Cpap and getting better sleep: What's your experience?

Posted by steve1948 @steve1948, Feb 24, 2017

I was in the hospital for pneumonia and while I was getting a nebulizer treatment the therapist asked if I use a Cpap at home, at the time I didn't have one. Now mind you I was only sleeping for 2 hrs a night during my pneumonia bout (2 weeks) and the therapist asked if I were open to using a BPAP (what they call it in a hospital) it was a large machine and I said of course. Upon using it I still only slept for 2 hours but it was a very restful 2 hours of sleep and was welcomed. I told my Pulmonologist and got set up for a sleep study, and it is all history. I sleep more restful (have much less visits to the bathroom at night) and use it religiously. Medicare covered my testing and machine. After my test my doc told me I stopped breathing x amount of times a minute, and was restless (tossed and turned) an ungodly amount of time during my test. On the follow up test (with the Cpap) the number decreased significantly. My sister snores like a constant thunder storm and she went for a test and got her Cpap, and now she doesn't snore at all and tells me she sleeps much better.
There are two ways to use the machine, with a nostril mask (so to speak) and a full mask (you usually see on TV movies). The latter is what I use, I couldn't get use to the nostril application, and if you were to catch a cold, I don't know how well it would work, but I use the mask never the less. Hope this helps, and do read the instructions about your machine.

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Interesting you mentioned the white noise of a CPAP, @thankful. I was previously using a white nose machine at night primarily to block out my husband's snoring noises to try and get some sleep. When he started on the CPAP, I didn't need to use the white noise machine anymore, as the CPAP's low, steady noise sufficed.

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Believe it or not, my white noise is MRI machine sounds that I downloaded. Knocks me right out. Any low buzzing or raindrops and such keeps me awake.


Hi, all - just as a follow-up to previous discussions about my husband starting on a CPAP, one thing I'm finding is that the air he's exhaling while wearing it comes at me like a cold Arctic blast (much more air coming out in a stream than his usual exhale, and freezing cold). I have to turn to my other side away from it in bed or literally put some covers beside my face so it doesn't hit me. Brrr.

Wondering if anyone else found this with their CPAP usage? If so, is there anything that can be done about this? Setting change? Not using it correctly somehow?

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Additional comment, my sister's husband uses a BiPAP machine and she has never complained about the cold arctic air. Trust me when I say that she does not like her sleep disturbed and would have told both me and her husband immediately if it was a problem.


Has anyone had allergies and constantly sneezing, blowing nose or nose dripping like a faucet .. and started after using the cpap. I’ve always had allergies but this is beyond terrible. Because I’ve been allergic to band aids and all sorts of plastic and rubber type materials and thinking that all the tubing, mask and everything is made from one of these... what other option would there be?


Has anyone had allergies and constantly sneezing, blowing nose or nose dripping like a faucet .. and started after using the cpap. I’ve always had allergies but this is beyond terrible. Because I’ve been allergic to band aids and all sorts of plastic and rubber type materials and thinking that all the tubing, mask and everything is made from one of these... what other option would there be?

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Hello @dshep2001, Welcome to Connect. I'm wondering if you might be allergic to silicone. It does sound like it might be an allergy. Depending on the type of CPAP mask you have, you might want to try a cloth comfort cover that fits on the mask to keep it away from your skin. My sleep medicine PA first told me about them and I've been using them since shortly after I started using a CPAP. I have an AirFit F20 full face CPAP mask and use a comfort cover that I found online here:

Have you discussed your symptoms with your sleep medicine doctor?


I had an appt on Friday with the nurse practitioner and told her about as well as the allergies and let her know that I wasn’t for sure I could keep using it. Her response was to keep trying but never mentioned it could be silicone allergy at all. Told me I could contact the place I got my machine. I use the nasal pillows and Going to contact the place where I got my machine tomorrow and see what they have to say. I will definitely provide your input as well. I do thank you for your reply and just wondering if yours was just the breaking out from the mask or the sneezing and nose dripping and running as well.


I had an appt on Friday with the nurse practitioner and told her about as well as the allergies and let her know that I wasn’t for sure I could keep using it. Her response was to keep trying but never mentioned it could be silicone allergy at all. Told me I could contact the place I got my machine. I use the nasal pillows and Going to contact the place where I got my machine tomorrow and see what they have to say. I will definitely provide your input as well. I do thank you for your reply and just wondering if yours was just the breaking out from the mask or the sneezing and nose dripping and running as well.

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@dshep2001 I didn't have any allergies but did have the redness around where the mask was on the skin. I think it was due to the pressure and flapping against the skin for me. Don't give up on the CPAP if you have obstructive sleep apnea. The hardest thing for most people, myself included, is finding a mask that works best for you and it can be a challenge as others have mentioned. I tried 6 different masks before settling on the AirFit F20 but I'm still looking for one that might work better.

Here's some information that describes the symptoms you are having - "Unfortunately, this may cause nasal congestion and a runny nose. In some cases the dryness will cause irritation, burning and sneezing. These symptoms can ..."

- Here is a list of common complaints from CPAP users, do any of these sound familiar?:
- When things go wrong with PAP:

Do you use a humidifier with your CPAP?


I got a bipap but still snore a lot even with high settings also my it dries out my sinus but still am restless at night I have never gotten used to using it


Has anyone had allergies and constantly sneezing, blowing nose or nose dripping like a faucet .. and started after using the cpap. I’ve always had allergies but this is beyond terrible. Because I’ve been allergic to band aids and all sorts of plastic and rubber type materials and thinking that all the tubing, mask and everything is made from one of these... what other option would there be?

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I got the same problem I found out that my sinus dries out even with the humanity set wide open also you might try putting a filter on and try that


@dshep2001 I didn't have any allergies but did have the redness around where the mask was on the skin. I think it was due to the pressure and flapping against the skin for me. Don't give up on the CPAP if you have obstructive sleep apnea. The hardest thing for most people, myself included, is finding a mask that works best for you and it can be a challenge as others have mentioned. I tried 6 different masks before settling on the AirFit F20 but I'm still looking for one that might work better.

Here's some information that describes the symptoms you are having - "Unfortunately, this may cause nasal congestion and a runny nose. In some cases the dryness will cause irritation, burning and sneezing. These symptoms can ..."

- Here is a list of common complaints from CPAP users, do any of these sound familiar?:
- When things go wrong with PAP:

Do you use a humidifier with your CPAP?

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I got the same thing dry nose nasal congestion I found out for me I put a heating tubing on mine as there is enough cool air going through the tube in the winter time and I use a humidifier too , if you have sinus problems anyway you will have these problems so what I do is take conton swab and puta little salve in my nasal passages before I go to bed


I got the same thing dry nose nasal congestion I found out for me I put a heating tubing on mine as there is enough cool air going through the tube in the winter time and I use a humidifier too , if you have sinus problems anyway you will have these problems so what I do is take conton swab and puta little salve in my nasal passages before I go to bed

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@stolzy - I forgot to mention that but I do the same thing. I use a CPAP petroleum free moisturizer and I rub some on the inside of my nostrils about an hour before bedtime. The one I use has Aloe Vera and a nice smell and does keep my nose moist most of the night and helps me sleep better with my CPAP.

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