COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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From the Community Director
For reliable and current, science-based evidence about COVID infection, COVID prevention guidelines, COVID vaccination and treatment of infection, as well as managing post-COVID recovery, please refer to the trusted Mayo Clinic sources:

- Mayo Clinic COVID-19 information:
- Mayo Clinic News Network: COVID-19
- Weekly podcasts with Dr. Gregory Poland posted every Tuesday:
- Post COVID Recovery

Mayo Clinic strongly recommends that you receive a COVID-19 vaccine when it's available to you. Mayo Clinic also recommends continued safety measures to slow the spread of the virus, such as:
- Wear a mask when in public
- Wash hand frequently
- Keep a physical distance of 6 feet

Get answers and facts to commonly asked questions about the COVID-19 vaccine

You'll find answers to questions, such as:
1. What are the benefits of getting a COVID-19 vaccine?
2. What COVID-19 vaccines have been authorized and how do they work?
3. What is the concern about the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine?
4. What are the symptoms of a blood clotting reaction to the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine?
5. Do the COVID-19 vaccines protect against the COVID-19 variants?
6. Can a COVID-19 vaccine give you COVID-19?
7. What are the possible side effects of a COVID-19 vaccine?
8. What are the signs of an allergic reaction to a COVID-19 vaccine?
9. Is it OK to take an over-the-counter pain medication before or after getting a COVID-19 vaccine?
10. What are the long-term side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines?
11. How are the COVID-19 vaccines being distributed?
12. Can I get a COVID-19 vaccine if I have a history of allergic reactions?
13. Can I get a COVID-19 vaccine if I have an existing health condition?
14. Can pregnant or breastfeeding women get the COVID-19 vaccine?
15. Is there anyone who should not get a COVID-19 vaccine?
16. Should I get the COVID-19 vaccine even if I've already had COVID-19?
17. Can I stop taking safety precautions after getting a COVID-19 vaccine?
18. Can I still get COVID-19 after I’m vaccinated?
19. What are the benefits of getting a COVID-19 vaccine?


How many believe the news in todays world? I don't! I won't take that vaccine, and now they say that anyone who gets vaccinated sheds or transmits that unvaccinated people who get near them can get it. Why isn't the news telling others about this?

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PLEASE! talk to your MD...get informed as you're position is dangerous for all.


How many believe the news in todays world? I don't! I won't take that vaccine, and now they say that anyone who gets vaccinated sheds or transmits that unvaccinated people who get near them can get it. Why isn't the news telling others about this?

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@dablues I am very careful with the information out there too. I have noticed even the popular evening news networks don’t report the same numbers. The spread is significant so what should we believe? I have also heard vaccinated people will have an effect on unvaccinated people. How can one make a decision for the vaccination when the facts are not fully known? I have not heard proof the vaccines prevent transmission. A physician claims because the vaccines don’t prevent transmission they can create a breeding ground for more virulent mutations. Isn’t herd immunity broken when a vaccinated person gets reinfected with covid? Seems like that is happening in India. Many got vaccinated but their cases are increasing? A physician made a point that herd immunity can never be reached because of all the mutations taking place. He theorized the vaccines could make things worse because mRNA sends a message for our bodies to build a specific spike protein which will become dominant in our immune system making other specific antibodies less abundant to help fight the new variants.
I went to the CDC website in mid April this year. All I saw were messages the vaccines were safe because the main after effects were sore arms, fever, and fatigue. There were no figures posted of how many complaints and their nature. I know many Mayo members claimed they reported their adverse events. It seems many reports are being dismissed saying the vaccines are not the cause for their ailments, all coincidental. Why no mention? Why don’t they post the numbers and be more honest? I would rather have the info with the numbers to decide for myself. It seems odd that all cases are coincidental. There have been reports of people who have died after vaccination but deemed coincidental and not the cause of the vaccines. There was one woman who died after getting a cerebral blood clot. Now there is a warning for that vaccine.
Some Mayo members agree the vaccines cause our immune system to go into overdrive. How do we know what the effects will be in the long run? I have heard a few doctors report possible problems because the vaccines break the blood/ brain barrier. I have seen some effects taking place with vaccinated family. I hope these medical predictions won’t come true. Time will tell.


Hello, thank you for starting this discussion - it has helped me a lot personally - I never had problems with Neuropathy or Eryhtromelalgia and after my first shot started to feel something and after the second it has developed full blown. Went to my primary care who is not interested aka overwhelmed and and a dermatologist who stated it could be EM or Neuropathy. The pain and discomfort are constant and my life is completely changed. I am in month 3 now of this debacle and I know some of you had it even longer. Is there any hope this will get better or are we stuck with this now? My life from "before" looks like paradise and I pray that a little will come back. What are your remedies to this? I can see a Neurologist in July - the good ones are all busy - I am in Houston - maybe there is something in this group that is also from the Houston area and give me some suggestions on who to contact? Mine is mainly in the feet and I have no real answer on how to make the pain go away other than cooling them - I used to walk 3 miles a day - Now I can't even leave the house - how do you handle your daily life? Sorry about the long "rant" but I am looking for ideas. Best wishes to you all

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To Revisl, I feel for you n all the rest. I use herbals n Xtra vitamin supplements to deal with th neuropathy. Mine is very severe but I follow neuropathy sites to get info
Evening primrose oil 1300 mg 3-4 / day, St. John’s wort 1-3 ea day , kava 700 mg 3 x / day. I also do some amino acids n high potency B complex. I also started looking at homeopathic add-ons because med changes sometimes don’t cover th pins n needles or some don’t cover th nerve pain itself. Voltaren gel n any numbing lotion /cream also helps.
I wish all of you luck because neuropathy is very underserved in our medical fields. My pain doctors are great but for me only very strong meds help n our gov. Has decided we don’t need them. It used to b we were judged on our own actions.


As my hands become number and number ,as with all of us, we continue to search for ways to cope with the changing conditions. Here is my most recent very personal discovery: Replace toilet paper with a BIDET. No need for toilet tissue and i have never felt so clean. Can be attached to existing toilet seat in less than an hour . Costs less than $100.. Available at Home Depot or most any other place that sells plumbing supplies.


@avmcbellar- You are correct, these vaccinations were all approved on an emergency basis to help stop the number of deaths caused by this deadly virus, and more of its variants. You might be very lucky and not get covid, but that's what it will be luck!. You also could be someone who gets COVID without any symptoms, but yet passes it on to others. You have chosen to take this route.

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Thank you @merpreb for your comments. I realize there are no guarantees but certainly we can take actions to minimize our risks. When it comes to vaccines I have heard the term a person has a better chance for getting struck by lightening than dying from the vaccine. That is silly to me. Would I increase my chances by living in the lightening capital of the world or by heading outdoors every time there is a thunderstorm? No, so my chances are slimmer by not getting vaccinated. Would I be mingling indoors with crowds to get the virus? No. Why would I be negligent? Maybe those that are more at risk for contracting the virus will consider the vaccines. To them the benefits would outweigh the risks. That is best for them with their reasoning. Everyone makes their decision based on their lifestyle. I am happy for the option.
As with the vaccines, do you have proof it stops the transmission of the virus? Unfortunately, I have not seen that yet. No mention of that on the evening news. They did report people can still be hospitalized and die from covid even if vaccinated although the numbers are lower to that of unvaccinated people. There is talk of another wave as we see it in India. People were vaccinated there starting in January.


Hi all,
This is a friendly reminder of the Community Guidelines ( and Terms of Use (

In particular, I'd like to quote guidelines 1, 2, 3, and 6.
1. Be careful about giving out medical advice
- Sharing your own experience is fine, but don't tell other members what they should do.

2. Remain respectful at all times.
- Exercise tolerance and respect toward other participants whose views may differ from your own. Disagreements are fine, but mutual respect is a must.
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- Personal attacks against members or health care providers are not acceptable. Such posts will be removed.

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- Avoid typing in ALL CAPS, as it is considered shouting.

6. Keep politics out of the community conversations.
Mayo Clinic Connect is a place to share about health experiences, to improve living with chronic conditions and health and wellbeing. Political discussions often divide us and do not build community or promote health and wellbeing.
- Don't post about politics, political viewpoints, political news stories.
- Political and/or divisive posts will be removed.

Also take note of the Medical Disclaimer
All information shared by members on the Mayo Clinic Connect, such as messages, images, advice, URLs, and any other material, is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your health. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the community.


Q: How can we stop the transmission of COVID-19 infection? Does the COVID-19 vaccine prevent or stop the transmission of the COVID-19 virus?

A: There are effective measures that we can all do to slow the transmission of COVID infection.
- When possible, get a COVID-19 vaccine.
- Avoid close contact (within about 6 feet, or 2 meters) with anyone who is sick or has symptoms.
- Keep distance between yourself and others (within about 6 feet, or 2 meters). This is especially important if you have a higher risk of serious illness. Keep in mind some people may have the COVID-19 virus and spread it to others, even if they don't have symptoms or don't know they have COVID-19.
- Avoid crowds and indoor places that have poor ventilation.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Cover your face with a cloth face mask in public spaces, such as the grocery store, where it's difficult to avoid close contact with others. -
- Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw away the used tissue.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Avoid sharing dishes, glasses, bedding and other household items if you're sick.
- Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, light switches, electronics and counters, daily.
- Stay home from work, school and public areas if you're sick, unless you're going to get medical care. Avoid public transportation, taxis and ride-sharing if you're sick.

New data from Mayo Clinic suggests mRNA COVID-19 vaccines prevent infection. The findings underscore the efficacy of messenger RNA vaccines for COVID-19 to significantly limit the spread of COVID-19 by people with no symptoms who may unknowingly spread the infection to others.

"We found that those patients without symptoms receiving at least one dose of the first authorized mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, Pfizer-BioNTech, 10 days or more prior to screening were 72% less likely to test positive," says Aaron Tande, M.D., a Mayo Clinic infectious diseases specialist and co-first author of the paper. "Those receiving two doses were 73% less likely, compared to the unvaccinated group."

After adjusting for a range of factors, researchers found an 80% risk reduction of testing positive for COVID-19 among those with two doses of a messenger RNA COVID-19 vaccine.

The study was based on patients receiving screening tests between Dec. 17, 2020, and Feb. 8 at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and Arizona and at Mayo Clinic Health System in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

References and further reading:
- Reducing infection from asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers?
- Herd immunity and COVID-19 (coronavirus): What you need to know

Please note that this discussion has veered away from its original topic of Neuropathy and the COVID-19 Vaccine. Let's return to the topic. Feel free to start a new topic if you wish to discuss other aspects of COVID, staying safe, vaccination or post-COVID recovery.

Keep in mind that information is continually evolving with COVID-19. When stating facts, please provide reputable links from health authorities such as Mayo Clinic, CDC, FDA, etc. so we can all learn and equip ourselves with information when discussing health issues with our medical providers.


Ok, Folks. I think it's time we all take a calm step back, take a deep, cleaning breath, do some mindful exercises, clear our minds of all the misinformation and some good information and perhaps begin again with clear thinking, from the beginning. This, if you will forgive my bluntness, is nuts!

We're all adults here, all of us have serious and sometimes life threatening illnesses, We are on this wonderful site for people to support one another, to offer understanding and kindness, perhaps even helpful suggestions based on FACTS WE EXPERIENCE IN OUR OWN LIVES...we also add links and research projects and studies with legitimate, based on current information and helpful to us individually and as a whole. This is why we're here and we all benefit greatly from this forum.

But, we don't benefit from accusations, from quoting mis-information from unconfirmed sources or even news sources....who, in our present world, are often no longer properly sourced or supported by more than personal or political bias. I am sick of it all. It's exhausting, folks. It's negative and we all agree that is most unhealthy for us all. We think and choose to let positive thoughts control our lives or we don't do so well with pain and illness and the pure junk this life and many people in it these days put out for our consumption.

We have brains in our own heads, some even use them. I suggest we all do that and think for ourselves. Ignore the news 'professional' who no longer provides professional, well-sourced, multi-sourced, pubic sources NOT anonymous, but factual w/o bias information. Ignore them all!

We are so blessed to have the ability in this electronic world to actually go to the original informational source....Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Boston, Mass so many really good, knowledgeable research centers to find the real deal. I don't even listen to the medical news and much other news anymore, as it's so often based on bias, is political, incorrect and just plain wrong.

I rely on myself and the research I do to address issues pertaining to me personally, to my body and my personal needs, to my body and my body's requirements to survive with some quality of life.

You know, we are extremely blessed to live in this country. To have the vaccines available, to have the free and democratic system we have. No one knows the truth...I don't know the truth....nor do you nor any other person on this site. Nor do the doctors or the researchers nor do the political groups and beaurocrats nor do the political leaders of any party ~ past or present or future. Truth is yet to be found.

We must get past all this nonsense! Make thoughtful, personal decisions for you own health. Share with kindness, love and hope for the best for others. We must stop the negative, frightening, damaging of others' health...mental and physical and emotional.

Ok? I hope whomever reads this receives it as it's meant. With love, in kindness, in pure frustration of more than 2 years of this madness and arguing. I understand all our frustrations. I had pretty bad reactions to the second shot. I have a bucket full of junk going on in my body. But, I decided without hesitation to take advantage of the best we have at this time. I pray I have antibodies to fight this virus. I know I am not and will not be contagious to others....for crying out loud, when am I ever out with others to be infected and give it to someone else.
That's changing, based on what I read and think and decide.


Blessings to you all and may your day improve as you read this and hopefully may you retake control of your life!


Ok, Folks. I think it's time we all take a calm step back, take a deep, cleaning breath, do some mindful exercises, clear our minds of all the misinformation and some good information and perhaps begin again with clear thinking, from the beginning. This, if you will forgive my bluntness, is nuts!

We're all adults here, all of us have serious and sometimes life threatening illnesses, We are on this wonderful site for people to support one another, to offer understanding and kindness, perhaps even helpful suggestions based on FACTS WE EXPERIENCE IN OUR OWN LIVES...we also add links and research projects and studies with legitimate, based on current information and helpful to us individually and as a whole. This is why we're here and we all benefit greatly from this forum.

But, we don't benefit from accusations, from quoting mis-information from unconfirmed sources or even news sources....who, in our present world, are often no longer properly sourced or supported by more than personal or political bias. I am sick of it all. It's exhausting, folks. It's negative and we all agree that is most unhealthy for us all. We think and choose to let positive thoughts control our lives or we don't do so well with pain and illness and the pure junk this life and many people in it these days put out for our consumption.

We have brains in our own heads, some even use them. I suggest we all do that and think for ourselves. Ignore the news 'professional' who no longer provides professional, well-sourced, multi-sourced, pubic sources NOT anonymous, but factual w/o bias information. Ignore them all!

We are so blessed to have the ability in this electronic world to actually go to the original informational source....Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Boston, Mass so many really good, knowledgeable research centers to find the real deal. I don't even listen to the medical news and much other news anymore, as it's so often based on bias, is political, incorrect and just plain wrong.

I rely on myself and the research I do to address issues pertaining to me personally, to my body and my personal needs, to my body and my body's requirements to survive with some quality of life.

You know, we are extremely blessed to live in this country. To have the vaccines available, to have the free and democratic system we have. No one knows the truth...I don't know the truth....nor do you nor any other person on this site. Nor do the doctors or the researchers nor do the political groups and beaurocrats nor do the political leaders of any party ~ past or present or future. Truth is yet to be found.

We must get past all this nonsense! Make thoughtful, personal decisions for you own health. Share with kindness, love and hope for the best for others. We must stop the negative, frightening, damaging of others' health...mental and physical and emotional.

Ok? I hope whomever reads this receives it as it's meant. With love, in kindness, in pure frustration of more than 2 years of this madness and arguing. I understand all our frustrations. I had pretty bad reactions to the second shot. I have a bucket full of junk going on in my body. But, I decided without hesitation to take advantage of the best we have at this time. I pray I have antibodies to fight this virus. I know I am not and will not be contagious to others....for crying out loud, when am I ever out with others to be infected and give it to someone else.
That's changing, based on what I read and think and decide.


Blessings to you all and may your day improve as you read this and hopefully may you retake control of your life!

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Please note: the above message sent a few minutes ago was before reading the message from Colleen Young.
Blessings to all. Elizabeth

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