Cross-tapering from Zoloft onto Lexapro

Posted by iamunwell @iamunwell, Aug 27, 2023

Wondering if anyone has done this particular cross-taper. I'm doing it now after a bunch of different meds have not worked for my anxiety. My body has been in fight or flight for over a year now. I wake up in a panic every single morning. My life is not worth living, but I can't leave my mother alone, so I stay just hoping to find something to help me. I am also on Clondine, Gabapentin, Mirtazapine and Ativan. Too many.
I am so tired and feel so sick.

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Hi. Oh that sounds so sad and painful. What kind of side effects are you experiencing coming off Zolloff onto lexapro ? I am paralyzed with fear too.

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I am experiencing more terrifying anxiety. My doc said it could be 'rebound anxiety' I just can't seem to get well no matter what I do. I would give everything to get better. I know you know.


I was in a similar situation eight months ago. I was on Mirtazapine and oxazepam after an operation gone wrong. I have suffered from OCD since I was 20 (1967) and have had constant anxiety, social phobia (although my job required public speaking) and bouts of dark depression. Before the operation, I was on no medication other than for reflux and thyroxine after having had my thyroid removed for cancer. I lost a lot of weight and and this upset my thyroxine levels, causing extreme anxiety and depression. My doctor was treating me with Zoloft and Clobazam but when I had to go into hospital they changed my medication to Mirtazapine and oxazepam. When I was discharged I endured months of despair, weakness and helplessness. I wanted to die. I thought no one could help me , not even God. I was wrong. He did help me and gave me hope. I have found that more than 15 mg Mirtazapine a day increased anxiety and agitation and also caused insomnia. I found tapering off the oxazepam according to the Ashton Manual was not too bad. But the Mirtazapine has been horrible. I am dropping the dose by 10% every fortnight (10% of the current dose) but if the withdrawal symptoms are severe, I continue on with that dose until it settles down, usually after a few days to a week. Mirtazapine withdrawal symptoms for me include intrusive thoughts (which makes my OCD go crazy) nausea, dizziness, anxiety and weird dreams. I am also on Sertraline (Zoloft) to help me with getting off the Mirtazapine. I expect that it will take another few months. I was really saddened to read your post . I am praying that God will help you as He helped me. Even though it seems impossible to you that you can ever come out of this, I believe that you will. God can change everything if you ask Him.

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I am very sorry to hear all that. Mental illness is horrible. Meds are frustrating. This is the worst thing I have ever had to deal with in my life. I can't even explain the feelings I get. And it's every day. I wake with crawling fear every day. I've just got to outlast my mother. Thank you for your words of encouragement.


I am experiencing more terrifying anxiety. My doc said it could be 'rebound anxiety' I just can't seem to get well no matter what I do. I would give everything to get better. I know you know.

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I am so very very sorry . No one understands, unless you are experiencing anxiety and depression. I feel awful for you . Are you doing any better ? I feel your pain . I don’t feel well at all but too scared to make any changes .


Thank you, but I now can only do the barest minimum to get by. I used to be really strong. I lived my whole life alone never having to ask for help from anyone. Now, I am paralyzed by fear. I am coming off of Zoloft and going onto Lexapro. Meds don't seem to work for me. I can take an Ativan or a Klonopin and really I'm no better. I'm on the Zoloft, Lexapro, Klonopin, Clonidine and Gabapentin. I just came off the Mirtazapine last night. I just somehow need to outlast my 77 year old mother. I know that you must be incredibly sad about your husband. Hugs to you.

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Wow! That's quite a combination of drugs your doctor prescribed. I take zoloft 100 mg. and in the process of tapering off clonazepam. I'm down to .25 - was taking 1mg to 1.5mg before bed because I have a had time sleeping. I am pretty used to the .25 now, it's been at least 6weeks. I took Lexapro once and could not take it. Was like speed to me, I couldn't relax. My new doctor let me know all the negative things clonazepam does to a person, especially as they get older. I am 67. Aside from the the side effects of tapering I am actually feeling much better.
I know it's difficult to live without the meds but IMO you are overloaded on meds. Please try and see a new doctor and ask to detox from a few. Read about your medications to learn more and be able to help yourself some. The best of luck to you on your journey.


I was in a similar situation eight months ago. I was on Mirtazapine and oxazepam after an operation gone wrong. I have suffered from OCD since I was 20 (1967) and have had constant anxiety, social phobia (although my job required public speaking) and bouts of dark depression. Before the operation, I was on no medication other than for reflux and thyroxine after having had my thyroid removed for cancer. I lost a lot of weight and and this upset my thyroxine levels, causing extreme anxiety and depression. My doctor was treating me with Zoloft and Clobazam but when I had to go into hospital they changed my medication to Mirtazapine and oxazepam. When I was discharged I endured months of despair, weakness and helplessness. I wanted to die. I thought no one could help me , not even God. I was wrong. He did help me and gave me hope. I have found that more than 15 mg Mirtazapine a day increased anxiety and agitation and also caused insomnia. I found tapering off the oxazepam according to the Ashton Manual was not too bad. But the Mirtazapine has been horrible. I am dropping the dose by 10% every fortnight (10% of the current dose) but if the withdrawal symptoms are severe, I continue on with that dose until it settles down, usually after a few days to a week. Mirtazapine withdrawal symptoms for me include intrusive thoughts (which makes my OCD go crazy) nausea, dizziness, anxiety and weird dreams. I am also on Sertraline (Zoloft) to help me with getting off the Mirtazapine. I expect that it will take another few months. I was really saddened to read your post . I am praying that God will help you as He helped me. Even though it seems impossible to you that you can ever come out of this, I believe that you will. God can change everything if you ask Him.

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I am so sorry . I don’t understand when your in the hospital, they can just change your medications. That is beyond awful!


Wow! That's quite a combination of drugs your doctor prescribed. I take zoloft 100 mg. and in the process of tapering off clonazepam. I'm down to .25 - was taking 1mg to 1.5mg before bed because I have a had time sleeping. I am pretty used to the .25 now, it's been at least 6weeks. I took Lexapro once and could not take it. Was like speed to me, I couldn't relax. My new doctor let me know all the negative things clonazepam does to a person, especially as they get older. I am 67. Aside from the the side effects of tapering I am actually feeling much better.
I know it's difficult to live without the meds but IMO you are overloaded on meds. Please try and see a new doctor and ask to detox from a few. Read about your medications to learn more and be able to help yourself some. The best of luck to you on your journey.

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There is a shortage of mental health care professionals where I live. Big time. I am only able to see residents at the hospital fresh out of school. Waiting lists are months long, and I could not find one psychiatrist that are accepting new patients. The resident that I am seeing says when I'm stabilized on the Lexapro, we can try tapering one of the others. This latest bout of anxiety has lasted a year and a half now. I am terrified. The only thing keeping me here is that I don't want to leave my mother alone. I'm all she has. After she is gone, it won't matter anymore. My life has been a waking nightmare. I'm not even being dramatic. I am 54,


I am so very very sorry . No one understands, unless you are experiencing anxiety and depression. I feel awful for you . Are you doing any better ? I feel your pain . I don’t feel well at all but too scared to make any changes .

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I've done better the last couple of afternoons but not by much. Right now, I am scrared to death, shaking and crying. Mental illness is a horrible thing. I know about not wanting to make any changes. I guess that my anxiety is so severe, I keep making changes because I don't know how much longer I can live like this.


I am so sorry . I don’t understand when your in the hospital, they can just change your medications. That is beyond awful!

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And I guess it's not even that they changed it, it was the speed with which they did it. I've read horror stories about coming off Paxil even slowly. I don't know that it's making things worse. Just wondering. How are you doing?

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