Could Paxil work again? Worked great for 25 years

Posted by rosa66 @rosa66, Apr 1, 2022

Worked great for 25 years. Depression crept in, psych took me off…8 months off a too rapid take and WD hell. Physically better but my mind is a terrible mess filled with rumination and despair. Cymbalta, remeron and Effexor have been recommended but am afraid after reading about them. At least I know about Paxil, had no side effects, good life.
Because it started to poop out does that mean it would never work again?

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What is your dose??? I’m so afraid

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I started at 20 mgs. and just recently dropped to 10 mgs. Some people find Prozac to be very effective . I’m still on a benzo taper, I don’t know if Prozac is really helping, which is why I went to 10 mgs. I’m not a fan of antidepressants. The only med that truly works for anxiety are benzodiazepines in my opinion.


Prozac is effective. I am also prescribed an anti-anxiety drug, and the two together have addressed my issues. I have no frame of reference for the status of neurotransmitters, but I would point you to a psychiatrist to assist you in sorting this out. Best wishes for a timely resolution.

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What anti-anxiety drug is working for e

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