Buttock/tailbone pain, sitting or lying down - symptom of PMR?

Posted by pacarolyn @pacarolyn, Oct 4, 2021

Has anyone experienced buttock/tailbone pain when seated or lying down as a symptom of PMR? Also, has anyone had labs showing elevated LDL-Cholesteral or anemia that wasn't diagnosed prior to PMR onset?

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I am in remission from PMR since I stopped Prednisone in January 2021 but still have some buttock and tailbone pain and can’t sit on hard chairs. There may be an arthritis component but that and some residual leg weakness especially standing up suddenly are all that’s left.
I need no medications except for BP meds and apart from a few pounds I haven’t shifted yet I’m in great shape, much better at 75 than I could have imagined in the dark days of PMR.


Wondering if anyone goes to a chiropractor to help with joint and muscle pains. I have pmr and giant cell Arteritis, scoliosis, osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disorder.
I am in the beginning of treatments and I’m hoping as they improve my spine I will feel some relief because of pinched nerves and disc issues.
When My spine is in alignment then they will introduce exercise and different things to help my muscles in those areas develop. They’re doing more than just adjusting my back. It’s a whole program that goes through treatments, building strength and recovery. I’m hoping it helps.
I’ve also started to do chair yoga.

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I also have osteoarthritis etc from an accident. Do you have a recent MRI & X-ray. I think accupunture ,physical therapy, massage are all safer. Also there is spinal alignment centers approved for insurance. I think chiropractor could be risky if your neck is involved. Please check with your rheumatologist as this is just my opinion.


Happy Easter, Happy Spring! Happy, Happy everything!

I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend, however you choose to celebrate it. And give thanks that we are around to complain about our many "owies".


I am in remission from PMR since I stopped Prednisone in January 2021 but still have some buttock and tailbone pain and can’t sit on hard chairs. There may be an arthritis component but that and some residual leg weakness especially standing up suddenly are all that’s left.
I need no medications except for BP meds and apart from a few pounds I haven’t shifted yet I’m in great shape, much better at 75 than I could have imagined in the dark days of PMR.

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This might be the Piriformis/sciatic nerve causing your butt tail bone pain. An internet search gives a simple stretching exercise. Lying flat on your back, knees bent feet on floor,bring one ankle across knee and bring both knees into body. Google will give a better example !


Thank you so much that really makes sense - I’ll try it.


I also have osteoarthritis etc from an accident. Do you have a recent MRI & X-ray. I think accupunture ,physical therapy, massage are all safer. Also there is spinal alignment centers approved for insurance. I think chiropractor could be risky if your neck is involved. Please check with your rheumatologist as this is just my opinion.

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A chiropractor can help. If your chiropractor does not take or request an x-ray move on to another. I made the mistake of trusting mine to know what he was doing. Little did I know at the time I had pinched nerves from my L1 and L5, plus bulging discs from spinal disc disease. Coincidently creating sciatic nerve pain down my legs the same day I was diagnosed with PMR. Needless to say he was cracking my back against pinched nerves and pressing out bulging discs. I ended up sleeping upright in my recliner for 8 months. I could not lie down for over 1 hour at bed time. My rheumatologist ordered an MRI that discovered the pinched nerves . I then needed to see a Physiotherapist to repair the chiropractor damage.


I am in remission from PMR since I stopped Prednisone in January 2021 but still have some buttock and tailbone pain and can’t sit on hard chairs. There may be an arthritis component but that and some residual leg weakness especially standing up suddenly are all that’s left.
I need no medications except for BP meds and apart from a few pounds I haven’t shifted yet I’m in great shape, much better at 75 than I could have imagined in the dark days of PMR.

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Hi, Annie,
I'm fairly certain that some others (including myself) on this site have mentioned buttock and tailbone pain. On the very day I was diagnosed with PMR, the pain I had like that was so excruciating, I could hardly drive to the doctor's office. It went away with the prednisone, so you probably know what that means. It's probably PMR pain, and you might want to try a short term of pred and see if it helps. If it helps, well, guess what. You probably have PMR again. Not unusual, you know.


Hi, Annie,
I'm fairly certain that some others (including myself) on this site have mentioned buttock and tailbone pain. On the very day I was diagnosed with PMR, the pain I had like that was so excruciating, I could hardly drive to the doctor's office. It went away with the prednisone, so you probably know what that means. It's probably PMR pain, and you might want to try a short term of pred and see if it helps. If it helps, well, guess what. You probably have PMR again. Not unusual, you know.

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Thanks so much for your comment. I may have been misleading in my comments as the pain is tolerable and goes when I walk around. I have spoken about it before in previous discussions in the past few years. Like the decreasing muscle weakness, it’s a minor residue of full blown PMR and I can live with it. It is definitely not severe enough to take Prednisone again. I have no other symptoms and took a long time to recover from the side effects of Prednisone so would only take it for a full flare. Fingers crossed all the lifestyle measures I’ve put in place in my life since PMR, which came on after severe stress, are working so far. But as you know it is a stealthy foe so appreciate what you say.


Yes to all that pain, but no increase in any abnormal labs except for our PMR identifier CRP. I’m doing antiinflam diet & all the lipids went down. Oddly this diet is no sugars but significant healthy fats.


What will relieve the pain from sore tailbone?

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