curious if anyone has suffered from these 3 issues for a long time, and if anyone has found success from any specific treatment they have had Take Care.

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Hi, @herbnj - welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Sounds like you have dealt with your mental health conditions for a long time and tried a number of medications and other treatments.

You may be interested in reading through and participating in these threads related to some of the medications you've mentioned. I imagine you would have much to contribute from what you've learned along the way.

- On sertraline (Zoloft)

- On switching from paroxetine (Paxil) to venlafaxine (Effexor) from

- On being newly on alprazolam (Xanax)

I would think we have other members who have the trio of OCD, anxiety and depression, some of whom may have been dealing with them for a long time. I'd like to invite @swanie @stressedmesseddepressed @falconfly into this discussion, as they may be familiar with this combination of diagnoses. @gailb @mamacita may also have some thoughts for you.

You mentioned various fears that you've been experiencing, @herbnj. Will you share a bit more about what kinds of fears have been coming up?


Excellent suggestion Linda. It definitely helped me. Just being around other people is beneficial. Helping others is very rewarding. I volunteered at numerous places but for me the police department was the most rewarding.

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@jakedduck1 @lioness Volunteering in a situation that you enjoy can be so rewarding. It can be behind the scenes of in front. Alone or in a group. Results of your time evident right then, or later. Either one works to make you feel good and make a difference. In my volunteering over the years, I have done adult literacy, quilting or crocheting items, animal organizations, ham radio work, and law enforcement support.

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