Depression and Anxiety at an older age

Posted by pjss48 @pjss48, Sep 14, 2018

I am a 70 year old woman who has had depression and anxiety for a long time. It got worse 3 years ago when my husband lost one of his jobs. I panicked and my anxiety increased. I was afraid to do things. like driving. I have arthritis pretty bad and foot problems. I'm a Christian and my faith has helped me. My husband was a pastor and our church closed 3 months ago. We've had continual stress. Sometimes I don't know what to do with myself during the day. I've gotten help from several doctors, including a psychiatrist. I also have IBS. I am better. I'm taking trazadone duloxetine, remeron and xanax. Also on osteo biflex, probiotic , bentyl and celebrex. I want to get on Sam e but it may interact with one of my meds. Thanks for listening.

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@parus- why didn't they remove the leads? Too close to the vagus nerves?

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@merpreb It is wrapped around the left Vagus nerve. So yes it is close😉.


Good afternoon,
A Psychologist could probably help you as you continue your taper, if your feeling every cut you may want to cut your taper amount even more. May I ask how much you decrease your dose by?
Do you know the cause of your anxiety? This is important to know. You need to learn and acknowledge what is off in your life so you know what to fix. You mention losing weight. Do you ever miss meals? It’s important to eat regularly and not now and then to properly maintain your blood sugar. Low blood sugar alters mood.
You mention “I really do wish there was something that would lift my mood,” you May want to try some of these,
First, if you eat or drink things with caffeine in them you should stop, provided you believe in the Serotonin theory. Caffeine depletes Serotonin. If you use caffeine for a boost or energy you may want to replace it with L-Tryptophine (I think that is spelled right) 500-1,000mg
Also, some Serotonin rich foods are wild Salmon, eggs, cheese, poultry, dates, cottage cheese, nuts and seeds and beef. I believe it’s found in all protein containing foods.

1. 5-HTP 50-300 mg up to three times/day -- start at 50mg in the morning. Converts directly into serotonin. If you are taking too much, you will feel sleepy or have runny stools. Also usually helps with anxiety, although sometimes it can paradoxically cause anxiety. Must use with great caution if you're taking an anti-depressant.

2. St. John's Wort 300mg three times/day. If you don't feel better within a week, slowly increase your dose to a max of 600mg three times/day. May decrease the effectiveness of birth control pills.
WARNING, DONT TAKE IF USING ANTIDEPRESSANTS OR ANTICONVULSANTS, Make sure your doctor is aware of any supplements you take.

3. SAMe 200mg on an empty stomach twice/day. Increase your dose every two weeks to a maximum dose of 600mg twice daily. This can be a very effective antidepressant, but it can also be expensive. Side effects at higher doses include GI upset, nausea, agitation, and insomnia.

4. L-Theanine 100-600mg daily. Reduce if you feel sleepy. Found in green tea.

5. Fish oil (DHA/EPA) 1-3 g/day with food. Make sure it's good quality.

Best of luck to you.

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**Friendly Reminder**
Hi all,
I'd like to remind everyone on Connect's Community Guidelines:

The first guideline states:
1. Be careful about giving out medical advice. Sharing your own experience is fine, but don't tell other members what they should do.

It is fine to share medications, dosages and taper schedules that worked for you. However, keep in mind, that everyone is different. When reading about medications, supplements and dosages, always check with your doctor and/or pharmacist before taking a supplement or changing the dose of your medication.

Connect's disclaimer provides wise advice:
All information shared by members on the Mayo Clinic Connect, such as messages, images, advice, URLs, and any other material, is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your health. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the community.


@parus- why didn't they remove the leads? Too close to the vagus nerves?

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@merpreb One more thing about this lead around the vagus nerve. The surgeon removing it (also placed thus) told me he would not remove the leads as I would be back in 2 years begging to have it back in. Truth is it would be far too dangerous to do so as the tissue and muscle had already grown back in around the vagus nerve. No way I want that thing back in!!


parus- I do not blame you. So was it a panic attack?


@merpreb One more thing about this lead around the vagus nerve. The surgeon removing it (also placed thus) told me he would not remove the leads as I would be back in 2 years begging to have it back in. Truth is it would be far too dangerous to do so as the tissue and muscle had already grown back in around the vagus nerve. No way I want that thing back in!!

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@parus Good choice I wouldn't either


parus- I do not blame you. So was it a panic attack?

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@merpreb Yes it was a panic attack prior to going for MRI. I was getting ready to go. I got through the panic attack and realized I needed to speak with someone in radiology. It was not in my chart. They called back and said absolutely not and to never have one. My little bells knew something was not right. Thankful I listened. It was cancelled and I will be contacted with further instructions. I had not had a severe panic attack in quite a while. Thankful I called.


Parus- I should think so. Everyone should check their records carefully. There are a lot of people who have in put to your records. My husband has found numerous errors, dangerous one on his.


Parus- I should think so. Everyone should check their records carefully. There are a lot of people who have in put to your records. My husband has found numerous errors, dangerous one on his.

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@merpreb I have learned to be more proactive thanks to the encouragement from others here. I had PT this afternoon. She did gentle spine manipulation. I had heard of this. WOW felt wonderful. She said I will probably be sore tomorrow. 5 in the evening and I hear my bed calling.


@merpreb I have learned to be more proactive thanks to the encouragement from others here. I had PT this afternoon. She did gentle spine manipulation. I had heard of this. WOW felt wonderful. She said I will probably be sore tomorrow. 5 in the evening and I hear my bed calling.

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@parus I have learned that my chiropractor can do wonders for me. When I come home I am able to take a nap and feel so much better when I wake up. He uses a pro-adjuster and knows bout BMS.

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