Covid Recovery: How can I manage GI issues?

Posted by sieb369 @sieb369, Jan 3, 2022

It has been 5 weeks since my COVID symptoms began. I am well past the isolation date. I had nausea and diarrhea during COVID along with the usual symptoms of cough, fatigue, rapid heartbeat and sinus issues. I have felt like I was over this, but I began having GI pain in the last week. I feel as if my intestines are sore on the inside. I guess it is inflammation. Has anyone else had this and is there anything I can do to help it? Probiotics maybe?

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I am having long term diarrhea from covid. Any advise? This is terrible.

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Welcome @lacy459. I moved your message to this existing discussion where other members are talking about GI issues and long COVID including diarrhea:
– Covid Recovery: How can I manage GI issues?

I did this so you can read the past posts and connect easily with other members experiencing similar side effects.

@glennathill, do you take pre and probiotics supplements or try to eat things that prmote gut health like yogurt, kimchi, etc?


I am having long term diarrhea from covid. Any advise? This is terrible.

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Lacy, you may also be interested in this related discussion:
- COVID Diarrhea—will it ever stop?!:


Greetings, I had a breakthrough case of covid five months ago, all gastrointestinal symptoms. The symptoms still are recurring every few days. No gastrointestinal remedies seem to help: probiotics, prebiotics, Curing Pills, prevacid, all no help. Anyone having any success with gastro symptoms? Thank you!

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I'm a 53 year old female
Vagus nerve?
I quit all Pharma, alcohol, and am working on a back to basics lifestyle
Started this a year ago. My inflammation has improved substantially
Lymph drain massage, diet, excersize, sleep, balance, therapy, swimming, yoga, community, work. Prayer
New habits
Things that bring joy


I’ve been this way for six months now with bloating, occasional vomiting and loose stools. Bloating is the worst. My endocrine dr put me on FODMAP diet until I take a SIBO test. If positive I guess it’s antibiotics to kill bacteria overgrowth. But lately I ran into two people who said I need to take food grade diatomaceous earth powder. I looked it up and it looks amazing!! Look up on Amazon under Fossil Power food grade diatomaceous earth powder and read the reviews! I was floored! I am going to ask my dr. She’s very proactive! Good luck. Oh the FODMAP diet has helped with the bloat so we may have turned the page with gluten? I was sort of sensitive with it prior but tolerated it. Now, no way! But there’s lots of options. Diet is interesting. But not painful. A lot of veggies I thought were good for the gut CANT eat. Even fermented. But then you can add them back in one at a time to see how you react.
Good luck and I hope this helped.


I have bouts of diarrhea and periods of nausea since contracting CoVid in May 2022. I recently had an acute flare up of diverticulitis and now my PCP wants to say these symptoms are strictly due to the diverticulitis. He did, after much persuading on my part, agree to refer me to a Gastrointestinal Specialists, but I'm still waiting for the referral to contact me. Does Long CoVid exasperate conditions like Diverticulitis? I stopped taking Ibuprophen and Aspirin because I've read studies that show they can aggravate Diverticulitis. And Tylenol has never worked for me for pain relief or fever relief.


I got extremely sick the week after Covid diagnosis with vomiting and diarrhea. I didn’t eat for 10 days and ended up in ER’s 3 times for rehydration. The third time I was admitted overnight. I did consult a GI doctor and am having an endoscopy tomorrow. The pervasive problem I am having is very low magnesium. I’m taking large doses of magnesium supplement but it hasn’t helped yet. Has anyone experienced this?


I got extremely sick the week after Covid diagnosis with vomiting and diarrhea. I didn’t eat for 10 days and ended up in ER’s 3 times for rehydration. The third time I was admitted overnight. I did consult a GI doctor and am having an endoscopy tomorrow. The pervasive problem I am having is very low magnesium. I’m taking large doses of magnesium supplement but it hasn’t helped yet. Has anyone experienced this?

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Read all the comments on this subject as something may work. Two weeks of Xifaxan followed by Pepcid worked for me but you need to consult your GI MD. While taking Xifaxan, I was instructed not to eat or drink probiotic foods, nor for two weeks after theis antibiotic as it resets the flora in the gut. It is expensive, but worth it. I feel fine now.

I think my distress was caused by covid in late January because the problems started in early February.

Magnesium can cause loose stools. Famotidine (Pepsid) seems to relieve inflammation in the gut.


I got extremely sick the week after Covid diagnosis with vomiting and diarrhea. I didn’t eat for 10 days and ended up in ER’s 3 times for rehydration. The third time I was admitted overnight. I did consult a GI doctor and am having an endoscopy tomorrow. The pervasive problem I am having is very low magnesium. I’m taking large doses of magnesium supplement but it hasn’t helped yet. Has anyone experienced this?

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I have had and still have chronic diarrhea
This is new to me in this last year. Recently I have started my day with prayer, meditation, protein shake, and a half glass of warm spring water with a dissolved tsp of pink Himalayan salt.
Why or how, I don't know!
It is helping my bloaty, gassy, tumultuous gut.
I have a colonoscopy this month.


I have had severe acid reflux with bile since Covid in Nov.2021. Some of the over-the-counter antacids have ingredients which may negate prescription medications so I tried tums, to little effect.

Someone on this site recommended DGL ( a chewable tablet taken before meals) and aloe juice. I’ve not yet tried the aloe but have been using the DGL tablets and have a 90% improvement. The Natural Factors brand is palatable while reviews of other brands say the taste is so bad as to be unusable. Natural Factors has a slight licorice taste which I don’t object to and the relief is well worth it. I have been able to sleep without acidic regurgitation.

I suggest you do your own research and maybe give it a try. Good luck!

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