Dementia diagnosis

Posted by rosy54 @rosy54, Jul 21, 2023

I’ve just been told I have moderate Dementia (only 69yrs )😢 I don’t know how to feel I’m devastated feeling I just got a death sentence!
How do you prepare yourself for a devastating disease ? I wish I never was told now it’s all I worry about

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Caregivers: Dementia Support Group.


Sending another hug Rosy but relish those hugs from family, and don’t be afraid to show your feelings. And definitely feel. In fact find a good place to scream.
Im wondering if you journal at all. Sometimes writing or drawing feelings can help.
And then take it one step at a time, one memory at a time and consider what you need now to live this new life.
Wish we could just sit and have a cup of tea.

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I’m still in disbelief I haven’t even spoke to dr yet, (end of this month)
For now I put it out of my mind and hope for better news. I still believe somewhat the white matter seen on brain mri could be due to chemotherapy I had. Those drugs were powerful and wondered if they are part of my memory lost

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