COVID-19 Coronavirus and Lung Health: What can you do?

Posted by Merry, Alumni Mentor @merpreb, Mar 1, 2020

Good morning- I have hesitated to post anything about this new and dangerous group of viruses because I am certainly not qualified to discuss any science. And certainly not about genetics and viruses. But I can discuss how we can lessen our fears, be as prepared as we can and very simply if we get it, what do we do?

First of all the COVID-19 is the name for many similar viruses. It's not just one. It is believed to have started by bat guana in Wuhan, China. Wuhan is the very large capital of Central China’s Hubei province. It is a commercial center divided by the Yangtze and Han rivers. This virus spread very quickly, perhaps like the flu. And because of travel. it is spreading throughout the world, and it is here in America. This is a group of very dangerous viruses has the potential to kill and has. Many of us with breathing problems must be very diligent to protect ourselves as much as we can.

You can help protect yourself by doing these things:

Keep your hands clean. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Cover your cough and sneezes to keep germs from spreading to others. Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces routinely. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Stay home when you are sick.

If you have these symptoms please see a doctor: Fever, Cough, Shortness of breath

I know that a lot of us have at least two of these symptoms already. So if your shortness of breath or your coughs become worse and you feel ill then it is time to seek medical help.

Here are several sites that have addressed the Coronavirus for more information.

If you know of anyone who is ill please stay away from them. Passing along the facts about this group of viruses is the best that you can do to help others avoid getting ill.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

Good morning- I've been trying to search for ways to keep us- AND from going crazy during this virus. I just ran across this:

I am watching too much Netflix and looking at news reports. What are the ways you are occupying your time with so that you don't feel so isolated?


Good morning- I've been trying to search for ways to keep us- AND from going crazy during this virus. I just ran across this:

I am watching too much Netflix and looking at news reports. What are the ways you are occupying your time with so that you don't feel so isolated?

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This might also be a great time to up our ante on building our immunity. What do you do?


This might also be a great time to up our ante on building our immunity. What do you do?

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Thanks for sharing Dr Amit Sood’s article @merpreb. Love his resilient option website


One thing that we have to keep in mind during this pandemic is our own health. I know that some Governors are declaring a curfew at night. This is to stop a lot of socialization that goes on during the dark hours of the day. But this and other suggestions do not prevent you from getting medical help for other reasons. I have canceled several doctor's appointments but I am switching to a new PCP in a couple of weeks and I plan on keeping this appointment. I haven't had bloodwork done in over a year! DO not ignore your health! It's one thing to protect yourself it's another to ignore taking care of yourself! You need to continue to be self-advocates! I'm off to the kitchen for another cup of coffee. Does anyone want to join me?


One thing that we have to keep in mind during this pandemic is our own health. I know that some Governors are declaring a curfew at night. This is to stop a lot of socialization that goes on during the dark hours of the day. But this and other suggestions do not prevent you from getting medical help for other reasons. I have canceled several doctor's appointments but I am switching to a new PCP in a couple of weeks and I plan on keeping this appointment. I haven't had bloodwork done in over a year! DO not ignore your health! It's one thing to protect yourself it's another to ignore taking care of yourself! You need to continue to be self-advocates! I'm off to the kitchen for another cup of coffee. Does anyone want to join me?

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@merpreb on my way! Decaf of course since this is my 3rd cup 🙂


@merpreb on my way! Decaf of course since this is my 3rd cup 🙂

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@johnbishop- I have mostly decaf too. My first one was getting too cold. It's nice and sunny today but cool. I have to get outside and see if the sun can rid me of my angst. What are you up to?


Many of us are cancer patients. Here are some great suggestions from the Mayo clinic's Hematology Department. When I was in treatment my blood counts were all over the place and took a few years to really straighten out. How are your blood count results?


@joelars, when citing numbers and information as you did in this post, it would be appreciated if you could quote your source and if possible provide a link to that source.
What article from the infectious disease doctor in the Toronto ER are you referring to?

Please provide citations.

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@colleenyoung thanks Colleen. The article was published on March 3rd (2020) The infectious disease specialist/ER doctor is Dr. Abdhu Sharkawy. I believe the paper is the Toronto Star, and I'm quoting the Dr's letter to the editor. If I was good at computers I would have posted it (I don't know how) . I'd appreciate it if you would. Realize, I only found that article yesterday and by accident-it was on a friend's facebook page.. Everything I said previously was based on statistics and articles from the CDC and the WHO, with a few exceptions. I also quoted the NY Times as I recall about the woman from Hunan who infected her American husband in Illinois and of the 200+ people the 2 came in contact with no one had the virus, that article appeared in most major papers.


Many of us are cancer patients. Here are some great suggestions from the Mayo clinic's Hematology Department. When I was in treatment my blood counts were all over the place and took a few years to really straighten out. How are your blood count results?

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Hi Merry! @merpreb -- my new SandDuneStepper arrived yesterday and I've given it a few 15 minute trial runs so far this morning for exercise. It's supposed to help with balance as well as being a good massage and exercise for your feet and legs. In theory it's like walking on the beach which I can no longer due since I'm landlocked here in Minnesota. Yeah...we've got some beaches but the sand is just not the same. That's the only thing I miss about my southern California roots. Supposedly it even helps for people with Parkinson's.


Hi Merry! @merpreb -- my new SandDuneStepper arrived yesterday and I've given it a few 15 minute trial runs so far this morning for exercise. It's supposed to help with balance as well as being a good massage and exercise for your feet and legs. In theory it's like walking on the beach which I can no longer due since I'm landlocked here in Minnesota. Yeah...we've got some beaches but the sand is just not the same. That's the only thing I miss about my southern California roots. Supposedly it even helps for people with Parkinson's.

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@johnbishop: I think that the beach isn't as challenging. How sore were your legs? It looks amazing. How are you keeping your mind occupied?

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