XALKORI (crizotinib)

Posted by 2onlow8 @2onlow8, Oct 19, 2019

I’m getting switched off of Keytruda and Alimta to targeted therapy Crizotinib. Does anyone have any experience with this? Side effects? Success/failure? I’m told I have few options available.

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I have a 2nd opinion oncologist at MD Anderson, Jacksonville, who has been very supportive of me and my local oncologist's suggestions over the past 2 years of my treatments. I'm awaiting results of a PT scan I had on Friday and he will also get those scan results so I'm sure we'll have a conversation this week.

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@2onlow8- This is good to hear. Please keep us updated! Keep safe.


You too -- as well as all of us with this horrible 'underlying condition'.


@2onlow8- Oh those are words none of us want to hear, "no further treatment suggestions". Do you think that you will seek more opinions?

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Very happy to report that last week’s PT scan showed remarkable improvements to my lungs after 3.5 months of Xalkori! But I am still very short of breath due to fluid build up and damage to my lungs. Thoracentisis being scheduled. So far so very very good 😷.

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