Cpap and getting better sleep: What's your experience?

Posted by steve1948 @steve1948, Feb 24, 2017

I was in the hospital for pneumonia and while I was getting a nebulizer treatment the therapist asked if I use a Cpap at home, at the time I didn't have one. Now mind you I was only sleeping for 2 hrs a night during my pneumonia bout (2 weeks) and the therapist asked if I were open to using a BPAP (what they call it in a hospital) it was a large machine and I said of course. Upon using it I still only slept for 2 hours but it was a very restful 2 hours of sleep and was welcomed. I told my Pulmonologist and got set up for a sleep study, and it is all history. I sleep more restful (have much less visits to the bathroom at night) and use it religiously. Medicare covered my testing and machine. After my test my doc told me I stopped breathing x amount of times a minute, and was restless (tossed and turned) an ungodly amount of time during my test. On the follow up test (with the Cpap) the number decreased significantly. My sister snores like a constant thunder storm and she went for a test and got her Cpap, and now she doesn't snore at all and tells me she sleeps much better.
There are two ways to use the machine, with a nostril mask (so to speak) and a full mask (you usually see on TV movies). The latter is what I use, I couldn't get use to the nostril application, and if you were to catch a cold, I don't know how well it would work, but I use the mask never the less. Hope this helps, and do read the instructions about your machine.

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@johnbishop That is great, John. Are you feeling more alert during the day?

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Not feeling it right now...but that may just be because I had a big bowl of chicken dumpling soup at the Old School House Cafe downtown. No room for sour cream raisin pie after the soup...kind of bummed out. ☺


Hey JB,

I'm not sure if you were looking for feedback or were just posting your situation.

The scale referred to is the AHI scale and measures like this:
Normal sleep: Fewer than 5 events per hour
Mild sleep apnea: 5 to 14 events per hour
Moderate sleep apnea: 15 to 29 events per hour
Severe sleep apnea: 30 or more events per hour

So your 52 is a big deal. Fifty two times an hour your breathing/oxygen saturation is disrupted, blasting adrenaline thru your system and putting your heart health at risk.

My diagnosis put me at a 60 and with a breathing pattern referred to as Cheyne-Stokes which complicates the issue. Between the two I developed an arrhythmia called PVCs that, based on my last two 72 hour monitors, average 32,000 a day... a deadly combination.

I share this because after less than 60 nights on my ASV machine (by Res-Med w/water chamber), my AHI average for the last 10 days has been 6. And equally important is that my daily PVC load has come down dramatically. I'll be on a monitor again in about 3 weeks and am confident it will show me closer to 5,000/day.

So, my message to you, John, is to take this seriously - know your mask will take a while for you to get used to using thru the night and your mask will periodically leak, but hang in there - use your machine diligently and you'll see improvements in your rest, energy and general health!

Best, John

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@thankful -- I like the F&P Simplus full face mask but not really keen on the head gear I got with it. The quick connect straps on the bottom are good and it has two that slide over the top connectors but you can't easily take it off and put it back on for the nightly trip to the biff. Maybe it just takes more practice. I do like the mask as the excess air goes through smaller holes above the nose and it's pretty diffused and quiet. I have a follow up appointment in the middle of September which I'm guessing is when they will download the data from the CPAP machine and tell me some new numbers to plug into it or maybe they will do it for me although it's not hard to do. I was going to ask if I could just email them the report so I don't have to cart the device to my appointment but I'm thinking that will not fly.

My device also has the heated air hose and water temp to reduce the condensation. I didn't like it so much the first night because our bedroom is in the basement and it's always cool. It may be nicer in the Winter though to breath the warmer air. I hope I don't have to find out until sometime in February ☺

In reply to @hopeful33250 "@johnbishop, Awwww" + (show)

Awwww is correct ☺♀ It's a guy overeating thing. Especially when he knows better.

In reply to @hopeful33250 "@johnbishop, Awwww" + (show)

Don't be too tough on yourself... your body is used to looking for its energy in food because you weren't getting reenergizing sleep. So you naturally pursued carbs for quick energy and comfort foods. That doesn't mean your off the hook... it's one of the 3 health pillars: Good sleep, good food and good exercise.

As your body heals itself at rest and your energy picks up, you r cravings will lessen and you'll have more power over them.


@johnbishop That is great, John. Are you feeling more alert during the day?

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@johnbishop Oh, to be able to eat dessert! I was a restaurant recently and the picture of the dessert special almost had me eating the picture. 😉


@menotpvcs Point well taken! Often food is the way we try to energize and/or calm ourselves. Proper rest, nutrition and exercise will accomplish these goals in a much healthier way. I appreciate your pointing that out, @menotpvcs


This week, @DrDonaLocke, director of the Mayo Clinic HABIT program in AZ posted a blog about:

The Importance of Treating Sleeping Apnea in MCI: Getting Started:

The article offers useful tips about adjusting to a CPAP machine. What tips would you add?


This week, @DrDonaLocke, director of the Mayo Clinic HABIT program in AZ posted a blog about:

The Importance of Treating Sleeping Apnea in MCI: Getting Started:

The article offers useful tips about adjusting to a CPAP machine. What tips would you add?

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Thanks @colleenyoung

I would love to see some comments here! Also just a heads up that the article above is just the first in a two-part series. Next week’s post is more about how to adjust when the issues are not just equipment related. Suggestions for things like feeling claustrophobic or having trouble taking it off at night without knowing if. So I hope part two may be helpful to this group as well!


Thank you for the post @colleenyoung. @DrDonaLocke I'm looking forward to part two of the series. I'm too new in the CPAP arena to add any tips but I can relate to the issues discussed in part one. I'm a mouth breather so needed a full face mask and did not like the mask from the overnight study nor the one I picked out to go with my CPAP machine - Dreamstation with ramp up and humidifier. After 7 days I started looking and found the Dreamware full face mask and loved it the first night but had issues with it also. My pressure was set for 8 to 18 with 4 for the 15 minute ramp up. Now the mask gets vibrating off my face when the pressure gets up so I tighten it more and it seems better but feels way too tight. I had thought the cushion might be too small - it was a medium with the medium frame and my other F&P Simplus was a large. I went to the medical store and was able to get the large cushion for the Dreamware full face mask and it seemed OK the first night but now I'm back to square one. I did find that the Sleep Medicine store turned off the resistance feature so I set it to X1 thinking it would help but it didn't seem to make a difference.

So, I'm planning to try and be more proactive and learn from my fellow CPAP Connect members. Hey, maybe now I can learn more than one new thing a day!

Sweet Dreams everyone...


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